Disclaimer: Don't own it.

A/N: We have finally reached the end of the story. This, as you can tell, is my final chapter or epilogue if you will. I have a big thank you to all my reviewers. Your reviews really helped me to stay motivated, even through the ups and downs of real life. I have some ideas for future stories, but as some of you might have noticed, I've already started another story in another fandom. So I won't be acting on those ideas until I'm almost finished with that one. And even then I might take a break from writing for a little while so I can concentrate on school and such. Anyways, thank you again for reading and I hope you like the conclusion and the story as a whole.


Will and Lizzie went through the next few months rebuilding their relationship and both of them making the effort to communicate more effectively. Since they both knew that was what got them in their pickle in the first place, they realized they needed to make sure they were very open about certain aspects of their life.

Ever since they had made that promise, their relationship had gone somewhat smoothly. There had been the rough patch here and there as they both learned to make adjustments in their life to accommodate their budding relationship. But they both also saw in the long run that this helped as well. Things weren't going to just fall into place and they were more than happy to work at making the relationship successful.

There was also one particular way in which their relationship improved, though they didn't necessarily plan on having it improve through this manner. A few days after they reconciled, they met up for lunch and had the following conversation:


"How are you Lizzie?" Will asked as he pulled the chair out for her.

"I'm much better now that I've had a chance to actually sleep!" she responded laughingly.

Will chuckled at her comment. They spent the next few minutes reviewing the menu and placing their orders, then sat in a semi-comfortable silence. Will eventually cleared his throat and said, "I know this might be a somewhat uncomfortable topic of conversation, but since we are just starting to date again, I thought it might be a good idea for us to talk about our boundaries."

Will held his breath as he waited for her to answer. "I agree," Lizzie said after a few moments silence. "I feel that us talking about it now will help us to avoid unneeded conflict in the future."

They then proceeded to talk about all the things they had never really mentioned earlier in their previous relationship. They also skirted around the sex issue until it couldn't possibly be avoided anymore.

"I know this could sound odd, but I think it might be a good idea if we abstain from that until our relationship is on more solid ground," Lizzie said in a rush.

Will was speechless for a second. When he noticed that Lizzie was getting uncomfortable with his silence, he quickly said, "I think that's a good idea too."

Lizzie kind of looked at him like she was expecting more, so he continued. "I was actually thinking of a way to tactfully bring this up because I think that may have been part of our previous problem. Not that it was a major contributor, but I think it muddied the waters a bit."

Lizzie nodded her head and said, "I'm glad you see it that way Will." She then reached across the table and gently squeezed his hand.

End Flashback

Since they weren't having sex, they found that things didn't seem to be so complicated. So while they may have wanted to start that part of their relationship again, they realized that it wasn't what they presently needed.

This brought them to the moment they were having now. It was now six months after their reconciliation. And Will had planned a very special night for the two of them. Lizzie was coming over for dinner, so Will gave Mrs. Reynolds the night off and he was cooking dinner. Or attempting to at least. He was pretty worried that it wouldn't work out well because he'd burned something or undercooked it.

But no mishaps had happened, so here he was waiting for the love of his life to arrive so he could spend the evening with her. A knock sounded on the door. Will opened the door and was speechless. Lizzie was standing in front of him in a red halter dress that was loose fitting, but very flattering on her figure.

After a few moments, Will finally managed to croak out, "You look lovely."

Lizzie nervously giggled as she made her way around him. Will shut the door behind her and followed her as she made her way into the living room. She paused a few steps in.

"What's this?" she asked him, looking over her shoulder at him.

"I wanted to do something special because we've been together six months and I've never been happier," he told her as he walked up and lightly kissed her on the neck and gently pushed her further into the room.

Will had gotten candles and placed them throughout the room giving it a romantic glow. He had also bought her favorite flowers, lilies, and placed them in vases in strategic places so the scent was released. In the center of it all was a table set for two with their dinner sitting on it.

"This looks amazing," Lizzie breathed as she pulled Will to her so she could hug and kiss him. "Thank you."

"Only the best for the love of my life."

