Raven's first birthday came up in a speed war. Sean, Jay, Spinner, Manny, Emma, Paige and her boy friend Craig who was pretty nice, was going over to celebrate it. Paige was bringing Twix, Brownie and Baby Ruth.. who was getting very friendly with raven.

Brownie who was the oldest boy at 8 stole his 5 year sisters, Twix's cake and laughed passing Emma, Spinner and Sean who laughed a little "I want some cake, you want some?" Spinner said and turned to Emma and Sean.

"Nah" Sean answers and Spinner looks to Emma who shook her head 'no' and nods leaving. Sean glanced at Emma as she silently laughed at Spinner digging in front of the kids for food, her hair a bit shorter after a hair cut and little pieces blowing around her face.

She was a beauty.

He frowns, nothing he could do about it. It's been 2 months since what they did, 1 month of finally talking and 3 weeks on getting back on being good friends again. But that night would always be between them and it was something they just couldn't forget.

"What'd you get her?" teased Emma looking to Sean who can't help but grin.

"Surprize" he shrugs and Emma just smiled nodding, Sean looked to Raven who was giggling in Manny's arms around Paige and Craig. "It's a good thing I got Paige to go with me to the store though"

"Toy cars?" Emma taunted him and he chuckles sipping his beer from Spinner who came back into the conversation and laughs with them.

"Basically" admits Sean and shrugs "She ended up getting her a puppy" he simply said.

Emma gave a half nod "from the toy store..." she drifts.

Sean grinned more and gave another shrug. Spinner was still having that doopy smile and Emma was looking curiously between the boys. "Something like that" Sean confirms.

Emma eyed him and Spinner laughs "In that Pet store kind of way" he bursts out and Sean again, smiles and sips his beer knowing he was probably going to get his ass kicked.


"Ow!" laughs Sean rubbing his arm where Emma hit.

"You better be joking" Emma snaps.

Sean turned in front of her "Well why not? Kids love puppies" he shrugs and nods to Raven "She'll love it"

"She probably will. Which is why, where ever it is? Take it back so she doesn't see it and think it's immeditaly hers" she crossed her arms and Sean put hands up as Spinner shook his head no, not wanting to.

"It's a little german sheperd" pouts Spinner.

"It's my house and my money, we can't afford a dog, you guys!" Emma exclaims.

"Well then..." drifts Sean "I will. I'll even come over and watch it, feed it...whatever you want" he promised. Emma couldn't help but stare at him. Why was he so good to them? To Raven?

Emma gave him a playful glare "Fine" she said.

The boys smiled proudly. Emma and Sean connected eyes and almost shared a moment-

"Seany!" shrieked something that Emma turned to to see some red headed bimbo. The girl smiled and ran down the back porch steps.

Over by the BBQ, Jay laughed hard "What is Ellie Nash doing here?" he laughed harder and Manny hit his stomach.

"Be nice" she snaps and even Spinner rolled his eyes leaning into Manny "You do know she's obsessed with Sean, right?" as he said this, Manny's mouth dropped.

Even though there was no evidence or proof, or any sayings...the friends knew something went on and was going on with Emma and Sean.

And the gang wanted them together. This would not be good. "hey.." Sean drifts quietly as the red head giggled and basically dragged him away from Emma who frowns sadly and turns to Spinner. Spinner was the one to bring her and Raven to the truck and get the puppy. Sean was right, she loved it.

And Sean was a little upset he couldn't see Emma-erm..Raven's face when she saw it. But the stupid red head tore him away from them. But soon enough he saw Raven giggling hilariously when the puppy was contantly licking her until Emma had to pull it off and enjoyed it herself. Sean smiled softly watching by the BBQ with Jay.

Either way, it was good just to be near her.

put down the magazine

and get off the phone

theres a place i wanna show you

and it wont take long

take a ride

take a ride

just good times

just good times

take me awayyy

to a place

where the good times

good times


Don't let me change

in a place

where they can steal my soul

this is it

im finally here

and all the blur is clear

and everything that I cant see

makes more sence now

why the hell can't I let it go?

Let it go.

take me away

where the good times

good times roll

don't let me stay

where they can steal my soul..

let the good times roll

let the good times roll

take me away...