A Danny Phantom and Fairly Oddparents crossover.

Edit: For those you have read the story, I gave it a little sprucing up to give it a lot more description, new dialogue, and fixed any grammar or spelling mistakes, so it'll look as nicer. But it's of course still the same story, so enjoy...

Fairies and Ghosts Unite


10 million years ago

Fairy World was dark and clouded with everything from buildings to the sparkling roads destroyed. On top of the Fairy Capital Building (that was destroyed in half) was a throne surrounded by green smoke, and on the throne was a teenage ghost boy wearing a mask over his head that covered half his face with one glowing green eye showing, a long red cloak, shoulder padding, black baggy pants, brown boots, and black gloves. He was also holding a staff with a crystal ball on top; he walked close to the edge to see the view of the ruined Fairy World as he spoke in a slight deep voice. "Finally, all of Fairy World ruled by me: Lord K. Ghosts ruling over fairies just like it should be, and no one can stop me."

Then a deep heroic voice rang out, "Not until now!"

Lord K turned around and saw a fairy in the shadows. "Who are you to go against my orders?" Lord K demanded to know.

The fairy replied, "I'm here to put a stop to your reign over us fairies!"

Lord K replied in a cold tone, "So this is what those humans with wings sent to defeat the most powerful ghost in existence. You may not have been overshadowed by my ghosts, so I'll just have to kill you." Lord K shot a beam out of his staff, but the fairy dodged it and shot a beam from his wand at Lord K's hand, "Ow!" causing him to drop his staff. The fairy quickly caught it and smashed it on the ground. Glass shattered everywhere as Lord K screamed in horror. "NOOOO!" Lord K suddenly disappeared along with all the other ghosts and Fairy World was back to normal. All the fairies cheered for the brave fairy giving them their freedom.


Timmy's parents were driving the car with Timmy in the back seat, holding a fish bowl with two goldfish inside that were actually his fairy godparents in disguise.

"Where are we going on vacation anyway?" Wanda curiously asked.

"I'm not going on vacation." Timmy answered. "My parents are. I'm staying with my relatives, the Fentons, in Amity Park."

"Oh, I'm sorry Timmy." Wanda sympathetically said, knowing how disappointed Timmy always got when his parents would make him miss out on a fun outing.

"But it beats putting up with Vicky." Cosmo added.

"Yeah," Timmy agreed excitedly, "And the best part is that the Fentons are ghost hunters and Amity Park is home to the greatest superhero ever: Danny Phantom." Timmy showed Cosmo and Wanda a picture of Danny Phantom he got off the internet. "If I'm in Amity Park, there's a good chance that I'll get to see Danny Phantom."

"I don't know if that's such a good idea, Timmy." Wanda warned, looking a little nervous.

"What are you talking about? Danny Phantom is the greatest superhero I've ever… not met yet."

"Well, it's just that ghosts and fairies have never really gotten along very well."

Timmy looked surprised by this statement he never knew before. "What? Why?"

"Well..." Wanda was about to explain the history between fairies and ghosts until she was interrupted by the sound of Timmy's dad.

"Timmy, if you're done talking to yourself, we're here."

"All right!" Timmy yelled excitedly as he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car with his suitcase and fishbowl.

"Bye honey, we'll see you in a week." Timmy's mom waved goodbye before she and her husband drove away.

Timmy rang the doorbell to Fenton Works, and Maddie opened the front door.

"You must be my sister's son, come on in." she said in a friendly voice as Timmy entered the house and Maddie led him into the living room where Jack and Jazz were waiting. "Timmy's here, everyone!" Maddie announced.

Jack leapt in front of Timmy and started rustling up his hair in a playful manner. "Hey slugger, welcome to Amity Park." He greeted his nephew in a cheerful voice.

Timmy was a bit irritated by Jack messing up his hair, and he gave a sarcastic laugh before responding, "Yeah."

Jazz came up to him next and greeted in a civil but friendly voice, "Hey Timmy, I'm Jazz, your cousin."

"Hi." Timmy greeted as well, shaking Jazz's hand. Then he turned to Jack and tried to bring up the subject he was most curious about while visiting, "So about that ghost hunting stuff…"

Before he can get any kind of response, a young male voice called out, "I'm going to meet up with Sam and Tucker!"

"Oh, that must be Danny." Maddie said excitedly, happy for Timmy to meet the final member of their family.

"'Danny'?" Timmy asked excited as well since there was only one Danny he really wanted to meet, but it was Danny Fenton who came downstairs. "Oh." Timmy muttered in disappointment.

"Danny!" Maddie called to her son. "This is Timmy, your cousin."

"Yeah, hi," Danny responded in a disinterested voice since he was in a rush. "Nice to meet you, and I'm sure we'll get to know each other a lot better at dinner time."

But before he could walk out the door, Maddie suggested, "Danny, why don't you take Timmy on a tour of Amity Park?"

"What?!" Danny and Timmy shouted in unison. The former dismayed at the idea of having a kid hanging out with him and his teenage friends and the latter disappointed that he won't get to see the barrage of his aunt and uncle's ghost hunting equipment.

"That's a great idea!" Jack agreed excitedly. "Show the kid where all the historic ghost events took place."

"But… but…" Danny and Timmy both stammered, obviously hoping they could get out of having to hang out with each other.

"No 'buts', young man." Maddie said to her son in a stern voice, "You are going to take your little cousin out right now!"

"Fine." Danny reluctantly responded. For him, this was going to be a long week.

This accidentally got deleted and since two is out I thought I'd put it here.