
By Lauren

A/N: Written in the middle of my own horrible migraine. I was not kind.

A/N 2: This story has nothing to do with any of my other stories.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Thunderbirds, nor am I making any money for this.

Alan finished scrubbing the top Thunderbird One with a sigh, he hadn't meant to cover it in mud on their last rescue, honestly; but it had happened and Scott had been peeved. A headache had been building since the start of the rescue several hours before and as was typical for Alan, he had chosen to just ride it out. Only this one was not going away. Every time he bent down now the pain tripled so it was a relief to finally be done cleaning Scott's "Bird" as that had required a lot of bending. Alan stepped out of the giant hanger into the sunlight only to stop as a stabbing pain was felt in his head. He quickly stepped back into the dim hanger with a moan trying to relieve the headache. It went down slightly in the darkness, but suddenly even the hanger was to bright.

Alan felt bile come up and he quickly fought it back down. Slowly he made his way through the house his hands shielding his eyes as he made his way to his room. He could smell dinner and it only made the bile reappear. He stumbled into his room not bothering to shut his door, he only had one thing on his mind besides the pain, pain reliever. He opened his medicine cabinet and grabbed the bottle of pain reliever. He eyed it's content, his head telling him to take as much as he could to relieve the stabbing pain jumping around his head. Surly one or two would not be enough. He settled for three, his mind telling him that he wanted the pain to go away, not to kill himself. Though that option was looking brighter by the second as the pain increased even more.

Alan absently grabbed the empty trashcan that normally sat beside his messy desk and dropped in beside his bed as he laid down. He was dismayed to find that this did not help the pain at all. Soon the only thing he could think about was the pain and how much he wanted it gone. Another wave of bile appeared and this time he didn't even have the strength to force it back down. Rolling over he let it come out in to the bucket beside his bed. He would have been thinking about how thankful he was that he had thought to bring the can with him on his way to bed, however vomiting was causing a much worse pain then before, so the thought never even came to mind. After letting go of both breakfast and lunch he dry heaved in agony for a few minutes, tears unknowingly running down his cheeks. Wiping his face with his sleeve he rolled back over burying his face in his pillow sobbing in utter agony.

He had no idea how long he had been laying there, it felt like years. All he knew was that the pain was not even abating to a bearable level. The thought that he should go take more pain reliever crossed his mind but he didn't move in fear of making the headache even worse. He heard voices calling his name down the hall and even though the voice was still fairly far away it still sent more daggers into his brain. He kept mumbling 'shhhh' but the voices were getting louder. Tears reappeared in Alan's eyes as the voice spoke from right above him.

"Alan?" It was Scott's voice and it sounded like he was yelling. Another sob racked his body and he missed the frantic calls for help his bother made. He was unaware of his family plus Brains filling his large room until someone tried to move him. Suddenly more bile rose, only he had nothing left in him. He began to dry heave once again much to his horror. He felt wonderfully cool hands holding his forehead. He heard someone asking him what hurt and tried to mumble out head but was not sure if he had made a coherent word. Someone seemed to understand however as suddenly there was a pinch in his arm as a needle was put in, something was injected and his whole body went numb. Alan sighed in relief as his body went limp against his fathers who was now holding him up. He heard the word migraine before he fell into a wonderful drugged sleep.

When Alan woke again he was laying in his own bed. He had somehow gotten into his pajamas and the trashcan was no where in site. Sitting in an arm chair beside him was his father sound asleep. Alan looked out the window only to see Scott's silhouette against the night sky.

"You okay, Scott?" Alan croaked out. Scott turned quickly and grinned.

"I should be asking you that. You scared the crap out of us." Scott stated quietly as he walked up to the bed.

"Sorry, what happened?" Alan asked.

"You had a monster migraine. Brains gave you a powerful pain reliever and then took you to the infirmary to give you a brain scan. It showed us just how bad it was. When Brains described what you must have been feeling it had given me a headache." Scott looked worried.

"Have you ever had a headache like that before?" their fathers voice startled them. Alan looked over at him and shook his head.

"Nothing like that one. I've had some bad once that made me nauseous and a bit sensitive before but it's never gotten that bad." Alan answered relieved beyond belief that it was over. Jeff nodded.

"Lucy used to get them. She carried a bottle of extra strength migraine pills with her everywhere she went. She found that if she took them at the first signs of pain, she could avoid them all together for the most part. They say it's heredity, I'm surprised your the only one who has gotten them so far." Alan nodded not liking the fact that he was more then likely going to have one of these. "Brains is going to the mainland to get you a prescription migraine medication. I want you to carry them with you at all times." Jeff stated sternly. Alan nodded with a sigh, already trying to figure out where in the world he was going to keep them in his IR uniform. Scott seemed to read his mind.

"Brains is currently creating a pocket in your uniform for you to store at least a few pills if not the whole bottle. We might just end up placing a bottle in the Birds first aid kits." Alan nodded thinking this was a much more practical idea.

"Thanks." Alan stated sincerely.

"No problem Sprout."