Just Like a Porcelain Doll

Important note: all the interludes are apart of what's happening around the main fic. Anything not in Saïx's or Xemnas' POV are considered interludes. They happen around the main characters. Expect them to be short! There were examples of that in the last chapter like the scene with Vexen, Lexeaus and Zexion. They are quite important but you just have to read carefully.

Disclaimer: KH or KH2 is not mine. It belongs to Square Enix and Disney.


Chapter Five (Interlude)


Heavy panting echoed within the Hall of Empty Melodies. Fresh blood embellished the walls, standing out significantly in contrast with marble white. Movement had completely ceased and all was silent except for the heavy panting of three Nobodies. Tired and worn out completely, Xigbar, joining the fight shortly after it started, and Xaldin kept unwavering eyes on the Luna Diviner, awaiting his next move.

If he were able to make one.

He had been a tough opponent but due to lose of blood, his body finally gave out. He nearly took every blow without so much as flinching or recoiling. It was as if he was unaffected. But, Xaldin released an attack on Number VII that caught him completely off guard. Now he was nearly on the verge of death. Xaldin's spears had him pinned to the wall, piercing his body but not damaging any vital organs. At least, that's what the two Nobodies hoped.

"He's not dead… is he?" Xigbar asked, his breath coming out in heavy pants as he tried his best to stay on his feat.

Xaldin did not answer. Instead, he kept his eyes firmly on the Luna Diviner. He was still breathing, but slowly and in shallow breaths. Saïx was no longer able to fight. His blood continued to seep through the wounds and his crimson fluid decorated the walls and floors. Were it not for the fact that his blood was everywhere else besides inside him, he would continue to fight, probably destroying the two Nobodies. Saïx was a very tough adversary since he had gone berserk just as the battle started. Had it not been for Xigbar, Saïx would have undoubtedly ripped Xaldin to pieces… Of course, he was in the process of doing so.

Saïx's claymore was adorned with portions of flesh and blood, belonging to both Number II and III. Obviously, he was too blinded by anger and betrayal, and was on the verge of nearly killing his comrades. Odd, seeing as he couldn't feel. But then again, Xemnas always implied that Nobodies could feel both anger and hate. Nonetheless, Saïx was full of rage and could have easily killed off his higher-ups.

"Shouldn't we… unhook him?" Xigbar asked, his golden eyes on the lancer. He did not fail to notice how Number III's legs trembled slightly and how much sweat and blood covered his face.

"Would… if I could…" Xaldin replied lastly before falling back and hitting the ground, his legs finally giving out. He clutched the side of his abdomen where Saïx had completely taken out a chunk of his flesh with his claymore. The wound bled profusely, the only thing covering it now was his gloved hands. The mind numbing pain caused him to cringe as the rest of his wounds bled as well.

"Damn it…" Xigbar breathed before following suit, his own body falling forward and hitting the ground with a loud thump. He felt numb all over, the pain from his injuries too great to feel. He felt his consciousness slipping before he felt a sharp kick on his leg.

"Don't fall asleep," Xaldin ordered through gritted teeth from the pain. "Don't you dare close your eyes." Xigbar blinked in confusion for a moment before slowly nodding in understanding.

"So what… do we do now?" Xigbar asked slowly, completely out of energy.

"We wait…"

Xigbar only sighed, unsure if he could wait. His body might not let him.



"Something the matter, Demyx?"

Said blond looked up, aquamarine eyes blinked up to meet with emerald eyes. He frowned in annoyance as he turned over and faced the back of the couch he was currently lying on. Axel's ruby brows frowned and his lips pursed from being dismissed in such a way. He poked the blond on his side to get his attention but the boy only groaned and smacked his hand away.

"No, seriously, what's the matter with you?" the fire starter asked, disliking his friend's suddenly foul mood. Not that he always liked it. Axel always hated it when Demyx would take his nasty mood swings out on him.

Demyx didn't reply, only groaned in agitation before taking a white pillow from the couch and placing it over his head. Axel scoffed. "You know, you could just tell me what's wrong on I'll leave you alone."

The water boy didn't answer and kept his head under the pillow. An amused smirk played on Axel's lips before he walked over to the opposite side of the couch and jumped on it, lying down in a similar fashion as the blond and throwing his legs on top of the others. Demyx whined like a small child throwing a tantrum under the pillow as he tried to free his legs from under the red head however his movement only made it easier for Axel to tangle their legs together, their coats only helping his effort. Axel could only laugh when the blond cried in aggravation as he threw the marshmallow like cushion at the offending male, which he caught with little effort.

