
E:I don't own anything but the pen, paper, and computer that I made this story on.


It had been long since Deidara and Sasori had, had to share a bed, but seeing as there was only one room left in the inn and only one bed they would have to. It had also been a while since Sasori had been out of Hiruko, but he had too the puppet drew too much unwanted attention. They took off their cloaks after entering the room. Deidara sat on the bed looking a little nervous.

"Maybe one of us shoul stand guard while the other on sleeps un."

"Were just getting a scroll from the Mist Village, it's nothing to be worried about."

"It's better to be safe than sorry though right Sasori no danna un?"

"Go to sleep," his tone left no room for any arguments, the blond knew that.

Deidara sighed and got into bed, he scooted over so that he was pressed against the wall.Sasori raised an eyebrow but said nothing.After a few minutes Sasori silently got into bed with his partner,they both faced the opposite direction

4 a.m. Later that night

Sasori woke up to a strange noise he laid there motionless till he realized that it was only his partner,moaning.He opened his eyes wide and turned over to face his partner what he saw shocked him.Deidara's arms were above his head,wrists together as if something or someone help them in place.He wiggleled under the covers,his hair was sticking to his slighly sweaty skin.Sasori calmly pulled the covers off of the blonde,his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets.Deidara had squirmed so much that his top went up and his chest was fully visable,and his pants were slipping down.Thats when the red head noticed that their was a bulge in middle.He was brought out of his thoughts by a low moan.He watched as his partner moaned and squirmed on the bed,gaining a problem of his own.Suddenly the blonde thrusted his hips up and moaned loudly.Sasori hissed and wondered who his partner favored,of course when he found out he would kill them.After all Deidara is his partner and-

"Oh danna un-nnmm!"

'Wait what?!'

"Yes there oh nmm unn...SASORI!!"

Sasori froze 'Did i just hear him right?'

"Mmmm right there unn!" he wiggled around some more.

Sasori then made up his mind to get to the bottom of this.He shook his partner awake

"Mnnn..."the blonde opened his eyes slowly till he realized who had woken him up.Then he quickly sat up.

"Yes Sasori danna un?"

"Did I wake u from a good dream?"

The blonde blushed and looked away

"Why would you say that un?"

Sasori pointed to the others pants.He looked down and quickly covered himself with the blanket.

"Were you dreaming about me?"

The blonde grew visibly redder the part puppet man lifted the others chin up to face him.Sasori locked eyes,red meeting ocean blue.Sasori slowly moved closer so that their lips were inches away from each others.

"Well were you?"

Deidara's eye was half lidded and he slightly nodded.

"See that wasn't so bad now was it?"


Sasori closed the space in between them.At first the kiss was awkward,but soon it grew heated.


Im leaving it here for now Review me please if anyone out there actually wants more of this story bye 4 now. AncamnaE

Those who can not do judge, however that does not mean that thoes who judge can not do.