Lizzie blushed and walked over to the table. Before she could pull her chair out, Will was there helping her sit down. He then made his way to the other side and sat down.

"Dinner is served."

They ate dinner in silence for a little while before Lizzie hesitantly said, "Will, there's something I've wanted to ask you, but I haven't really known how to bring it up."

"Whatever it is, ask. I have no secrets from you."

Lizzie waited a few seconds before she asked, "Whatever happened to Caroline and Charles?"

Will shifted a little uncomfortably in his seat. "My investigators tailed Caroline for almost a year before they had enough evidence to have her charged with child pornography."

Will glanced up when he heard Lizzie gasp. "I know. I kind of had the same reaction. But once they got all the information they needed, they turned it all over to the police, who were working with them because they had their suspicions as well and she was arrested. Right now she is awaiting trial, but she'll most likely be sentenced to jail time and be put on the known sex offenders list whenever it is that she gets out, it'll show up on any criminal record searches."

Lizzie couldn't believe it. "I always thought Caroline was a little messed up, but I didn't realize she was that bad!"

"While she's being held, they're doing some psychological testing to see if she has any disorders that would cause her to do this or any of the other things she's been talking about doing."

"What do you mean?"

"When the police searched her apartment, they found notebooks full of murder plans for you and Jane and with plans on how to snag me into marrying her."

Lizzie was speechless. "She wanted to murder me and Jane? Why?"

"Jane was dating Charles. You know how she felt about that relationship. Even when they broke up because of Caroline, she didn't like that Charles was still hung up on Jane. And she wanted to kill you because of me. You have me but she wants me."

After a few second pause Will continued, "Of course, what she didn't realize was that by killing you she would have devastated me completely that I wouldn't have even wanted to be alive without you much less in any kind of relationship with her!"

Lizzie smiled at Will and lightly squeezed his hand. "What about Charles?"

Will sighed. "That's difficult to answer really. Charles feels like a complete ass, as he should, about breaking up with Jane. I think it was round about the time you left for your tour, Charles was thinking about trying to contact Jane to at least apologize and see whether she would be willing to meet with him on a date, but I don't think he ever did."

"Why not?" Lizzie asked, slightly surprised to hear all this.

"Well, he knew he had hurt Jane pretty badly when they broke up and he didn't know how she would react to being contacted by him. And he saw that Richard and she were hanging around each other an awful lot. I don't think he really knows what to think about that, so he backed off."

They both sat in silence, their dinner completely forgotten by now. Lizzie took a few moments to collect herself and then said, "What a way to kill the mood, huh?"

Will smiled and said, "I know of a way to bring it back."

He got up and offered his hand to her. He then led her to the balcony where soft music was playing. After pulling Lizzie into his arms, they slowly started to dance. They swayed there for a few minutes before Will pulled back and tilted Lizzie's face up so he could see her eyes.

"Do you know how much you mean to me?"

Lizzie didn't answer and Will continued, "You mean more to me than you'll ever know."

The music then stopped and Will stopped dancing, causing Lizzie to stop as well. Will took a step back and looked at Lizzie. Lizzie started to feel mildly uncomfortable under his penetrating gaze.

Will licked his lips and nervously said, "I know that we haven't been back together that long, but that doesn't mean that I don't think this is right. Because I believe it's more right than anything else in my life."

Will backed up a step and dropped to one knee, causing Lizzie to gasp. "Like I said, we haven't been back together that long, but I have always known what I wanted…and that's you in my life for as long as I live."

He then pulled a velvet box out of his pocket and opened it, revealing a sparkling diamond ring. "Elizabeth Bennet, will you do the honor of becoming my wife?"

Lizzie didn't know what to say. Will started to look uncomfortable when she still hadn't said anything. Lizzie finally found her voice and said, "Yes Will, I will marry you!"

A huge smiled broke out across Will's face. He took the ring out of its box and slowly slid it onto Lizzie's finger, kissing her hand after it slid home. He then stood up and kissed her on the mouth.

"You have just made me the happiest man alive," he whispered in her ear.

