Chapter 15

Note: Some stories stay with us forever. This story has been a pleasure sharing with you and though it has been quite a few years, I never forgot about it. I always told myself I would finish it, so here is the last chapter. Thank you all for your wonderful comments these past few years.

The morning of the ball I woke up a bit disoriented, like I had been dreaming very deeply. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. When my blurred vision became clearer, I saw a single rose lying on the bed. Tied around it in a neat bow was a familiar black ribbon. I looked around the room and realized I was alone. I smiled to myself, remembering how being alone in a room used to give me anxiety. Now, I was peaceful in an empty room, as long as I knew Erik was somewhere near by. I quickly left the bedroom and found Erik by his organ. When he saw me he greeted me, just as he did every morning. My excitement for the ball began to show as I glanced over to the place my dress hung. Erik noticed and seemed to smile at me with his eyes.

"You know the ball won't be until this evening, my dear."

I felt my cheeks flush with warmth and bashfully smiled at him.

"I used to hate social gatherings because I felt so out of place."

Erik stared at me and asked me to come sit with him. I took his hand and he gently took me to his sofa. He watched me as I quietly observed the neatness of our surroundings.

"You were always loved and supported by many, Christine."

I looked into Erik's eyes and suddenly felt like I could be honest with him about anything now.

"Erik, I used to think I would be trapped at the Opera House forever unless I could find someone to free me from it. And when I met Raoul - "

Erik eyes became glassy as he uncomfortably shifted in his seat. Bringing Raoul's name up did something very strange to him. I took his hands and gently caressed them, whispering for him to look at me. When he did, I continued.

"When I met Raoul, I knew that if I married him I could be free. But that would never be real freedom. Marrying someone just because you're afraid you wont amount to anything, that's not why I want to marry someone."

I put my hand on Erik's face and smiled. He became more relaxed and intensely gazed at me as I talked.

"You see, I want to marry someone because they bring out the good in me that I never knew I had."

I lifted my hand and showed Erik my ring. He took my hand and kissed it with content sighs.

"You so deeply touch me, Christine," he muttered.

His happiness gave me a delightful fluttering in my stomach.

"This will be our night, Erik."

As the hours drew nearer to the ball I began fidgeting through my jewelry and adjusting my dress. After I put in on I realized how much older it made me look. I stepped out to see Erik and the second he saw me his eyes lit up with admiration. I spun around and the dress twirled. The heaviness of the dress threw off my balance, and after a few spins I stumbled. Erik chuckled and held me still by my waist. He showed me a variety of masquerade masks and I picked out one with black and gold fringe. By the looks of them I could tell Erik had made them himself. He was such an artist. Before long we were fully disguised. Decked out in costume and frills. Erik humorously took my hands and ostentatiously twirled me around. We laughed together and I became so wrapped up in his sudden humorous state that I didn't realize it when he began studying my arms. I looked down at them and felt his fingers tracing over scars. He took his hat and mask off and looked disturbed. I hid my arms from him and tried to break his concentration. He frowned at me and looked back down at my arms.

"I can't believe you have to bear those terrible scars."

"Erik, please stop. I was a fool for wandering around without you that day."

"You falling so far down like that, Christine, you could have – "

Erik stopped himself and became choked up, though he tried to hide it.

"I could have lost you," he said very quietly.

I thought back to that day and remembered how different things were. I remembered how afraid of him I used to be. I shook my head and kissed Erik's hands.

"Oh, Erik, how different we were then!"

Erik came closer to me and lovingly ran his fingers through my hair.

"And now?"

I pulled him so close to me that I could feel his breath on my skin.

"Now we can be happy together."

Erik gave me a charming smile and turned away to pick up his hat and mask. After he put them back on he reached out for my hand.

"To the ball, Madame?"

I cheerfully took his hand and soon we traveled upward to the ball. The closer we got, the louder the music became. I heard the chattering of voices and laughter. Stepping into the ball was like stepping into a dream. Beautiful gowns and masks were everywhere. Gentlemen wore ruffled dress shirts and gaudy colors. I looked around and couldn't recognize anyone. Erik brought me wine and I engaged in small conversation with people I didn't know. When I asked I said I was a wealthy countess visiting Paris. Erik stayed close by, and when approached only used body gestures. I suddenly saw Meg Giry and she pulled me close and whispered in my ear.

"Is that you, Chistine Daae?"

I curtsied and turned to find Erik holding his hand out to me. I took it and in the next moment we were graciously dancing in the middle of the room. Erik spun me around and I held on tightly as my beautiful dress flaunted outward. I pulled Erik close to me and we shared delightful smiles and laughter. People around us were singing and passing around champagne. Just as I had taught him, Erik danced very gracefully. I spun around and accidentally ran into a large woman who jumped a little when I apologized.

"Oh, no problem, my dear! We're all a little jumpy tonight, I suppose." The woman laughed and picked up a drink from a nearby table.

"We are?" I stopped dancing and was a bit confused by the woman's comment.

The large woman chuckled and lowered her drink from her mouth.

"Why, with all this talk about the opera ghost still being alive, I'm afraid a ball like this has me a bit spooked!"

I felt my entire face turn white. I stared at the woman and opened my mouth. The woman laughed at my ignorance.

