Chapter 23
Finally safe
"A-abeo Abraxas Malfoy," shouted McGonagall, stuttering slightly at the child's first name. The guilt she felt always tripped when she left herself think on it. She cleared her throat, as if that was what had caused her stutter. Her head proud and tall, she watched the small eleven year old come forward. Needless to say, she couldn't help but think he was different from his father and brother. This boy had the Black looks; the eyes reminded her off Lucius and Draco. What she didn't know was that it was a glamour charm, as Abeo's eyes were actually ice green. Until he wanted everyone to know who he truly was, the glamour's were there to stay.
The 'coming out' party at Malfoy Manor had been amusing to say the least. Abeo had actually really enjoyed himself, sneering and curling his lips and calling the people there all manner of things. Although Severus had stood on his foot a few times, which told Abeo he was going a tad bit overboard. Sulkily he had moved on, he had also been asked to 'pretend' to be exhausted, as if the party was a bit too much for him. Abeo hated attention or showing any weakness. So he had basically glared at Lucius for hours afterwards, grudgingly forgetting about it when Lucius nodded in approval at his actions.
The gossip had been hitting the roof before Abeo had even entered, wondering who he was, why 'Draco' had never said anything. Of course like suckers they had sucked everything Lucius had said up and believed it. He could see how Lucius was a spy, and still alive. He was very convincing, in fact he almost had Abeo believing his lie and they were about him! Then for the first of the night they had nit picked on everything, from how different they looked to their hair.
Narcissa had been forced to take down all the pictures of Draco at a young age. They wouldn't be able to pull of the lie, if it was obvious they really didn't have another child. So there were a few very recent pictures of Abeo and of course Draco about. Other than that there was nothing there that indicated anything but two adults who loved their children. Instead she had put them in the attic along with the thousands of other things they never used.
They had done it though, succeeded in making everyone believe it, which meant for now - Abeo was safe.
"Well, Well, Harry Potter it's nice to finally meet you, I should have done a year ago," said the Sorting Hat in Abeo's mind, despite his very strong Occlumency shields.
"What are you really?" asked Abeo warily.
"Ah, now that would be telling, let's just say I'm very smart," replied the Sorting Hat knowing exactly what Abeo had wanted to know.
"Sort me before others begin to wonder!" hissed Abeo sounding worried.
"Never fear, the last sorting took six minutes," said the Sorting Hat sounding wistful.
"I'm sorry," said Abeo.
"Let's just get you sorted young Master Potter-Malfoy," said the Sorting Hat.
"Thank you," said Abeo.
"Just come and visit me will you? I get awfully lonely with no one to talk to all year!" asked the Sorting Hat kindly.
"I will," replied Abeo as the hat made its decision.
"SLYTHERIN!" yelled the Sorting Hat.
"YES!" crowed Draco happily, his voice the loudest of all Slytherins, who were clapping. Patting him on the back (while he tried not to flinch). Congratulating him, welcoming him into the fold, as if they had known him forever.
"I'm finally here," said Abeo.
"Don't worry Abeo you will always have us," said Draco not touching him like the others did. He knew how much Abeo didn't like touching, although he was getting used to Draco's touch. He didn't flinch from Severus' touch, even when the man caught Abeo by surprise. Then again he could sense magic; no doubt he could sense their magical presence, their magical signature.
"I know," grinned Abeo happily.
"Why did you never tell me about him?" asked Dumbledore without his usual biting tones, or demanding voice either. He looked actually hurt that Severus had kept it from him, thankfully though Severus couldn't sense or see any suspicion on his face.
"You know as well as I how much Lucius and Narcissa value their privacy," said Severus his lip curled in contempt for the question.
"But you never mentioned your godson…" said Dumbledore his twinkle missing his face showing his sadness. Azkaban really had changed the old man for some reason, if only Severus had seen Dumbledore's nightmares he would have realized just how badly.
Unfortunately Dumbledore wasn't a man to show weakness, especially in front of anyone else. He never wanted to end up in Azkaban again; he didn't want to hear his sister over and over again. He wanted some dreamless sleeping potion that required asking Severus or Poppy. Neither person left their potions lying ideally about for him to take, and he wasn't under any circumstances going to ask. Poppy would make him stay there, her bloody boss or not she was the worst sort of mother hen. Severus, well, he was very angry with him and wouldn't put it passed his employee to do something to it. So he would continue to suffer, until he realized that he couldn't continue to be seen as indestructible.
He was very sorry for what he had done, he had deserved that time in Azkaban. He didn't deserve to be Headmaster of the school, but they had reinstated him thankfully. He realized he needed to change, or he would end up in serious trouble. He had become the man he had sworn not to become, he was getting as bad as Gellert had almost had them becoming.
"He is not my godson, he's my betrothed," grunted Severus.
"What?" gaped Minerva stunned she had shamelessly listening in on their conversation.
"But he's eleven," said Dumbledore.
"I'm surprised at Narcissa and Lucius, I know they trust you but … won't it be awkward after all his older brother is your godson?" asked Minerva throwing Dumbledore a glare, talk about stating the obvious.
"Apparently they spoke to Draco about it, with their duties they want to ensure his safety. He will not risk alienating me, I do after all make all the potions for his side." said Severus "It's why Lucius betrothed his children as soon as he could, he wanted them kept safe. The Dark Lord will not risk my wrath or the Parkinson's wrath either for that matter."
"What would he want to do?" asked Minerva confused.
Severus stared at Minerva; he knew she wouldn't want an answer to that question.
"He doesn't," gasped Minerva as the light finally dawned.
