Thank you all for your patience, stuff has been blocking me from writing lately. Was released from job after coming back from a weeks vacation back in April, and went into a bit of a funk about that. Still not working yet but not able to start looking

Had orig stated chap back during downtime at work, but haven't been feeling up to doing more, trying not ot think about anything really, just reading and watching tv, went out to family cottage for a while with no pc access,

Hopefully will be able to start writing again soon on more of my stories as well.

So another chap in my FF/XM cross over, hope you enjoy.

JAYNE-Janus Arrestes Yevgeni Nathanial Enrico Howlett

Inara refers to Jayne as Janus, since he isn't fond of the name, the others sometimes tease him by calling him versions of his name. (Mall is fond of calling him Ginny or Ritchy)


The tech blinked then frowned. He leaned forward and started rerunning the program. When the results came in confirming the first scan, he saved them to the proper location and began a continuous scan. Seeing the fluctuation readings in real time, he tapped the key that lit his pod's notice board. A minute later, he felt more then heard the presence of the darkly menacing figure standing behind him.

"what is it Lieutenant?"

"The new scanning equipment has picked up a fluctuating field of the radiation particles you advised us to track. There seems to be a frowning field of the radiation at a point central to the bombardment of the surface."

The Operative's face remained still as he seemed to consider the Lieutenant's statement. "Lt. Try to narrow down the scan to get a precise center of the field. Once you have, activate the 2nd scanning program."

Turning, the Operative strode away, leaving the bridge. He entered the seldom used comm room located off the bridge and proceeded to prepare a message, including the sensor readings. After finishing and sending the report, he leaned back, steeplling his hands as his face settled into a thoughtful expression.

'Why are they out this far? What interest dose this dust ball hold for those beasts?' he mused. 'Is it a lone agent or exile, or is this presence an indication of potential action against the Alliance?'


Derrial Book gasped as he stumbled to his knees. He was disoriented and woozy but was quickly able to bring the world into focus. He gasped quietly as he realized that he was no longer on the surface of Haven and was now kneeling in the cargo hold of a ship. A ship and bay which bore a striking resemblance to one he had considered home not long ago.

"How..." he started then had to stop as his training kicked in and he felt the presence of multiple people nearby. He spun in place while half rising to one leg, decades of hone reflexes swarming through his muscle memory. Recognizing most of the people, he relaxed slightly from his defensive posture before speaking. "Either I am dead and my sins have not been forgiven or Heaven is easier to get into then a fist fight on Unification Day."

Mal chuckled and stepped forward, surprising the Shepard further by grasping him in a manly embrace. "You got no idea how much we've missed you Shepard. Got a lot of 'xplaining to do, but it needs to wait some. Got to make sure the Alliance ain't picked up up on their sensors." Mal released the Shepard with a gentle push towards the waiting crew who each expressed gratitude for his presence with various displays of emotion.

Eventually he was left standing in the bay, which was far cleaner then he'd ever seen. Left behind with him were Inara and 2 strangers. The companion glided over and took his arm with refined ease and poise. "A lot has changed and there are things you'll need to learn, but first we have one more person to rescue."

"And who is that?" The confused man asked.



Wash blinked as the world vanished. One second he is struggling to control the falling ship, and the next he's somehow in the med bay with a pair of strangers holding him up.

Looking around he saw that the bay was cleaner then he remembered and there was more equipment then ever before. Some even looked like those he vaguely recalled from his visits to the infirmary during his flight school training. He studied the 2 figures in the room, both looking exhausted and grim. Deciding that this was not good, he knew what he had to do.

"Well since this isn't a deserted island and I don't see dozens of scantily clad Wifey's. I'm guessing I'm still alive and hallucinating or Hell is even worse then I feared."

The two exchanged a quick look and short snort at his attempted humor. "Actually Mr. Washburn, it's not quite either of those. Sparing the details for now, let's just say we stopped you from becoming a harpoon shishkebob. And if you aren't dizzy or naeseous, there are some people waiting for you in the dining room."

Hobun Washburn was confused, concerned and conflicted. He was also constipated but that had more to do with Jayne's cooking and Kaylee's engine wine then the miraculous transportation from bridge to bay. Putting aside the first three, but unable to stop suffering the last, he made his way to the dining room.

He strode in his mouth open to question Mal on what was happening but he froze in place. His jaw worked up and down a few times before he was able to take control of himself. "Shepard? Aren't you dead or did I dream tying your cold corpse to the nose of te ship in a place o honor for our suicidal run through an Alliance blockade and Reaver fishing trip?"

"Wash my son, I have as little information about all his as you do. One second I'm running towards the artillery and watching people being blown up around me, and the next it's like time freezing. There's 2 people I don't know taking me through a tunnel of light and a duplicate of myself steps into my former position."

"That's kind of what happened to me, only we had just survived crashing on Mr. Universe's moon. Oh and did I mention: You were dead and you skeletal remains strapped to the ship like a hood ornament?"

