-1Chapter 34- Redemption day

"GekkoState, this is the Super Izumo, do you copy?"

"Jurgens, this is the Gekko, Go ahead."

"Holland, are you prepared for what you have to do?"

"Yes we are. Eta should be about fifteen minutes. We engage as soon as we get there."

"Roger that."

"Hey, are you still going to try to do a trajectory flight and get Oratorio?"

"That's the plan so far. As long as you and the Xavier give us a distraction, we should make it with no problems."

"Alright then. Good luck Jurgens. This time, we'll be counting on you."

"Copy that commander. Izumo out."

"Gekko out."


"Talho, don't worry. We can do this. Alright, everyone to battle stations! Ken-goh, put us on def-con one!"

"Roger that. Safety locks have been disarmed. Ready to fire at any time!"

"Ok, Gidget, get everyone to their LFO's, including Avriana and Maurice!"


"I'm sorry Talho, but we need everyone out there that we can get. Have Nadia watch the children."

"Alright Holland. You guys be careful out there."

"We will. Ok, I'm heading out everyone. See you all at the end."

"Federation Omega Squadron, launch now!" yelled admiral Benson from the Xavier. Within just a few minutes, the skies were filled with Federation battleships and KLF, but most importantly were the three LFO's that were leading them- the Nirvash type zero, the Venturion, and most importantly, the Newhope.

"What is this?" yelled the captain of rebel ship Shadow. "The skies are completely covered with federation forces!"

"Calm down captain." the Admiral replied. "As long as we can hold them off for the next hour and a half, the earth will be ours once again."

"But admiral, we can't stand up against that kind of strength!"

"We're going to have to. Attention all ships, launch your KLF's now!"

"SIR! We have a problem!"

"What is it communications officer?"

"Those aren't normal KLF's that the federation is using!"


"They're the new models we ran into over the battle of Bellforest sir!"

"They are eh?"

"That's not the only thing sir."

"It isn't?"

"No sir. It appears the Nirvash type zero, and it's counterparts the Venturion and Newhope are with them sir."

"The three most powerful LFO's in the world? We didn't come prepared for that! Ageha squad, prepare to launch in one minute!"

"So the Nirvash and Venturion are back eh? We'll get them back for what they did the last time we faced them." their leader said over the radio. "Ageha, launch now!"

"Talho, five unknown KLF's have launched from one of the rebel fleet ships!" yelled Gidget.

"Who is it?"

"Confirming now." Woz replied. "Confirmation complete. It's the Ageha squad."

"Roger that. 909, this is the Gekko. Did you copy that?"

"Gekko, this is the 909. Copy that. Nirvash, you six ready?"

"Nirvash here, ready to go."

"Good. Don't get scared or freeze up on us now you guys. You know what we have to do to stop them."

"We won't Holland. Newhope, this is Nirvash. Are you two sure you want to do this?"

"Nirvash, this is the Newhope, yes, we're sure." Avriana replied. "This is our fight as much as it is yours."

"Alright then. Ten minutes to contact. Here we go."

"Hey Dominic, are you ok?" asked Anemone as they flew along.

"I'm scared out of my wits Anemone." he replied. "I can't believe you're out here like this with our kids."

"Don't worry Dominic, I'll be fine. This is one time where I'm going to prove those Ageha brats that they've messed with the wrong woman."

"Wow, talk about determination." he chuckled. "I wish I had that right now."

"Dominic, you have to believe in yourself."


"Yes, believe. Didn't being on the Gekko teach you anything?"

"What do you mean?"

"Idiot. You have to believe in yourself, your family, and your friends. You have to believe that no matter what happens, even if you're in an impossible situation, that you can make it possible to do anything you put your heart and courage into. Also, we have to believe in each other."

"Each other?"

"Yes, each other." as soon as she said that, Dominic looked at his wife and could tell by the look in her eyes that yes, they did have to believe in each other. As soon as he realized in his heart that she was right, their compact drive burst into an ever familiar bright green light.