"Always making things so difficult," Axel commented as he placed the pillow behind his head and rested his head on it.

"Why don't leave me alone? Go bother you're little friend," Demyx said, voice full of irritation while glaring angrily at Axel.

"I would but… he's sleeping," Axel answered in a teasing tone, pointing over to Roxas who was napping soundly on an oversized armchair that stood adjacent from them. "I don't like to bother those who sleep."

"Yet bother those who are extremely pissed off," Demyx spat as he took another white pillow from behind him and used it to cover his angry face.

Axel smiled sympathetically at his friend, "It's not like I'm making it worse. I just want to know what made you so upset."

Before Demyx could tell him, Axel already knew the problem. "It's Xigbar, isn't it?" A muffled and miserable sigh came from the pillow. "What'd he do this time?"

"It's not even really him," Demyx sighed. "It's just…"

Axel kept his eyes on the boy lying opposite of him, "You had to find a reason to ruin a perfectly good day off."

"I can't explain it," Demyx huffed as he threw off the pillow, sitting up to look at Axel with a firm, unwavering expression. Axel did not fail to notice how serious the blond was. "Let's just say that I have this feeling in my gut. Like a horribly twisted knot in the pit of stomach. I know something's wrong."

"I don't think I get what you're trying to say," Axel said as he looked at his friend in puzzlement.

"Don't you think its weird how all our assignments were canceled and we were all given orders to stay in the castle and, by all means, stay on this floor?"

"So…" Axel began slowly, "you're saying that this is completely suspicious?"

"Don't you?" Demyx asked as his eyebrows frowned in concern. "Something's up. I can feel it."

"You mean… that nauseating feeling in your gut." Demyx nodded and Axel sighed.

"I don't know, man. I mean… haven't you noticed how the superior just called for his top five yesterday. Then suddenly today we were given orders to remain on the floor. And Saïx has been missing for, like, ever. Of course he's never around a lot but he's hasn't been seen for days. I've already been asked several times if I've seen him meaning he's gone missing somehow. And the other day he busted my sitar!"

Axel only eyed the blond oddly. "Maybe he grew tired of your nuisance?" he shrugged.

"Axel… for real. Don't you think it's kind of strange?"

Axel shook his head before moving so that he faced away from the musician. "Whatever happens upstairs is none of our business, hence why we have to stay down here."

"No, Axel, it is our business," Demyx protested, his face firm up again. "Those guys are up to something. Whatever they do affects us. We're all a part of the same organization. We have the right to know what's going on."

Axel could only sigh upon hearing Demyx's resolve. "Okay, you're totally right and I can't argue with that. But there's only so much we could do given the situation."

The musician huffed in frustration, flopping back down on the couch. "It's totally unfair."

"That's not even the real reason you're pissed off is it?" Axel questioned as he moved his body to lie on his side. "He didn't tell you everything, did he?"

Demyx groaned as he crossed his arms over his chest. "He came down this morning only to ask me if I'd seen Saïx again. After I answered him I asked him what was going on… and he didn't answer me. He told me to stay out of it." Axel didn't fail to notice the change in Demyx's mood. The blond's voice fell unusually soft and full of concern.

"You know… worrying about it won't accomplish anything. You should just forget about it. He'll tell you when he gets a chance," the ruby haired fire bender said reassuringly.

"It's just… weird. He always tells me what's up, especially when it concerns him. It scares me to know that he could probably be in danger or something," Demyx admitted softly.

"Xigbar? In danger?" Axel scoffed, "Come on, Demyx. This is Xigbar you're talking about. What danger could he possibly get in—

Axel was cut short by disturbing rumbling sounds emitting from the upper floors.

"…to?" Axel finished before the two Nobodies looked from each other to the ceiling with confused expressions.

"Axel…?" he questioned, looking at the pyro.

"Well… maybe something is wrong," Axel said while untangling his legs from the boy and moving to sit up before there was another rumble, this time significantly louder and forceful, shaking the room.

"What the hell?" came Roxas' groggy voice from the opposite couch, sitting up while rubbing his tired eyes.

Several more eruptions came from the upstairs area and Roxas' blinked a couple of times in confusion. He gave Axel a questioning look before speaking, "What the fuck is going on?"

