And now here's the sequal to Fairies and Ghosts Unite. If you haven't read the first one, check out my profile and you'll find it there.

Edit: For those you have read the story, I gave it a little sprucing up to give it a lot more description, new dialogue, and fixed any grammar or spelling mistakes, so it'll look nicer. But it's of course still the same story, so enjoy...

Fairies and Ghosts Unite 2

One afternoon in Amity Park, Sam and Tucker were coming out of the Nasty Burger after having lunch. Sam and Tucker looked in every direction like they were looking out for someone. Upon not seeing anyone, Sam notified, "Coast is clear, Danny."

"Sweet," Danny said in content as he turned visible. "No sign of Timmy?"

"No sign of Timmy." Sam repeated with a smile.

"Are ya sure it was right to just ditch him back at the house?" Tucker asked. "Don't you think you don't give him enough credit?"

"Oh, come on. Ever since Timmy found out I'm fighting ghosts the last time he was here, AND he's back to stay with us for another week, he's been kinda…" All of a sudden, Timmy ran up from out of nowhere and grabbed a hold of Danny's leg with a big grin on his face. "…clingy."

"There you are, Danny," Timmy said very fast. "It's a good thing I used Uncle Jack's Ghost Tracker or I never would've found you."

"See, what'd I tell you?" Tucker gloated.

"So, what'd I miss? Am I late? Did a ghost attack? Did you beat him?" Timmy asked very quickly. "Tell me, tell me!"

Danny shook Timmy off his leg and replied, "Geez, Timmy, relax. There is no ghost, if there was, my ghost sense would go off." Then right on cue, his ghost sense went off.

"Awesome!" Timmy cheered, jumping up. "Let's go get that ghost!"

When Timmy was about to run off, Danny grabbed hold of his shoulder.

"Timmy, wait!" Danny shouted. "You should probably stay here with Sam and Tucker."

"Why should I?" Timmy asked, disappointed he couldn't help his cousin fight ghosts.

"Because… I wouldn't want you to get hurt." Danny made up so Timmy wouldn't get in his way. "Ghost fighting is a lot harder than it looks and a kid like you wouldn't be able to handle it."

Then, Danny changed into ghost form and flew off, leaving Timmy with Sam and Tucker, looking disappointed.

"This stinks!" Timmy shouted angrily. "What am I suppose to do now?"

"Well, you do have Cosmo and Wanda to play with." Sam reminded.

Timmy looked at Cosmo and Wanda, who were disguised as cats, and then smiled with an idea. "That's it! I wish we were with Danny!"

"Wait!" Sam and Tucker shouted.

Cosmo and Wanda had no choice but to grant the wish, and they, Timmy, Sam, and Tucker disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

At the cafeteria in Casper High, Danny Phantom was fighting the lunch lady ghost.

"Prepare for infinite meat of doom!" The lunch lady ghost shouted as she made a bunch of meat levitate in the air.

"It's time to send you back to cooking school!" Danny cried as he shot a ghost ray at the lunch lady.

"Don't worry, dude!" Timmy shouted when he poofed in the room. "I'll take care of it!"

"No, Timmy, don't!" Danny shouted worried. "I can handle it!"

However, Timmy wasn't listening. He took out the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick, and ran toward the lunch lady.

"It's time to teach you not to turn good food evil!" Timmy shouted while swinging his bat.

"Who told him to say that?" Sam asked. "Danny or Cosmo?"

"You tell her, Timmy!" Cosmo cheered.

"And who didn't tell him that the Creep Stick was just a regular bat?" Tucker asked.

"That was you." Sam dully answered with her arms crossed.

Timmy jumped toward the ghost, but she went intangible and Timmy flew right through as she disappeared, and Timmy crashed into Danny, causing them to both go crashing into the fridge and food to spill all over them.

Danny glared down at Timmy, who had an embarrassed grin on his face.

Timmy chuckled sheepishly and said, "We won."

Back at Fenton Works, Danny and Timmy walked through the front door. Timmy was as happy as ever, but Danny just frowned angrily, they saw Jazz sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Hi Jazz. You're not gonna believe it, we caught another ghost!" Timmy told her excitedly.

"That's great, Timmy." Jazz replied cheerfully. "You're becoming a great ghost hunter like Danny."

"I know. I can't wait until tomorrow. Well, good night." Timmy waved as he ran upstairs to his room.

As she watched Timmy go upstairs, Jazz noticed Danny still frowning. "Rough night?" she asked her brother.

"Horrible!" Danny answered angrily. "Every time Timmy steps in to fight ghosts, I'm the ghost that takes the beating."

Oh, come on, Danny, I'm sure it's not that bad."

At the computer store, Technus was taking all the electronics. Danny Phantom flew in and shouted, "It's time to pull your plug!" Danny shot an eyebeam at Technus, crashing the computer he was controlling into pieces.

"Now it's time for you to answer to me!" Timmy shouted, stepping in.

"Who the heck are you?" a baffled Technus asked. "And where did you get those teeth?"

Seeing Timmy interfering with his ghost battles, an annoyed Danny shouted, "Timmy!"

"Face the wrath of my uncle's weapon!" Timmy shouted as he took out the Jack-O' Nine Tails. He swung it at Technus, but the ghost dodged it and it hit Danny instead and threw him into the television screen, electrocuting Danny.

"Did I get him?" Timmy asked as he saw Danny sit up angrily with his hair sticking up from static.

Out on the streets, Johnny 13 was driving his motorcycle and Danny was flying through the skies after him. When Danny tries to shoot him with a ghost ray, he misses, but then, Timmy poofs in the middle of the street, holding an Ecto Blaster.

"End of the road, biker boy!" Timmy shouted as he shot the ray. But the force pushed him back and the ray flew upward, hitting Danny instead and knocking him back.

Timmy saw what he did and he hid the weapon behind his back as walked away, whistling innocently.

In the park, Danny Phantom was fighting Desiree. Danny looked around to make sure Timmy was nowhere to be found, and then returned to the battle. He was about to shoot ice until…

"Time to go back to where you belong, female version of Norm!" Timmy cried, aiming the Fenton Thermos.

"Female version of who?" Danny asked in confused frustration, until Timmy accidentally sucked Danny into the Fenton Thermos, screaming.

"Oops, sorry Danny." Timmy apologized, feeling a little guilty.

"So he's a little excited." Jazz explained. "He would be after his last visit."

"But if he doesn't stop soon, I'm going to be the laughing stock of whole Ghost Zone." Danny mentioned, looking annoyed by everything his cousin has done.

"I'm Going Ghost!" Danny and Jazz heard Timmy shout from upstairs, followed by a loud thump.

"Timmy, keep it down!" Maddie shouted from another room.

"Okay, maybe you're right about one thing." Jazz admitted.

"Maybe if I talk to him over some ice-cream, he'll understand and stop interfering as much." Danny thought up "Then when I'm done fighting ghosts, we can still hang out and play video games."

"Sounds good to me," Jazz agreed. "Just try not to be too hard on him."

"Well, if his short-attention span would let him listen." Danny muttered. "Okay, I'll do it!"