"There's a lot to explain, Wash. Lot of things changed and time passed since Mr Universe's moon." Mal stated from his seat at the head of the table. "Short story is: After Miranda, Alliance sent an Operative to find and kill us and every one we worked with. They hit Haven, killing Book, we came up with our plan, tracked and lured the Reavers to where the Operative and his fleet were waiting. We lead the Reaver charge. Wash did his usual magic and getting this old bird to do things it's designers wouldn't believe possible. We crashed and survived but as we got all congratulatory, a harpoon crashed through the bridge killing you Wash. Rest of us got off ship and made our way to the central broadcast station. Crew held off the Reavers while I got beat up by the Operative before getting the drop on him and sending the waive. After the Operative saw what he was protecting, he ordered the Alliance to stand down. He had the Alliance meds heal us up while the engineers nad techs repaired Serenity.

Bout 5 months later we get a job to an out of the way moon that happens to be Jayne's home world. Met his folks, learned some new things about all of us. They had a plan to help us. While we hung with Jayne's folks, they told us about the history of their moon, and how they could do things that most consider impossible. Including time travel, mutant cloning and others. They upgraded the ship and we came back. There were limits to what they could do, they could travel in time but we still had to go to the places where we wanted to be. So first we went to Haven and rescued Book, leaving a clone to take his place. After that we came back to Mr. Universe's moon and here we are, currently still landed on the moon with the remaining Reaver Fleet trolling through the Nebulae and with a few more decisions to make. We can't bring everyone back, but we might be able to bring back Mr. Universe. Now you're pretty much up to date."

Wash blinked. That was a very difficult story to believe, but he was looking at living proof. He turned to the strangers and froze again. One of the woman seemed to shimmer and before his eyes, an identical women seemed to step out of her body. Each then grinned, struck identical poses and expressions. Some thing odd seemed to occur and one of them seemed to swell and bulge in odd places while the other seemed to shrink and collapse. Within seconds, he was looking at identical copies of Jayne and River, of whom the originals were glaring from their seats. Which he noted absently were closer together then before.

"I don't know what to say." he stated, turning his head back and for the between the set pairs. "Ah, you said something about all of you having stranger powers? You don't all turn into Jayne, do you? Cause that would be wrong and freaky on so many levels. Not mention the damage to the waste processing plant. If you can all change, why not change into oh, I don't know, my beautiful Wifey. A ship full of Zoe's would be heaven for all of us."

"Not all of us have the same powers. In fact none of us have the same abilities." Mal stated, taking a swig from his coffee. "Doc can explain the genetics in detail, but we all have different skills. While taking the trip from Haven to here, Book was tested and he has the marker to have powers, but still hasn't triggered yet. Doc will test you, but we're all pretty sure you got it too."

Wash took that in, but started as he realized something. "Hey where is my beautiful Zoe-bear?"

Several looks were exchanged by the crew. It was Inara who spoke, her voice soft and gentle. "She's had a rough time, Wash. You were dead for 6 months our time. She didn't feel up to meeting you with all of us here. She's waiting for you. Go to her. We'll talk more and explain the rest later. She needs you."

Wash stood, instinctively knowing were to find his wife. He traveled quickly through the bowels of the ship, his senses absently noting some of the differences in the ship. He reached the door and paused. Taking a breath, he pulled open the door to the bridge and entered, stopping a few steps from his customary seat. "Hello wife." he stated, noting that his dinosaurs were in place.

The pilot seat turned and Wash was transfixed by what he saw. Zoe had changed but was as beautiful as ever. She seemed a bit thinner in the face, which also was showing more expression then he'd ever seen on her. Tears glimmered in her eyes and she stood, her hands clutching sporadically at her thighs. "Husband." she stated, her voice cracking. He barely noticed as a light breeze started blowing in the closed confines of the ship, nor did he notice the cloud forming over there heads as they slowly drifted towards each other.

Finally the damn broke and Zoe threw herself at him, her strong arms pulling him to her, lifting his smaller frame off the ground. Their lips met and clashed and Wash was over whelmed by the passionate desperation in her kiss. While it had only been hours for him, more then 6 months had passed for the warrior beauty. She pulled away with the need for air. "It's been bad, baby. I was lost without you. If you even put me through that again, I'll dig you up and kill you again. Repeatedly." Before latching her lips back onto his. With a thought she used her gift to draw the air towards them, pulling the door closed and locking it. She had 6 months to make up for and she wasn't planning on leaving this bridge until at lease a week or two's worth of time had been caught up.


Jayne grunted as the kick slipped past his block and landed on his ribs. He felt the crack and stepped back to avoid the follow up series. His arm spike struck out, catching the blade of his opponents sword. His other arm lashed out, landing a solid blow to the figures own ribs, sending the smaller form skidding along the slick floor of the bay. Catcalls and boos for the pair rang joyfully through the bay around them as they paused before surging towards each other again.