Severus nodded grimly and curtly.
"So that's why they're all betrothed?" asked Dumbledore looking surprised.
"There is only one that is not, his parents refuse to entertain the idea," said Severus sadly his onyx eyes shadowed in worry.
"Who?" asked Minerva her eyes wide with anger and sadness.
"Theodore Nott," said Severus his eyes told them both that he believed he had failed the Slytherin.
"He might not come back for years yet Severus, Theodore might be married himself before that happens!" said Minerva trying to soothe Severus. She knew how much he cared about each and every one of his Slytherin's. Despite the age difference, Abeo was very lucky to have Severus. Although she imagined it would get awkward for him now, having two people in his life called Abeo.
"That would be too much to ask for, no luck has never been on our side," sighed Severus.
"I shall help in any way I can, but tell me Severus, does he want to be saved?" asked Minerva. She had changed, become more independent since Dumbledore's wicked ways had been exposed. She was doing things on her own now, instead of blindingly trusting Dumbledore.
"Some of the Seventh years, decided upon themselves to tell Theodore what awaited him. He became hysterical, it took me all night to calm him down, he only calmed once I promised to do anything I could to help him. He's not been the same since; he's been even more subdued since he got here. Which means he's had it out with his parents and it's obviously not good news." sighed Severus.
"I do hope they were punished," said Minerva her lips pursed in fury.
"They were indeed," smirked Severus, cleaning out bed pans for the entire year, scrubbing the dungeons with a toothbrush, and scaring the day living lights out of them. Needless to say they wouldn't be opening their mouth, especially about something as vile as that.
"Good," said Minerva in satisfaction, when Severus gave detention he truly gave it. So much so that most students didn't ever get detention, especially with Severus again.
Severus just nodded.
"I shall help; nobody deserves that Severus, nobody especially not a child. If it comes to it I shall offer him sanctuary since I know you cannot." said Minerva.
Severus looked surprised, only other purebloods with equal standings or someone in a teaching position could give a child sanctuary. He couldn't offer Teddy it, as he was a spy at the end of the day. He would give up his duty as spy in a heartbeat for any of his Slytherin's, unfortunately he couldn't he had to help Harry Potter defeat Voldemort. The vow he swore interfered with his ability to help his little snakes. The McGonagall line was purer and lighter than the Nott's and McGonagall would win hands down.
"I'd appreciate that," said Severus looking greatly relieved, the wrinkles on his forehead disappeared.
"Hogwarts is always open to those that need her," said Dumbledore softly.
"Its suicide to stay at Hogwarts, or be near you Headmaster." said Severus honestly, looking for the boy who would marry him come his seventeenth birthday. Lucius had asked him and Severus had adamantly refused, until he realized what he could be condemning his friend too. Abeo though wouldn't submit to anyone, but goodness knows what he would do to save Lucius, Narcissa and Draco. After living with them for a couple of years.
He found him beside the bright blonde/white hair that stood out like a beacon. He did look awfully small next to Draco; he knew the abuse would have lasting affects. Not just on his mind, self worth but also his body. He would always remain smaller than most boys his age, always at some level be wary of touch. Thankfully though the bond himself and Abeo would be going under didn't require it to be consummated. Severus didn't like little boys nor did he go for boys young enough to be his son.
If only he knew just how stunning Abeo would look as a seventeen year old boy, he would have chosen a different one.
He nodded once to Abeo as if to say, Dumbledore doesn't suspect a thing, or perhaps it was this is it enjoy it.
Abeo smiled blindingly, he was finally safe, and he would never have to worry about being detected. Severus knew about him and was okay about it, hell; he had even agreed to marry him to keep him safe. He of course didn't think of Severus like that, no matter what age he looked, he was still only a twelve year old boy. Although everyone thought he was eleven years old, and a Malfoy to boot.
He was safe.
He had survived.
Boy, it hadn't been for nothing - he'd go through it all again for this moment. He had a life, brother, family, friend, and he was getting to learn all the magic he wanted. Although he doubted, there was anything Severus could teach him, at Hogwarts curriculum that he didn't already know. In Potions and Defence, or Herbology come to that it was going to be difficult keeping his gift to himself. It just wasn't possible to tell anyone that he Abeo Malfoy had such a gift, it was exceedingly rare and his alias Abeo Aberro already had it.
Life was good.
"You coming?" asked Draco placing his hand gently on Abeo's shoulder.
"Coming," grinned Abeo, it was finally time for him to be the child he was always supposed to have been. So without more ado he joined the rest of his classmates towards the dungeons. He saw Severus smirking in amusement at him, as the doors of the Great Hall closed on them. He had heard Abeo's thoughts, about finally being the child he was. It had been a long time coming, but that would just make Abeo appreciate it all the more.
Abeo survived the harsh treatment he received at the Dursley's.
He had survived the harsh English weather for years.
He had somehow, without help managed to find the wizarding world.
Life had been relentlessly cold to Abeo but he survived.
That made Severus respect the hell out of Abeo, no matter what age, he didn't care about ages. What did matter was that he respected him even more for the age he had survived from.
They shouldn't have called Abeo's middle name Abraxas but instead called Abeo Survival Malfoy.
yes its finished! woohoo another story done, unfortunately this requires a sequal and it will take place when Harry is being married, and of course you will see flash backs etc...but the question is will abeo become a death eater? or with hte Malfoy's come clean fight for the war without loosing any more of themselves in the process? severus remaining a spy? and also 'unhappy with his spouce'? or will severus stop as well and abeo/harry get both of their marks removed? R&R