Now here's the last chapter of Fairies and Ghosts Unite 2, I really liked how it turned out and was surprised at how popular it was, I have some news at the end of the chapter that would excite you. Now enjoy!

Cosmo and Wanda poof Danny, Timmy, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz into the Ghost Zone, but due to their lack of magic, they both become exhausted and fall over with Sam and Jazz having to catch them.

Danny looked at them in concern, "You guys didn't have to bring us here."

"He's right," Jazz agreed as she held Cosmo. "You used up most of the power you had left."

Between breaths, Cosmo responded, "It beats having to come the long way."

"Sorry kids," Wanda said, equally exhausted. "But we need our powers back from Vlad before anything bad happens."

"Relax, Wanda," Timmy whispered to her. "We'll get your magic back no matter what. What's the worst that can happen?"

"So you two survived after all." Vlad's voice called out.

They turn around and see Vlad floating ahead of them. "Vlad…" Danny and Timmy sneered.

Then Danny demanded, "Give Cosmo and Wanda their powers back!"

"Not a chance," Vlad responded. "Their powers give me so much energy that I can finish you and that bucktoothed brat with a single shot."

"That's what you think!" Timmy shouted and flew straight toward Vlad.

Danny turned to the others and whispered, "Remember, just like we planned." Then he flew off after Timmy.

Tucker looked around and saw the machine Vlad used on Cosmo and Wanda. "Bingo." He said as he ran over to it. "This thing wasn't damaged too badly in the explosion, but I should be able to charge it up with my PDA."

Meanwhile, Danny and Timmy were fighting Vlad. He shot a ghost ray at Danny, but the ray sparkled with fairy dust as he shot it. Danny got knocked backwards as he was hit.

"Ha!" Vlad shouted in triumph. "I don't even have all of their power and already I am unstoppable."

Danny frowned and stated, "I'm starting to see why Timmy's friends had it out for ghosts for so long."

Timmy charged at Vlad from behind to deliver a punch at him, but Vlad quickly turned and socked him in the face knocking him back. Timmy painfully sat up and said, "I never knew fairy magic can make a ghost so strong."

Danny came up to him and asked, "Timmy, are you okay?"

Timmy answered, "I'm fine, but we can't beat Vlad if he's got Cosmo and Wanda's ma- I mean, powers."

"Sam, Tucker, and Jazz are already working on that. Right now we just have to keep Vlad busy until they finish."

"Well, then let's do it." Timmy said as he stood up. He flew toward Vlad and launched a ghost ray out of his feet and hit Vlad, and then he delivered a punch at him in the face, knocking him back.

"Whoa." Danny said, impressed by Timmy's fighting skills.

Meanwhile, Tucker was typing on his PDA that was hooked up to Vlad's machine and Jazz and Sam put Cosmo and Wanda in the containment chamber.

"Powering up…" Tucker stated as he fixed the machine. "…Got it."

While Timmy was trying to hit Vlad, Vlad grabbed a hold of Timmy's arm and shocked him with ectoplasm as Timmy screamed in pain.

"Let go of him!" Danny ordered as he flew toward Vlad and shot a ghost ray at him, causing him to let go of Timmy.

"Danny! Timmy!" Tucker shouted to them. "We're ready!"

The two ghost boys smiled at each other and nodded, until Vlad approached from behind and grabbed them by their collars. "You two think you can defeat me?" Vlad asked. "I have enough power to destroy both of you in a single blow."

"That power doesn't belong to you," Timmy retorted. "And you're gonna give it back!"

"Not a chance, boy, you can't make me give up this much power."

Then Danny smirked and asked, "Wanna bet?"

Danny and Timmy grab hands and both disappeared out of Vlad's grasp and when he turns around, Danny and Timmy both launch a punch at him, sending him flying back.

"Now!" Jazz signaled.

Sam pulled the switch and a beam shot at Vlad and a blue aura formed around Cosmo and Wanda.

"Ahh!" Vlad screamed as he feels the fairy magic draining from his body. "No!"

Then it stops and Vlad sees what happens. "My power!" Vlad shouted in dismay. "It's gone!"

"You got that right!" Timmy shouted as he punched Vlad in the face. "That's for hurting Cosmo and Wanda!"

Danny grabbed a hold of Vlad's collar and stared him in the face, "Don't you ever come near my little cousin or his friends again." Danny angrily threatened, "Or else."

"Or else what?" Vlad scoffed.

Danny smiled slyly and called, "Timmy?"

Vlad screamed as Timmy gave him a wedgie, and the two boys laughed in enjoyment.

"You're awesome!" Danny told Timmy as the two high-five.