A grin crossed his face as the girl leapt over his head in a whirlwind of steel forcing him to avoid by dropping into a forward roll. More pain as the tip of the blade managed to score a line down his back. By the time he was on his feet again and facing his opponent, the wound had already healed. The girl was facing him in a front on stance, sword held above the head, angled slightly due to the bend elbow. Right leg extended to the side, left bent and body leaning forward slightly. Her other had palm up towards him. As she noticed his gaze study her, the fingers curled in a 'come on' gesture.

Just as he began to move forward, a piercing whistle caught both their attention. Wearily watching each other, they slid into relaxed poses before nodding at each other to indicate the session was over. Jayne's customary scowl reset on his face. He'd been enjoying the spar more then he had thought he would when River had suggested it. His opponent was good, very good with the sword, and he was glad to find someone he didn't have to hold back to much with during a match.

"What the hell, Mall? We were tied at 2 falls." he growled out to the captain.

"Sorry to interrupt Jayne, but I need to borrow your partner for a few minutes. Got a waive that I need her to look into. Seems might have another job."

"Hell Mal, we still got most of the coin from the last job. More 'en enough to last a few months. Why ya want another job now anyway?"

"Mostly to stay in practice. Might be flush now, and Serenity is in top shape so won't need spent much on repairs which means we only spending on food, fuel and landing fees. But we still need to work to stay in the game, make new contacts. Least now we can be a bit more choosy. That's actually why I need yer partner there. We worked for this guy before but didn't go as planned. Want her to check it out, make sure it's legit. The warrants might be gone and we ain't fugies any more but that damn Academy and those Blue Gloved goons ain't likely to have given up. And sad to say, there's a change that we might run into people working for the Creed's and their allies from Genosha."

"Don't worry Jayne, we'll have time to finish this later." the young woman stated as she sheathed her sword. She wiped some of the sweat off with a towel handed to her by the Doctor, who was scheduled for a training session with the ship's muscle.

Jayne grunted and turned to the bench himself. "Fine. But don't forget, we's tied and next fall means loser does the laundry for a week and the waste cleaning for 2 weeks."

Inarrra laughed as she redid the ponytail in her hair to a more business appropriate style. "Don't worry little brother, you'll notice the work goes quickly when you're stewing in the shame of loosing to and old lady." Inara used her gift and added 10 years to her apparent age, going from about River's age to Zoe's within seconds. She nodded thanks to the younger girl who had brought her a kimino to wear for the waive meeting, handing the girl the katana blade she'd been wielding for her and Jayne's sparring session. "River, why don't you help Janus with your brother? They were going to be working on using his metal control in a fight as a means of self defense. You've probably thought up some tricks you could help my little brother teach your brother."

River grinned as she ceremoniously placed the katana on the rack in the secret compartment in the wall under the stairs to the catwalk. "I have thought of a few things that could help Simon. But you'd better hurry, Captain Daddy is getting impatient."

Laughing throatily, Inara leaned in close to River's ears, shooting her brother a look. The gruffly outfitted man rolled his eyes and shrugged, showing that he was lowering his senses so that Inara could whisper to the younger girl. "Men like Mal, that impatience can come out in some 'interesting' ways. Janus is a lot like Mal in this regard. How goes you plan?"

River glanced over to he man in question. "Slowly but much more solidly then prior. He's still resisting, I think some of it is because he's trying to slide me into a 'sister' role as he sees Zoe, Kaylee and yourself. He doesn't want to risk the complications that were exposed when the truth of your relations came to light."

Inara rolled her eyes at the mention of her former incestuous relationship with her brother. Of course that had happened some 15 years before when both had been living vastly different lives and neither had known that they were related. Inara had left home when Jayne was only a teenager and they had not seen each other for about 30 years before the started their relationship as Vera and Adam. Add in their abilities to change themselves and it wasn't that surprising that they'd have a 2 year long relationship without either knowing they were siblings. The atmosphere on the ship had been strained once they were back in the black and everything started settling in their minds from the events on Greymalkin. Not a few months later and with Book and Wash back, there was an unstated rule that Vera and Adam were 2 different people who were dead and gone. In fact, only River even brought up their shared history, sometimes approaching Inara for tips on how to attract Jayne's attention.

The fledgling relationship between the potentially 2 most lethal members of the crew was a source of amusement for the companion. She noticed how most of the crew didn't even seem to notice the slight tension between the pair. Everyone seemed to go out of their way to rationalize the growing closeness between the merc and the reader. Simon's denial seemed especially advanced as River had on several times spoken to her in his presence of her intention to seduce the healer. As she reached the bridge she took a moment to compose herself, setting aside 'Sarah-matchmaker and busy body' and becoming 'Inara Serra-Companion' for the coming conversation with a reluctant Warwick Harwick and charming him to extend his association with Serenity Shipping.



as always thanks for reading. Expect more as non of my stories are trully finished