"Venturion, what's going on?" asked Eureka worryingly.

"Don't worry, it's ok." they both replied together.

"Eureka, our compact drive!" yelled Renton

"What's happening? Newhope, what is your compact drive doing?"

"It's lit up like a Christmas tree mom! What's happening?"

"You have to believe in each other." said Anemone.

"Say what Venturion?"

"If we all believe in each other, our full powers will finally be revealed."

"I get it!" said Renton. "Everyone, concentrate your thoughts! As soon as we're all connected, we'll activate the Amita drive!"

"Renton, what's going on?!" asked Holland in the 909.

"We're ok Holland. Just have everyone stand back."

"Ok, if you say so. Everyone, back off! We're about to see some major action here!"

"Alright,everyone ready?" asked Renton.

"Let's do it." said Eureka with a warm smile. They then looked over at Maurice and Avriana who gave them a thumbs up indicating that they were ready.

"Ok, here we go." Everyone then closed their eyes and concentrated their minds together. Slowly but surely, they finally all connected as one. All you could here over the radios was one small chant.

"We believe. We believe in a future filled with love, hope, and caring. We believe in a world full of peace. We believe in a world where everyone can coexist. We believe in a world where we can become as ONE!"

"What is this!?"

"Is it another seventh swell?"

"What's going on?!" yelled the commander of the rebel fleet. "ENGAGE! ENGAGE THEM NOW! STOP THEM! WE CAN'T LET THEM DEFEAT US!"

"909, this is the Gekko! Have they?"

"Isn't is obvious? They've all become one with each other. They have all become one fighting force. This is our hope for the world."

"But how?"

"I'm not sure. EVERYONE, LOOK OUT! Here they come!"

"ROGER!" Talho yelled. "Doggie, evasive maneuvers!"

"FEDERATION FORCES FIRE!" Benson ordered from the Xavier. "Gekko, get ready to protect the Izumo!"

"Roger that Xavier! Get ready to fire defensive screens!"

"Defensive screens?"

"Yes. It'll give the Izumo a chance to hide before they fire their boosters and head towards Oratorio."

"Roger that."

"Talho, contact with Ageha in thirty seconds!" yelled Gidget.

"Nirvash, Venturion, Newhope, we need you to keep us covered! We need more time to get Izumo out of here!"

"We're on it!" Anemone replied. "Ok, now that we're all connected, let's see what these guys can really do!"

"Alright, let's do it!" Renton replied. "Sheilds up!"

"Ageha, fire now!" yelled their leader. As the five units began to glow an intense red, they had no idea their plan would backfire. As soon as they fired off their main weapon, it immediately hit what seemed like an invisible sheild. As the smoke in front of them began to clear, they all chuckled thinking they had taken out the three LFO's. "Ha, they were no challenge for us."

"Leader, we have a problem!"

"What is it?"

"I still indicate them on the radar!"

"WHAT?!" As they looked on, three sets of green colored eyes glared at them through the smoke, almost like evil demons watching for their pray. "But how?! That was our biggest attack!"

"They seemed to have formed some sort of sheild!"

"Impossible! Fire again with everything we've got!"

"Izumo, you ready?" asked Talho over the radio.


"Alright! Good luck you guys! On my count, fire the defensive screens!"

"Alright. Defensive screens ready! Fire at your mark!"

"Ok Ken-goh! In five, four, three, two, one, FIRE!"

"Izumo taking off!" Jurgens yelled as the screen developed. Within just a matter of moments, the Izumo was flying high and out of the atmosphere.

"Now it's up to them." said Holland in the 909. "Now let's show these rebels what they're up against!"

"Unknown ship has left the area!" said the radar specialist on one of the rebel ships.

"What are they up to? DAMMIT, is Oratorio covered?"

"Negative sir! We fire in ten minutes!"

"Well lets just hope they don't get to it in time."

"The LFO's are attacking!" yelled the leader. "FIRE ALREADY!"

"Maurice, are we?" asked Avriana.