"Don't know, but we're about to find out," Demyx answered, looking at the fire starter for approval.

"I guess we're heading up, you coming?" Axel asked at Roxas, opening a portal via upstairs, while pushing Demyx through it. Roxas, without hesitation nodded and quickly jumped off the couch, following behind the red head. But they didn't get too far since they tripped over Demyx's fallen body once stepping through the portal.

"Motherfucker…" Axel groaned as he peeled his face of the ground. He shrugged off his little blond friend who had landed safely on top of Axel's body.

"Dude, you can't just go around pushing people through the Darkness and shit…"Demyx whined while sitting up as well and rubbing the knot that was quickly forming on his forehead.

Roxas' sharp gasp alerted the two Nobodies and they looked up, their eyes growing wide when they fell upon the gore in the room.

"What the hell happened?" Axel breathed slowly in shock.

"Oh no…. Xigbar!" Demyx instantly stood up and ran up to the blood drenched body on the floor. "Xigbar!" he called again, kneeling beside said man's body and carefully flipping him over to lie on his back.

"Hey little dude," Xigbar began with a chuckle, let a small, yet weak, grin play on his face. "Took you long enough."

"Xig… what happened to you?" he whimpered, tears instantly welling up in his eyes. "You're hurt."

"They're just scratches. Nothing serious," Xigbar reassured, keeping the weak smile.

"Those are some pretty big scratches," Axel commented as he walked past the two Nobodies, standing over Xaldin. "Damn, what the hell were you guys doing?" He looked from Xaldin to Roxas, who remained unmoving from his spot. It was like he was in a trance, as if the sight before him had traumatized him. Axel called to him, alarming the teen and making him jump the slightest. He quickly made his way to Axel, also standing over Xaldin.

"You okay?" Axel questioned while giving the blond an odd look.

Roxas nodded, "just thinking… you know.

"Alright," he said, though unsure. "Help out Xaldin while I go check out the other one."

"No," Xaldin managed to say through gritted teeth. "Leave him."

Axel gave the whirlwind lancer an ugly look. "Excuse me?"

"Do not unhook him. Leave him as he is," Xaldin said firmly. Roxas immediately knelt beside the older man and moved the hand that gripped his left side tightly so that he was able to see the gruesome gash that still bled.

"Obviously they were fighting each other…" Roxas said more to himself as he observed the other wounds on Xaldin's body. "He's in bad shape, Axel," the blond said, looking up at the older male to see that he wasn't there but already over at Saïx's pinned body.

"Axel?" the key bearer questioned, watching his friend staring at Saïx. Axel reached for a lance that kept the berserker latched to the wall but quickly recoiled when he was angrily growled at.

"Do not… touch me…" Saïx snarled, his breathing in slow yet heavy pants. Emerald eyes were wide in both confusion and shock.

"Saïx?" Axel questioned slowly while stepping forward and reaching for the lance again, yet hesitantly.

"Axel! Do not release him!"

Axel, slightly startled, looked back at Xaldin who was now sitting up with Roxas' aid.

"Why the hell not?! He'll bleed to death!" the fire starter exclaimed.

"We can't risk it. If he has enough energy to speak then he has more than enough to fight again." Xigbar answered, sitting up as well in Demyx's arms.

As Axel began to protest, Xaldin beat him to the punch. "That's an order, No. Eight."

The pyro huffed in agitation before walking back to the injured Nobody, "So besides getting Vexen…" he sighed in annoyance.

"Tell Xemnas what's going on," Xigbar answered since he had a little more strength than his comrade.

"Roxas, you heard the man," Axel said as he knelt beside Xaldin. "Tell Xem what's up while we get these two to Vex's lab."



Zexion made his way to his superior's chambers post-haste. Actually, he only walked fast. His head was fogged with way too many things and he needed a moment to clear his mind. He was completely lost in thought. At times he would glance at the folder Vexen handed him, or occasionally he would glance through a window as he passed them. He couldn't help but feel worried. The problem that had simply been forgotten of for too long had come back to haunt them, with no solution in sight.