"Oh come now, you must have heard all the rumors. Why, some theorized the opera ghost and that Daae girl would come here tonight! I thought they were out of their minds hosting another masquerade ball after what happened the last time. But the way I see it, they're either really dead or they're here and will be caught very soon."

I felt my entire body freezing up on me. I turned and saw that Erik was gone. I pushed through the crowd and felt myself going into a panic.

"Erik!" I called while desperately looking for him.

I jolted to my senses and covered my mouth. I had just called his name out loud. I glanced over to see two gentlemen studying me from the corner. I avoided contact with them and slowly started making my way toward the back of the room. The men began following me and I started to pick up my pace. I looked for a door to exit the room and when I found one I wasted no time slipping out. I became so frightened. Was this a set up? Did they host this ball in an attempt to find out if we were still alive? I had to find Erik before something bad happened. The two men suddenly came through the door and were behind me again. I took a deep breath. There's no way they knew it was me.

"Excuse me sirs, can I help you?" I said in a much lower tone of voice.

The two men looked at each other and gave me a slight respectful bowing gesture.

"Madame, we couldn't help but notice you fleeing from the ball. Is everything alright? You looked frightened."

I huffed and straightened the very large mask that was on my face. I desperately wanted to get away without looking suspicious.

"It's very rude to follow a woman like that. I just can't find my husband, is all."

One of the men knelt down a little and suspiciously tried to look into my eyes.

"Who is your husband, madame? Perhaps we can locate him for you."

In my state of panic I became very angry and flaunted my hand up toward my face and knocked my mask up a little.

"I don't want your help!"

I reached at the mask to pull it back down when it became loose and slipped down, exposing my eyes. The man looked at me as if he recognized me immediately. I dropped my mask and took off running. The two men ran after me. They followed me the entire way down to Erik's lair. When I realized there would be no way I could lose them, I warned them to stay away. One of the two men stepped closer to me with amusement.

"Are you going to come with us, Ms. Daae, or are we going to have to take you by force? The decision is yours."

"You have no right to take me anywhere!" I shouted.

"I believe I do, Miss. You see, you have been missing for quite some time now, and being that I came undercover tonight – "

I tried to run again but the man grabbed me. I struggled in his grip and began screaming uncontrollably.

"This woman has gone mad!" I head the other man say from farther away.

The man who had ahold of me suddenly put his focus on something behind me with great concentration. I heard Erik's voice.

"I advise you to free her, Monsieur."

The man laughed in a coy manner.

"Well, many would advise the same for you!"

He laughed again.

"Ah, so we finally meet, Opera Ghost. My men have been looking for you."

Though I couldn't see Erik, his voice had a calming effect on me, even though it was stern.

"You may not leave here alive, let alone in one piece. One move of my hand and you may find yourself in one of my traps. Do as I say or the odds may not be in your favor, Monsieur."

The man's eyes showed wickedness as I felt his body beginning to shake in anger.

"I had a dear friend who once worked here. He mysteriously died very young with a mysterious rope wrapped around his neck. I always told myself if I found his killer, that man would not see the light of another day."

I began panicking again and squirmed in the man's grip. I cried out when he squeezed my arm tighter.

"Don't worry, Ms. Daae, this will all be over soon."

The man reached in his coat and pulled out a pistol. I put all my energy into freeing myself and tried lunging toward Erik's direction but the man yanked me back forcefully. My mind was racing and I began screaming again. The man slowly and steadily pointed the gun at Erik. The next thing I heard was a gunshot that echoed through the entire lair, and Erik's loud inhuman cry of pain. Tears streamed down my face as I shrieked in terror.


The man released me and I ran to Erik as he reached out to me limping. He fell to the floor before I could catch him. I fell to my knees in grief.

"Erik," my broken voice sobbed.

He looked disoriented and I held his face between my hands. When his eyes met mine they stayed powerfully focused on me. He reached up and wiped the tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Christine," Erik sighed in emotion.

I shook my head and gently hushed him. He looked at me with such devotion, as if he was cherishing my gaze for the last time. I pulled him close to me and looked deeply into his eyes.

"I love you, Erik."

Erik's eyes welled up in tears and he desperately tried to lift his arms to me. I leaned in and gave him tender kisses. I kept my face close to his, feeling his breath. Then, he slipped away from me forever.

I let out a cry and wrapped my arms around him. After a while, one of the two men nudged me and tried to gently pull me away.

"Ms. Daae…"

His voice sounded calm and understanding, but I resisted and stayed close to Erik.

"No, oh please leave me!"

Suddenly both men had ahold of me and pulled me away as I cried. I no longer had the strength to fight them. They carried me away and my sick heart ached from my chest. He was gone.

There are some days I manage not to think of him. Days when my career as an opera star is too demanding for intrusive thoughts and memories. Erik shaped everything I am today. I write beautiful music for the theatres, and I feel Erik in all of it. I've been told by many that I am not the same Christine I once was. Some say when they look at me now they see a woman of principle and strength. A woman who seeks to find the good in people. I suppose Erik saved my life when he made me find the good in myself. It seems so long ago he left this world forever, but then some days it still seems like just yesterday. Though I no longer live in the opera house, it stays vivid in my memory.

I decided to light a candle recently, and put it next to a stone wall. Just as I had once long ago, I looked deeply into the flame until soft music played. This time, there was nothing there to haunt me. Just my shadow, and a soft glowing light from the flame.