"We have to. It's our only hope." he said as he aimed at the leaders unit. And with the pull of a trigger, Maurice did what he never wanted to do.

"Incoming laser fire!"

"FIRE NOW!" yelled the Ageha squads leader. As their main weapon fired once again, Maurices laser fire hit the leader head on, taking her out in a brilliant explosion.


"Good Job Maurice!" said Eureka.

"GEKKO'S BEEN HIT!" yelled Anemone.


"GO MOM!" yelled Maurice. "I'll take care of Ageha!"

"You sure?"


"Ok, we're off!"

"Ok Ageha, you mess with my home you mess with me!"

"MAYDAY MAYDAY! This is the GekkoState! We've been hit! Severe damage! We won't make it!"

"This is the Xavier! I'm sending a high speed craft! It should fit everyone aboard!"

"Roger that! Better hurry up on it! Doggie, try to hold it as steady as you can!"

"Roger that!"

"Firing lasers now!" yelled Ken-goh.


"Just trust me Talho. Give me one last shot."

"Ok. Give it all you've got! Just make sure it's on Ageha."

"That's exactly who I'm aiming for. FIRING NOW!"

"Maurice, get out of the way!" yelled Anemone. Maurice quickly looked behind him and saw the laser fire coming at him. Quickly he jammed his controls into a straight forward dive. Ageha could only sit and stare as the laser fire hit them head on, taking them all out in one shot.

"Good job Ken-goh! Everybody get to the emergency hatch! The lifeboard from the Xavier is here. Load up and go! This bird is about to blow!"

"Admiral Benson, we've got a problem sir!" yelled the communications officer.

"What is it?"

"Oratorio! It's firing!"

"Maurice, look!" said Avriana as she pointed to the sky.

"It's Oratorio! It's been fired!"

"What do we do?"

"We go in."

"What?! We'll be destroyed!"

"Not if we believe in each other."


"Avriana, do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me?"

"YES, more than anything."

"Then we can do this! We can stop it!"

"You're right. Come on Maurice, let's go!"

"Right! Newhope going in!"

"Gekko is down! Gekko is down!" yelled Anemone.

"What about the high speed craft?!" asked Renton.

"Hold on a second! Compact interference confirmed! They made it! They're heading back to the Xavier now!"

"Excellent. Hey, where's Maurice?"

"Renton, they're heading towards where Oratorio is firing!"

"What?! Maurice, get out of there!"

"I'm sorry dad, but it's our turn to shine and save the world! Just trust us!" he replied.


"AVRIANA!!!" yelled Nadia in horror from the windows of the high speed craft as she watched her daughter and Maurice dive into the line of fire.

Seven months later….

"I still wish you kids could explain how you did that." Renton chuckled.

"I wish we knew too dad." Maurice replied. "I guess it just took us believing that we could do anything together no matter what the situation was."

"You're starting to sound like me and your mother."

"Yes he is." Eureka replied gently. "But we had better hurry up. Hap and Nadias wedding starts soon."

"Good point. Come on kids. Let's get going."

"Ok dad!" they all replied.

"You look amazing mom!" said Avriana as they were finishing getting ready.

"Thank you dear. I can't believe it's actually happening. And I still can't believe you're here to share this day with us."

"Oh mom." she giggled.

"You look beautiful Nadia." said Talho.

"Thanks. You ladies look wonderful too. Thank you for being here today."

"Hey, we wouldn't miss it for the world." Hilda replied. "Hey, have you guys seen Renton, Eureka, and the kids yet?"

"No but they should be here shortly."

"Ok. Well, one hour before we begin. Any cold feet Nadia?"

"Don't bet on it." Nadia giggled. "That man is mine and mine alone."

"Well, now that's the sound of a confident woman."

"I agree." said Gidget.

"Hey, how is the baby coming along?" asked Talho.

"We're two months in! I'm so excited!"

"That's wonderful to hear Gidget. I'm happy for you two."