"Ow…" Zexion mumbled, rubbing his forehead. He looked up to see the door he had bumped into head first. Zexion stared at it the large double doors for a little while longer, lost in a moment of last thought before pushing them open. The young male swallowed thickly as stepped in and closed the doors behind him. His eyes fell on the Enigmatic Man almost instantly. He sat at his desk with papers strewn about. He was deeply absorbed in particular papers, flipping through them several times as though trying to find something he may have overlooked. He was so wrapped up in his work that he failed to notice his subordinate approaching. Only after clearing his throat did Zexion catch his attention. The older male quickly looked up with a surprised expression. He was slightly taken aback and instantly frowned at himself for being so unaware.

"Number Six," Xemnas acknowledged, reluctantly looking back at the paperwork once more. "Has Number Seven been found," he said, getting straight to the point.

"No, I haven't received any word from the others yet," Zexion replied with a deep sigh following after. There was a long pause afterwards. Only the sounds of flipping papers and the melancholy ticking of the clock on the far wall echoed in the white and grey room.

Xemnas sighed. "Is something the matter?" he questioned his voice monotone and cold, though it was something Zexion was, by now, used to.

"There is something important I must speak to you about," the nobody began. "And these are Vexen's lab studies and records on Saïx's amnesia and behavior."

Xemnas looked up and accepted the folder Zexion held out to him. After placing down the last thing he was reviewing, Xemnas sat back in his chair while opening the folder. As he looked through it, his expression changed to that of one of disturbance and worry. Zexion did not fail to notice the look on his superiors face.


Said man shook his head in disregard. He closed the folder and placed it on his desk and cleared his throat, changing the subject. "What is it that we must discuss, Number Six?"

Before Zexion could answer, the doors behind him slammed opened loudly. Running in was their youngest member.

"Number 13?" Xemnas questioned as he stood up from his seat. "What are you doing up here?"

"Superior, I'm sorry, for interrupting but…. Uh…" Roxas began to stumble over his words in nervousness as both his Superiors eyes and Zexion's were on him in agitation, though he was more intimidated by his superior of course.

"What is it, thirteen?" The Enigmatic Man said with eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.

"Honestly, I don't know, there was a battle involving Xigbar, Xaldin, and Saïx.


"Um, we heard the commotion from the lower levels so… we went to investigate."

"What is there condition now? Are they still in battle?" Xemnas asked eagerly. He couldn't help to suppress the rising anxiety. He wanted to know if his Luna Diviner was all right.

"No, the battle's over. But their badly injured," Roxas answered. "Demyx and Axel have taken Xigbar and Xaldin to Vexen."

"And what about Number VII?" Xemnas asked almost anxiously.

"Saïx is latched to a wall in the Hall of Empty Melodies. We were given orders by Xaldin to leave him as is unless you tell us otherwise."

Zexion looked back to his Superior with a worried expression. "Xemnas…"

Xemnas sighed while sitting back in his leather seat before speaking. "Number 13; quickly fetch Numbers 5, 10, and 11. Tell them to come to my chambers immediately. Afterwards, round up Numbers 8, 9, and 12 and wait in the meeting hall for further instructions."

Roxas nodded and hurriedly made his way out of the room to carry out his orders. As the doors closed, Xemnas let out a stressed filled sigh. He then looked back at his subordinate with tired eyes. "So what exactly did you want to speak to me about?"

Zexion hesitated to reply. He didn't want to bother Xemnas with anymore trouble. But… this was probably the most important predicament of all. "Xemnas…we have a bigger problem than Saïx to deal with."

"Excuse me?" Xemnas quirked a brow in question, not understand what the younger Nobody said.

"It's….him, sir. He's here in our world, in our city. I can recognize that stench anywhere; I have no doubt that it's him."

Xemnas blinked in confusion for moment as the information sank in, and then looked at Zexion with wide copper eyes. "Are you saying…?"



Angelic blue eyes looked up at dark fabricated clouds, despite the heavy downpour of empty rain. This world was simply beautiful. Nothing but darkness… pure darkness. Something that he loved dearly, something he just couldn't live without, something he quickly exchanged his already impure heart for.

Oh, how he loved the Darkness, which this world was created from. It was simply too beautiful for that fool Xehanort to rule.

Right… his name was no longer that. What was it again? Ansem? No… that was his foolish heartless proclaiming he was someone else. It was……. Xemnas! Right… the fool making anagrams and such. Did he really think he was that cool?

An amused chuckle echoed in the small alley the shadowy figure was currently walking through. Does he really think he could do as he pleases? Just take away another's life for his benefit? He must really think he's something.