"Thanks!" Timmy replied.

But an unamused and furious Vlad shouted, "You two are gonna pay for that!"

"Guess again, you dork!" Timmy shouted as he and Danny fire ghost rays together at Vlad and knocked him far away into the Ghost Zone.

Timmy flew over to Cosmo and Wanda to see them looking fully recovered now that they had their magic back. "Cosmo! Wanda! You're okay!" Timmy shouted happily.

Cosmo pointed to himself as he cheerfully stated, "And we're full of magic again!"

"Thanks to you and Danny, we got our magic back." Wanda told Timmy as they and their godchild hugged.

Tucker came up to Timmy and said, "You know, Timmy, with the way you fight with your ghost powers, you can end up being a superhero in your town like Danny."

Timmy appeared a bit unsure, but tried to smile, "Yeah… sure."

"Well, we better get into the Specter Speeder and go home." Jazz suggested.

"You're right, let's go." Danny agreed. He began to fly toward the Speeder until he noticed Timmy looking sad. "You okay?" He asked in concern.

Timmy shook his head and put on a smile. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay, if you say so."

The next day at Fenton Works, Timmy was in his room, packing his suitcase so he can head back home to Dimmsdale. There was a knock at his bedroom door, and Danny, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz come in.

"Hey guys," Timmy greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"We came to say goodbye." Sam answered.

"Yeah," Danny agreed. "It's been a fun and very exciting week."

Timmy smiled and replied, "Thanks guys. I'm also gonna miss-" Timmy wasn't looking where he was walking and he bumped into the wall." Ow, dang it. I keep forgetting I don't have ghost powers anymore."

"Just remember, if you get into trouble just-" Danny stopped when he realized what Timmy had said. "Wait a minute; you don't have ghost powers anymore?"

Timmy answered, "That's right. I had Cosmo and Wanda take away my powers."

Jazz seemed surprised as well. "You got rid of them? But I thought you liked having ghost powers."

"Yeah, and you were so good at using 'em too." Tucker mentioned.

Timmy explained, "Well, I realized I don't need them anymore, and having to keep everyone safe all the time can get pretty busy and tiring. I won't have any time for fun. You know what I mean, Danny?"

"Yeah, but someone has to do it." Danny replied with a shrug. "But are you sure you're okay with not having your powers anymore?"

"Of course I am. Besides, the coolest thing next to having ghost powers is having a cousin who does have them and is a cool superhero."

Danny smiled at his comment, and then they heard a car horn beep outside, meaning that Timmy's parents had arrived to pick him up.

Jazz leaned down to Timmy and gave him a hug. "Have a safe trip home, little cousin." She warmly said as she kissed Timmy on the cheek.

Despite being grateful for the affection, Timmy looked grossed out. "Eww, that's gross."

"Yeah, Jazz, you might give him cooties." Danny joked.

"Very funny, Danny." Jazz sarcastically said, looking unamused.

Timmy waved goodbye to his cousins and friends. "Bye guys!"

"See ya, Timmy, come back again soon." Sam said with a wave and smile.

Tucker also waved goodbye, "Take care, guys."

"Bye Timmy, bye Cosmo, bye Wanda!" Danny waved.

From inside their fishbowl, Cosmo and Wanda waved and said, "Goodbye!" as they grinned.

Then Timmy leaves for the front door as Jazz grabs his suitcase and walks him out.

"You know, Timmy's not that bad." Tucker said with smile. "He gets more and more like Danny each time he's here."

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "But I also think Danny might be getting a bit like Timmy."

"Come on, guys." Danny replied, looking embarrassed. "I know me and Timmy are a lot alike, but there's no way I'm anything like Timmy."

Danny walked downstairs to the kitchen and said to himself, "Well, Vlad's gone and Timmy's safely going back to Dimmsdale. What can possibly go wrong now?" He opened the fridge and looked inside, and then he realized something was missing.

"Hey, what happened to the cake I was saving in the fridge?" Danny asked, until he remembered something.

Danny Phantom was fighting an ecto-puss in the Ghost Lab and Timmy came down the steps.

"Hey Danny, can I have your last piece of chocolate cake?" Timmy asked.

Danny didn't quite hear the question, and instead he was smacked by the ecto-puss's tentacle and knocked away to the ground.

"I didn't hear him say 'no'." Timmy said as he walked away, smiling.

Slamming the fridge door closed, Danny shouted angrily, "TIMMY!"

The End

Well ,it's over now. I hoped you enjoyed the whole story, I really enjoyed writing it too. Also, there will be a Fairies and Ghosts Unite 3 that will be coming soon. Well, please review.