"Hey everyone we're here!" said Eureka as she walked into the ladies dressing room a little bit later.

"Hey hon." said Talho. "Where's Renton and the kids?"

"They're going to go sit down right now. Felicity has been a little fussy today."


"You look beautiful Nadia."

"Why thank you Eureka. You're looking nice too."

"So, what happens after this wedding? It's sad we no longer have the Gekko."

"Well, most of us are making our homes here in Bellforest." said Hilda. "That way we'll always be together. The only ones that won't be with us are Mischa and Stoner. They both went their own ways after that last battle."

"I see. Well, at least we all still have each other."

"That's right. And we wouldn't have it any other way."

"Thirty minutes ladies!" said Holland from the doorway.

"Thanks dear!" Talho yelled.

"We'll see you up front!" said Eureka. "I'm going to go join Renton and the kids."

"Alright. Thanks Eureka."

"No problem Nadia." she replied. Eureka then gave her a gentle smile and a quick hug before leaving to join her family.

"Hey Hap, you ready to go buddy?" asked Matthieu. "You're not going to chicken out are you?"

"Not on your life Matthieu." Hap chuckled. "This one's a keeper. Has the Thurston family made it yet?"

"Yes they have." Jobs replied. "They're sitting up front right now as we speak."

"Good. Everyones here then. How much time do we have left?"

"Ten minutes."

"Alright. Positions everyone!"

"Hey Renton, this reminds me of our wedding day." said Eureka with a warm smile.

"Yeah it does. And look what it gave us."


"A nice home, three wonderful kids, and the most beautiful baby girl I could ever ask for." Eureka just smiled and gave her husband a gentle kiss.

"Hey, knock it off you two." Anemone giggled. Anemone and Dominic had sat next to them with their two little baby girls, Sara Jo and Lisa Marie Sorrel, now at five months old.

"Oh sis." Eureka giggled. A few minutes later, the progression began. First up were Hilda and Matthieu, then Doggie and Gidget, Holland and Talho, and then Steve and Julia. Finally came the time that Hap had waited for. There, standing in the doorway of the church, stood Nadia, brother at her side walking her down the aisle with Avriana in front of them spreading rose petals on the floor. When Nadia reached the altar, John carefully handed her off to Hap to face the pastor. She smiled at her brother as to say thank you as she joined her soon to be husband.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I want to say thank you for joining us here on this beautiful summer day. We are gathered here today to join two loving people on their wedding day. May I ask now who gives this beautiful young lady away?"

"I do." said John. "I take our parents place since they aren't here with us."

"Thank you. I now ask that if anyone in this church has any reason at all why these two people shouldn't be joined in holy matrimony, please speak up now, or forever hold thy peace." The crowd sat silently as they waited almost impatiently for the pastor to continue. "Very well then. Marriage is a sacred word, one that you two have promised to never slander for the love you two have for each other is strong. May that love guide you through lifes adventures. Now, do you, Nadia Johansen, take this man, Hap Anderson, to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love and care for him for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer until death do you both part?"

"I do."

"Do you, Hap Anderson, take this woman, Nadia Johansen, to be your lawfully wedded wife. Do you promise to love and care for her for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you both part."

"I do."

"The rings please." Avriana then carefully handed the rings to the pastor. "Thank you dear. Nadia, please repeat after me. With this ring, I promise to love you, cherish you, honor you and be faithful to you until death do we part. And so with this ring, I be wed."

"With this ring, I promise to love you, cherish you, honor you and be faithful to until death do we part. And so with this ring, I be wed." she repeated as she slipped the ring on his finger.

"Hap, please repeat after me. With this ring, I promise to love you, cherish you, honor you and be faithful to you until death do we part. And so with this ring, I be wed."

"With this ring, I promise to love you, cherish you, honor you, and be faithful to you until death do we part. And so with this ring, I be wed." he repeated as he slipped her ring on her finger.