The silhouette, with hands shoved into pockets of a black hoody, continued to walk through the dark alleyway until he ended up in the center of Memories Skyscraper. His light blue eyes, the only thing visible within the darkened hood, looked up at the tall building standing before him. Past that he was able to see the heart moon shining brightly, its radiance glowing through the poignant clouds.

Intriguing, he thought in puzzlement as he stared at the moon before those same eyes moved to stare at the white and grey castle of that world. He found exactly what he had been searching for.

"Finally," he huffed in relief, his shoulders falling. "Took me forever to find you," he added, pointing a finger to the castle as if speaking to it. A satisfied smirk crept to the stranger's lips as he made his way to his next destination. A few heartless appeared. Their bright yellow eyes were watching his every move yet they remained inert, almost hesitating. The unknown man ignored them, knowing they wouldn't dare attack him. All they could do was either watch or follow, which the man disregarded seeing as they weren't a threat to him. The only thing on his mind was the sole person he had been desperately searching for. He only hoped he'd be there in that castle.



Two dark vortexes opened at the end of the "Hall of Empty Melodies." The two Nobodies, No's X and XI, walked out, closing the portal behind them. Two pairs of blue eyes grew wide at the aftermath of the battle.

"Bloody hell, what were they doing?" Luxord let out.

Marluxia did not answer; instead he made his way to the Nobody still attached to the wall.

"Saix…" Marluxia gasped softly in shock. As the botanist reached for one of Xaldin's lances to pull out, Saïx spoke up. "Leave me," he began tiredly and completely drained of all energy. "Leave me here to die."

Marluxia gave Saïx an odd look, "Why?"

"I have… no reason to live. I no longer desire life," he replied honestly. His voice was cold and icy. "Let me die."

"Saïx, don't say things like that," Luxord said as he stood beside Marluxia.

"I already died on the inside. What difference would it make to let me live?" Saïx questioned in a whisper.

Neither Luxord nor Marluxia were able to answer that. Brushing those words off as best they could, both nobodies took hold of separate lances and quickly yanked them out of Saïx's arms. He gasped audibly before letting out a shaky breath. They discarded the weapons on the floor and continued to work on the others, receiving more gasps from Saïx.

"What… is he planning to do with me?" Saïx asked, breaking the tense silence in the room.

The gambler and botanist looked up at the berserker in puzzlement. "What?" the questioned almost simultaneously.

"Don't play coy with me," he growled. "What is he planning? What is he going to do to me?"

"We don't know. He didn't say…" Marluxia answered as before jumping back when the berserker snarled and took a swing at him with his now free arm.


"Saïx, we honestly don't know. Calm yourself." Luxord said, hesitating to pull out the last lance in Saïx's left side of his abdomen in fear of having the Luna Diviner attack them.

Before anything else was either said or done, Lexeaus stepped into the room through a vortex of darkness. Yet he held a mass of heavy chains in his arms. Saïx's eyes instantly grew wide and his pupils shrinking at the sight. It was as if time had stopped. Once his yellow eyes met with those chains, bloodcurdling memories of the past flooded his mind. He knew what he was getting into once again.

"No… No!" he began to panic.

"Saïx!" Both Marluxia and Luxord exclaimed as they took hold of Number Seven. He began to thrash about; trying to fight against their grip but this stress was pushing his body over the limit. He barely had any fight left in him and he also had that lance still stuck in him. His struggle opened the wound further cutting his flesh severely.

"No! I can't! I won't go back! I won't let you take me!" he cried.

Lexeaus swallowed hard as he quickly approached the panicking Nobody then hastily began attaching the shackles… starting with Saïx's collar.

"NO!" he nearly screamed desperately, almost pleading. Saïx continued to resist as much as his torn body would allow, but inevitably all the shackles and thick chaining were on.

"Unhook him and grab hold!" Lexeaus ordered the two. Luxord promptly detached the final spear in him as Marluxia released the berserker at the same time before the two immediately took hold of the chains. The Luna Diviner couldn't even go full berserk on them, considering he was drained of all energy. Nonetheless he continued to fight against them, refusing to give in and let him be taken away.

"I won't!! I won't!!" he exclaimed.

The Silent Hero opened a portal and began dragging Saïx through it, with Marluxia and Luxord helping as well. As the hole of Darkness closed, Saïx's panicked cries echoed in the Hall of Empty Melodies.


A/N: Here, The last chapter that left me to discontinue this fic... Though I will continue it. If enough people tell me to finish this story, I will.