Okay. This is the first chapter to my story. I have a TON of this handwritten, and I finally decided to submit it up here, but...I didn't know wherther it was alright or not, so I pulled the first segment out and called it the first chapter...It's kind of slow and cheesy at the beginning, but it gets better as it goes on. Review and tell me what you think. If it's liked, then I'll post more.

Because I love you

"A-are you crying?!"

"Don't cry!"

Giggling, the girl scrubbed tears from her eyes. "Aww, Kairi! It's not like we'll never see you again! It's only the summer!" Sora patted her shoulder, in an attempt to reassure her. "Besides, you'll have a blast!" The silver haired boy flashed one of those smiles that Sora honestly couldn't stand. One of those great big ones that showed all of his 'gleaming pearly-whites'. But, Sora only smiled at her as well. The sun was setting and it was gorgeous, so why not smile?

"Besides, you won't have to look at him for the whole summer." Riku lazily tilted a gloved thumb towards Sora. "HEY! I think it's the other way around!" The spiky-haired boy cried in his own defense. "Aww," Kairi frowned from one boy to the other, "Are you two still in that silly fight?!"

"Why wouldn't we be?!" They both cried in unison, folding their arms across their chest, turning away from one another. "Hey!" The boys yelled, again together, and whipped their heads around to eye each other. "Don't copy me!" Sora demanded, "You don't copy me!" Riku returned. "Guys…" The forgotten Kairi pleaded. "Sorry…" They said together, ashamed. She smiled gently and giggled, confiscating a lock of Auburn hair behind her ear. "What's so funny?" Asked Riku, on the brink of laughter himself. "Oh it's nothing…You two always get into those silly fights over nothing." She smiled again, "Just promise me, that you two won't fight while I'm away."

They were interrupted by an unnaturally loud blow horn from the boat on the horizon. "Oh…" Kairi began, looking over her shoulder as her grandmothers ship neared. "I guess this is goodbye…" She swallowed, and Sora watched as her eyes glazed with tears, and nodded. "Yeah…" The girl hoisted herself up, onto her tip toes, wrapping her arms around the taller boy's neck, holding for possibly a moment too long. Repositioning herself, she embraced Sora, tightly, getting one last breath of him.

The horn blared again, "I really have to go!" She gave a weak smile, lifting up her luggage, and beginning to walk backwards. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she lifted her bulging bag onto her shoulder. She stopped for only a moment, to get one last picture in her head:

Two boys stood side by side, one taller than the other by about two inches or so. Platinum locks hung down from the taller ones head, reaching slightly past his chin. He had the most amazing eyes- nearly every shade of blue- they had a soft tone to them. The shorter one had soft brown spikes, protruding randomly from his head. He had darker, gentler blue eyes that showed kindness and geniality. Two completely different smiles, each reading the same thing: longing.

Turning away, with a final wave, the farewell bids rang through her hears. She blinked, and in that moment, the picture of the two smiling boys shone through her mind, never to be forgotten.

The two boys stood there, on the shore, for what seemed to stretch on for hours, listening to the waves crash onto the shore and crawl back out. The sun had set and now an eerie, almost disturbing mixture of silence and darkness began to set in. "I guess we'll just have to entertain ourselves for these next three and a half months." Riku's nonchalant voice sliced through the silence like a knife. Sora looked down, pretending to be concerned with the waves, watching them roll in and tumble back out, tripping over themselves. "Yeah...we'll see how much entertaining will be going on. I'm tired, goodnight." And with that, the Brunette turned to the side, trudging down the shoreline, making his way back to his empty house.

The sun shone in the sky, brilliantly. And from what Sora could see, Riku had already beaten him to their usual spot. 'Eh he he…' Sora thought to himself, 'maybe this isn't too good of an idea…' Spinning on his heel, Sora began to walk back towards his house. "Ne! Sora!" 'Auuuugggghhh…' Sora slowly slid back to his previous position, forcing a rather dry smile. "Hey…" He retraced his steps and started towards the spot where Riku was. "Did ya not see me over here?" Riku asked as Sora finally neared. "He he…Must've missed you." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uhh…About….Lately…" Sora began, before Riku had time to say anything more. "I'm…." His eyes fell to the ground. He allowed Brown locks to fall before his face, shielding it from Riku's rough gaze.

Usually, apologizing came naturally to this young man, but for once in his lifetime, Sora felt intimidated. "Sorry?" Riku finished for him. Sora lifted his head to look at Riku. The boy with silver hair was gazing out over the ocean, watching as the endless blue abyss repeated it's never ending cycle. He pretended not to be concerned with the heartfelt apology. Sora couldn't help but allow himself a smirk….a grin….a smile. It was when Riku did things like this, that Sora didn't mind him so much. When Kairi wasn't near…Better yet, when they were alone, Sora didn't mind him in the least. Alone. That's exactly what they were right now. "Yeah…Sorry." Sora finally finished for himself. It seemed to go silent for a moment or two, with nothing but the sound of crashing waves and the distant taste of sea salt, and Sora wondered if Riku would accept. And then finally, the moment of truce. Riku turned to face Sora, grinning, he held out his hand, "Accepted." Sora smiled in relief, "Let's not fight for this summer." He said. Sora took Riku's hand, and held in the air, before the sun. "Friends?" He asked. "Friends." Stated Sora.

I know this was short, but it was only a sample, just the first two pages of my story...Please review and tell me if it would be a good idea to post the rest of the story.