"Hap, Nadia, these rings symbolize the unity of two lovers. May that unity always be strong until your dying days. And so with the power vested in me by god and the city of Bellforest, I now proudly pronounce you man and wife. Hap, you may kiss your bride." Gently Hap raised Nadias veil and gave her a loving, passionate kiss. The two then turned to face their family and friends as the pastor said "Ladies and Gentleman, I proudly give you the new Mr. and Mrs. Hap Anderson!" The room exploded in applause as the wedding march music began and the procession left the room.

Later that evening at a local banquet hall, the reception for Hap and Nadia turned out to be an all out party in honor of them. Matthieu as always did the djing, and did a great job at that. Hap and Nadias dance to everyone was the best part of the night. Seeing the two so happy and in love even after everything that happened to them and Avriana was the most enjoyable thing to see. You could tell by the way they looked that they were happy to be an actual family.

"Hey Hap, have I ever told you how much I love you?" said Nadia as they sat at the main table.

"No you haven't Mrs.Anderson. How much do you love me?" Nadia just gave him a warm smile and a passionate kiss before saying "That much."

"Hey, I like that." he replied gently. Just then Avriana got in between them. "Hi mom and dad." she giggled.

"Hi sweetie." Nadia laughed as she put Avriana on her lap. "Do you know how happy I am to still have you around?"

"I have a pretty good idea mom." she laughed. "I'm just glad we're all together forever now."

"Yes we are kiddo." said Hap. "You have really become the shining light in our lives."

"Wow Hap, you getting sentimental on us?" asked Nadia.

"Hey, I'm just showing our daughter how much we love her that's all."

"Well you're doing a very good job of it."

"Thank you. Now, how about we go join everyone else on the dance floor?"

"Sounds like a plan to me."

"They look so happy together." said Eureka as she watched the new family on the dance floor.

"Yes the do dear." Renton replied while he hung onto their daughter. "I'm sure they'll be together for a very long time."

"Hey mom, dad, can I go join them?" asked Maurice.

"Why? So you can be with Avriana?"


"Sorry son. Go ahead. Have fun."

"Thanks dad!" he replied as he left.

"He's more like you everyday hon."

"Yes he is Eureka. I'm really proud of those two for what they've done."

"You mean saving the earth?"

"Yeah. Who knew those two had it in them."

"Well they did, just like me and you."

"Yeah, just like us."

"So, what's next for you two?" asked Talho as she and Holland danced next to them.

"Well, I took a doctors position at the Hospital here in town." said Nadia.

"And I'm going into a computer analyst position with the army." said Hap. "I'll be on base with you from here on out."

"Do you guys have a place yet? I know you've been staying at Axels this entire time."

"Yes we do. We just got a large two bedroom apartment just up the street from your place."

"Sounds like you three have everything planned out." said Holland. "Congratulations."

"Thanks Holland." Hap replied. "What are you guys going to do next now that we don't have a ship anymore?"

"Well, we're busy with the twins now and Stephen so that keeps me busy." said Talho.

"And I'm busy on base, so you know where I'm at."

"That's true. I'm glad everyone is sticking around here though. Bellforest truly is home to the GekkoState."

"Yes it is." said Nadia. "Have you and Holland had any luck on getting pregnant yet?"

"No not yet, but we're still trying though." said Talho. "A little bit at a time though. It keeps the pressure off of us."

"That's good. I wish you two the best of luck on it."

"Thanks Nadia. Do you two plan on having kids right away?"

"Probably not. We'll probably wait until we get settled down first and get things going for all of us."

"Good plan you two. When do you move in?"

"In two days. We have furniture being delivered then."

"Want help moving?"

"Does a bird have wings?"

"Ooh, touché. We'll be there then. What's the address?"

"Two thousand forty three North hillside road, apartment number two."

"What time do you want us there?"

"The first truck will be there at ten."

"We'll show up at eleven then." Talho giggled.

"Very funny Talho." Nadia laughed.

"Hey, anytime my sister."

"So Maurice, I enjoyed our little adventure together." said Avriana as they danced. "It was definitely memorable."

