That night, Candi had fallen asleep in Thomas's cab. She didn't mind that it was a little on the dirty side, that she didn't have a pillow or a blanket, and that she had nothing to sleep in except for the jeans, yellow sweatshirt, and white tennis sneakers that she had been wearing. She was the happiest she had ever been in a long time. It was a lot better than being home.

The sun began to rise. The engines were still asleep but Candi was awake and watching the beauty of the rising sun. Hues of orange, yellow, and pink filled the sky as the sun peaked it's head. Candi's eyes twinkled. She giggled quietly. Just then, Thomas moaned as he opened his eyes. "Is it morning already?" he said to himself out loud. "Well it's a sunrise so I believe it is," Candi replied cheekily. Thomas was still half asleep. He began to sing;

"Sunrise yay sunrise so pretty pretty pretty

I like the sunrise in the morning

Yay yay yay la la…"

Candi cut him off. "Thomas wake up!" Thomas woke with a jolt. "I'm up!" he cried. "Good, now no more singing."

"I was singing?"

"Yeah, you were."

"I was?"


Thomas looked as if he was rather surprised. "I don't remember singing," he said. "That's because you were still half asleep. That's why you don't remember," said Candi. Thomas, now more awake, sighed. "Well I might was well wake up. I'd have to wake up soon anyway. Sir Topham Hatt sometimes makes us wake up really early in the morning…" Thomas was about to go on when a random stranger came into the sheds. He was very scruffy looking with messy brown hair and a beard. He was wearing boxer shorts and a dirty, stained white T-shirt. He looked like a mad, psycho man. "Oh no," Candi whispered to herself. "Wake up! I have an important issue here!" he yelled to all the engines in his gruff, tough voice. The engines moaned as they woke up. "Who are you?" they asked. "I'm Don James. Now do any of you idiot engines know where the hell Candi White is?" he asked. "She's right here," replied Thomas. "Thomas, no!!" Candi cried. "What's the matter?" asked Thomas. "He's my step dad!" she cried. "Shit," said Thomas, "I'm sorry Candi."

"Don't be sorry my blue buddy, you've found my step daughter whom I've been looking for!"

"Why are you here?" Candi asked. "You think you're so smart trying to run away from home, thinking these little wussy engines are going to take care of you. I've been looking for you so I can bring you back home, and that's exactly where you're going." He noticed that Candi was stoking Thomas' fire and checking his water levels, but he still continued on with his threats. "And by the way, I tied the knot with your mom, and we're getting married whether you like it or not, so get used to being Candace James, because once we're married, I'll have even more control over you."

"I'm not your slave, I'm not your toy, and I'm not your step daughter! I've had it with you! You're a lazy bastard who does nothing to help around the house! And if I don't bring you your fing popcorn and soda while you watch the game, or scrub your filthy clothes, you'll whip the living day lights out of me! That's why, I'm turning you in!" And with that, Candi flipped Thomas' switch and took off down the line. "You get back here you little bitch!" Don cried after her. He hopped inside of Percy's cab and started stoking his fire. "What are you doing?" Percy asked, panic within his voice. "We're going after my rotten step daughter and that little blue tank engine," he replied. He flipped Percy's switch and sped after Candi and Thomas. "Stop, this isn't necessary!" cried Percy, but Don didn't listen.

"Candi, aren't we going rather fast?" Thomas asked. "We have to get to the nearest station to call the police," said Candi, "Don't worry, I'll be sure you get a nice long drink at the station, but we really got to get there." They finally arrived at the station. Candi applied the brakes and hooked Thomas up so he could get a drink. Then she ran inside. The station master was there. "Can I help you?" he asked Candi. "Yes, I need to call the police. My step dad has gone mad and he's after me." The station master showed her where the phone was. She quickly dialed 911 and told the police all about the situation.

Meanwhile Don was speeding with Percy down the line. "Can we slow down? My wheels are aching!" Percy cried. "Oh suck it up you big baby," said Don, "We need to get there so my daughter doesn't call the police on me." But to his disappointment, he arrived at the station which was surrounded by police. "Stop! Step out of the engine with your hands up!" they called out to Don. Don applied Percy's brakes and stepped out of his cab with his hands up. The police put him in handcuffs. "You are under arrest for child abuse," said the cop. "Child abuse? What the hell? I don't abuse children I'm a good guy…" His words faded as he was shoved inside a police car and taken down to the police station.

Back at the sheds, Thomas and Percy arrived with Sir Topham Hatt there. Percy's driver had driven him back while Candi drove Thomas back. "Well done Candi, you did the right thing."

"I sure feel better. It's nice to have my step dad off my back." Then Candi paused. "I just..well I know my mom is going to be really unhappy about this," she said sadly. "You don't have to worry about that Candi, because you don't have to go back home," said Sir Topham Hatt. "You will be staying in a foster home until someone adopts you. But even better than that, I want you to be Thomas' new driver." Candi's eyes widened in surprise. "You really want me to be Thomas' driver?" she asked. "Yes. You're a better driver than his previous driver," he said. "Too true," replied Thomas. Everyone laughed.

Candi only lived in the foster home for a few days. She was soon adopted by Mrs. Kyndly. She loves seeing Thomas and the other engines every day. She loves being Thomas' driver. She loves seeing all the beautiful sights of Sodor. But one of the things she loves most is coming home to a place where she is not a slave or an abuse target. She's happy to have her freedom back. Yes, it looks like a happy ending for Miss Candace White.

What about Thomas' previous driver? Some say he's somewhere around Sodor on a rampage. Although many other things were destroyed, luckily no one was hurt.

The End