Lizzie giggled and pulled him down for another kiss. This kiss quickly escalated into something a little more heated, causing Will to break away and breathlessly say, "I don't want to break our promise to each other."

Lizzie then quietly said, "Maybe I want you to break our promise because then I would also be breaking our promise…"

Will looked at her incredulously.

"You might want to close your mouth before a fly goes into it," Lizzie said teasingly.

"Are you sure?" Will asked, still unsure.

"I'm positive."

Will grinned from ear to ear. "What do you say we take this inside?"


The announcement of their engagement brought as much rapture to Lizzie's mother as she imagined it would. Luckily they told her family over the phone, so all they got was an incredibly loud scream and a few minutes of exclamations before her father was able to wrestle the phone from Mrs. Bennet's hands to talk to Lizzie. He told her she better be glad he was willing to put up with having to live with her mother's exuberant gushings until Lizzie comes to see them; nevertheless he was very happy for her and Will.

They told Richard and Georgie in person, in a crowded restaurant. While their congratulations weren't as effusive as Mrs. Bennet's, they were happy for them none the less. It was one of the few times Will had actually thought Georgie might make a scene in front of people how happy she was for the both of them.

Lizzie told Jane and as expected, Jane was very happy for her. She said she was jealous of the proposal because she didn't know if she'd ever have that happen to her, which caused Lizzie to question her.

"I thought I might achieve that with Charles, but apparently I was wrong. And then I thought I could get it with Richard, but it's obvious he's not looking to settle down and I don't see him in that way," Jane said as she sighed.

Lizzie smiled at Jane and squeezed her hand. "Don't worry Jane. You'll find your forever someday."

What Lizzie didn't say was she could find it with Charles if he ever got the guts to call and apologize for being such an ass to Jane on his sister's word and ask Jane out again. One thing Lizzie had learned from her break up and then reconciliation with Will is that you don't want to take advantage of what you have and if you get a second chance, embrace it.


The next year of Will and Lizzie's life flew by. The planning of their wedding took up most of their time and when they actually got married, they were ready for it to be over. Luckily, Lizzie didn't turn into a Bridezilla, though Mrs. Bennet turned into a Momzilla when she found out how low key they wanted their wedding to be. In the end, Mr. Bennet had a nice long talk with his wife about how it wasn't her wedding and she should be happy with whatever Lizzie chooses. Or that's what Mr. Bennet told Lizzie the conversation was about. She thinks that her father threatened to decrease her mother's spending allowance, but she'd never find out for sure.

Also happening during this year was the reunion of Jane and Charles. Jane didn't want to take him back in the beginning, but after he wouldn't leave her alone and seeing that Lizzie wasn't much help in getting him to stay away, she listened to what he had to say and agreed to give him a second chance, though she didn't forgive him right away. That came later in the relationship when they were visiting the Bennets and Mrs. Bennet wouldn't shut up about how disappointed she was in Lizzie for not having a more extravagant wedding. Charles slyly mentioned that all the big society people were finding out how important a smaller scale wedding was and that it was very in-fashion. That caused her to be quiet and prompted "The Talk" as Lizzie dubbed it.

When Lizzie and Darcy's wedding day rolled around, they were surprised to see Richard in attendance with Charlotte, Lizzie's best friend that had basically disappeared a year and a half before. It turns out they had met at a business meeting and immediately hit it off and started dating as soon as their conflict-of-interests period was over and the two had been a couple since.

Georgie was more than happy to welcome Lizzie into the family and Lizzie found herself another sister that she could talk to. I came in handy the first few months as Will and Lizzie went through the adjustments most newlyweds go through. Luckily enough, Will and Lizzie were able to quickly adjust to living with each other and were more than happy to announce that they would be having their first child around their first wedding anniversary.

George Wickham was still in prison and five years after being locked up, he died under "mysterious" circumstances. No one knows what really happened to Caroline while she served her prison sentence, but she was clearly not her usual self upon release when she had to be admitted to a mental institution, where she lived the rest of her days in a padded room.

So I guess it's safe to say everyone lived happily ever after (excluding George and Caroline) and life was good for the Darcy's.