"Yes it was. Too bad we lost the ship."

"Yeah but we still have the LFO's plus we're all living here in town, so not all is lost."

"That's true. So, what's next for us?"

"Finish school I guess. Grow up, fall in love, make new friends, you know."


"Don't worry Maurice." Avriana giggled. "I may like you but mom and dad say no real dating until I'm thirteen."

"Well then, we have three years to wait until that time."

"And I'll be waiting, you can guarantee it."

"And so will I."

"Too cute." said Anemone as she and Dominic held their sleeping twins. "I think Maurice and Avriana are going to make a cute couple someday."

"I think so too sis." Eureka giggled. "How are the twins doing?"

"Well from what we can tell so far, I think Sara Jo is going to be a little firecracker like her mom and Lisa Marie is going to be the sensible one like me." said Dominic.

"Dominic Sorrel, you best watch yourself." Anemone replied. "And besides, you'll never know when this firecracker wants to go off."

"Is it getting warm in here or is it just me?" Renton chuckled.

"I hear you Renton." Dominic said with a hearty laugh. "But that's why I love her. I can never tell what she's going to do next, which is why I'm always on my toes with her."

"Exact opposite of us. Me and Eureka seem to always know what we're doing next."

"Well, you and Eureka do have somewhat of a Mental connection with each other. We all know that. It was pretty noticeable in that last battle."

"Yeah, true. Anyways, what's next for the NFA?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, we're not really sure. With the destruction of Oratorio and Ageha, I guess nothing really unless the rebels decide to keep at it somehow, even though that's nearly impossible since they have nothing left."

"Well you know that there's always those few out there that can cause trouble for the rest of us."

"Yeah, you're right about that."

"Ok boys, that's enough talk of the military." said Eureka. "We're at a wedding reception now. It's time for fun and celebration."

"You're right dear. Sorry about that." Renton chuckled. "Hey, where are Maeter and Linck?"

"At the buffet table over there getting something to eat."

"Oh, ok. I think I'll join them. Want anything?"

"No, I'm good for now. Thanks dear."

"No problem. Be back in a few."


"Hey Eureka, do you two ever plan on having another baby?" asked Anemone after Renton left.

"Maybe someday, but not right now though. We're happy where we're at right now. But we are thinking of maybe getting a pet for the kids."

"That's nice."

"Hey, that reminds me, how's Gulliver?"

"He's doing great. He absolutely adores the twins. If one of them even cries or doesn't feel good, he's right there with them."

"That must be cute."

"It is. I have some pictures at home of him with the twins. I'll have to show them to you sometime."

"I'd love to see them."

"Hey Eureka, can I have you do me a favor?" asked Nadia.

"Oh, hey Nadia. Sure, what do you want?"

"When we move into our new place on Monday, I want you to watch Avriana for the day until we get to her room. The bedroom set we got for her is a surprise and I don't want her to see it until that night. Can you do that for me?"

"Sure Nadia. Anytime."

"Thanks. I owe you one."

"No you don't Nadia. You've done enough for us, so it's the least I can do for you."

"Alright. I'll drop her off Monday morning then."


"Any specific time?"

"Anytime after eight. Felicity is usually up around seven or seven thirty."

"Ok. See you then. Thanks again!"

"You're welcome!" Eureka replied as Nadia went back to join her husband.

"Ok, it's all set. Eureka will take her for the day."

"Awesome. Avriana will love it."

"Love what dad?" she asked from in behind Hap.

"Oh, nothing." he chuckled. "Need something kiddo?"

"Nope. I just wanted to be with my parents." Hap and Nadia just laughed took their daughter into a gentle hug.

As the evening ended, everyone except the Gekko crew had left the banquet hall. They had all sat in the middle of the dance floor talking about old times and about what the future had in store for all of them. As they talked, they all knew one thing was for sure by the end of that night. They were and would always be the GekkoState. They would always be a family. A family, no matter what the odds are, that would never be beaten.

The End.