Title: Seeking Sanctuary

Author: greenhenge

Rating: Mature

Summary: The story takes place directly after 113: Marian & Edward aren't in Sherwood; Vasey & Guy are scheming; John's in trouble; the outlaws are bored; and a surprise or two are inside.

Pairings: Robin/Marian

Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with BBC's Robin Hood, but I have been to the Major Oak.


By greenhenge

CHAPTER 1:"Do you know who I am?"

"Stay where you are!"

John Little sat rooted to his place. The voice came from somewhere close behind, yet he could discern in the shadows to his left a second form. Foresters! His mind raced over a dozen plans for defense, then rejected them as, not two, but four armed men approached; one on each side had nocked an arrow.


At last the owner of the voice moved into view and the outlaw, reasonably certain all were accounted for, pounced upon the nearest, bowling him over and into the second.

Two arrows flashed for an instant, but the first only grazed John's beard and the second was wide. Eyes blazing, the wolfshead tightened his grip on his quarterstaff and charged furiously toward the third. His attack seemed wild and frenzied, but in fact was far from it – every movement, every thrust was executed with deadly determination and controlled power. THWAP! John's quarterstaff cracked over the helmet of the third forester and he fell to the ground, unconscious. The fourth threw his bow to the ground and dove blindly into the undergrowth of gnarled vines, brambles and ferns. With an oath Little John threw his broken staff aside and sped after the retreating figure.

Unexpectedly the big man lost his footing and lay sprawled face down on the path, his breath knocked from him by the fall. Believing he tripped, the gleam of a broadsword revealed a different truth.

"On your feet!" Many strong hands hauled him upright and his arms were quickly pinioned behind. While still attempting to catch his breath one of the soldiers struck John full in the face.

The outlawed giant didn't flinch, but instead spat upon his enemy, despite the knowledge that additional blows were sure to follow.

"Hold!" The voice of authority was elderly and feminine. "Bring him here, this one that faces his executioners so brazenly."

Shoved to the side of an ornate litter situated atop a wagon, John reasoned it was this lady's escort that took him. Had he not followed that miserable coward, he would be free.

"On your knees before your betters!" The woman hissed. The point of a blade at his back forced Little John's compliance.

"You are no better than me." Narrowing angry eyes toward the woman, he thought how incredibly ancient she must be. Craggy and wrinkled, her face was as colorless as willow bark in winter. Her eyes were watery-blue and sunken, she appeared so frail that any passing breeze might carry her away like some withered autumn leaf.

"Do you know who I am, vermin?"

"I do not care!" John's defiance stoked the old woman's ire.

A boney hand shot out from between the heavy drapes and gripped John's throat with a power that belied her feeble appearance. The old witch embedded her nails into his flesh until blood was drawn.

"I will have respect from you!" She released her hold, but still spoke in a fierce whisper. "How do you suppose I find amusement, an old woman like me?" The outlaw knew better than to reply. "I watch animals die," she cackled, "…animals like you!"

Chapter 2: "Sanctuary is the only option."