Disclaimer: Don't own Kingdom Hearts characters. It's just for my sick fun. Don't sue unless you want socks.

Summary: AU. Riku's mother died a few months ago, and already his father has moved on and is engaged. To make matters worse, his soon-to-be stepmother has a son.
Rating: R - swearing and some sexuality (eventually)
Pairing: Riku/Sora
POV: Riku's


This can't fucking be happening to me. Situations like these never happen to kids like me. It happens on those stupid soap operas. In the movies. Not in real life.

God, I fucking hate my life. I hate her and I fucking loathe her precious son. Life would be so much better without my father's slutty ass fiancé and him. Walking in here like they own the fucking place.

I can't even believe him! It hasn't even been a year and already he's moved on and engaged? What a slap in a face to my mother, the woman he swore on countless occasions he loved. What happened to the man on her funeral who bawled his eyes out?

I know, I know, I'm being a bit...selfish. I should be happy my father is happy again, but fucking hell, isn't it, like, morally wrong to move on so quickly? Did he even love her?

Not to mention how he 'told' me. I just arrived home from school to find some woman sitting in my living room, smiling at me. My dad walks in a few seconds later, his face red and stuttering how he didn't 'expect' me so soon from school. They smile at each other in a sickeningly way, the way my father looks at her vaguely reminds me all those times he used to look at my mom. I hated it when they got romantic like that around me, but it fueled my anger to see him stare at another woman like that other than my mom.

"Who is this?" I ask, not caring how rude I sounded.

"Amy," he answered.

I say nothing, trying to fandom why there is an 'Amy' in the living room making eyes at my father.

"She's my fiancé," my father explained and then proceeded to tell me how he met her. (At the supermarket, how romantic. Insert sarcasm) And last night he proposed--prepare yourself for the lamest excuse ever--because he loved her.

Oh great, my dad meets some random chick at the supermarket in the fruit aisle and throws eighteen years of marriage out the window. No wonder the marriage rate is dropping. What was he thinking? Maybe this means I'll meet my future wife at Costco.

My dad and I had an "amazing" talk about the wedding plans. How much he loves Amy and how happy he is. Then he decided to tell me I was going to have a brother.

My first thought was, "He knocked her up." Of course, if that was the case, then I understood perfectly. My father would, of course, do the right thing--

Wrong again. He had to clarify; a step-brother. Apparently this Amy chick had gotten married young (whore) and went through a terrible divorce years ago and had gotten responsibility over her seventeen-year-old son, Sora.

Sora. Son of Amy. This only convinced me this Amy chick had been a very slutty, hippy sort. Who the fuck names their son that? I can't believe my father is about to marry a woman who is a hippy. Her son wasn't normal, either. He doesn't like sports. He prefers to stay locked up in his room. He writes poetry. He's an artist and deep, or that was how his mother put it. I just think this woman is in denial that her precious son is a flaming homosexual.

"Riku!" her annoying voice calls up the stairs. "Dinner is ready!"

Argh. Did I mention infuriating this woman is? She expects to have 'family' meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All of us to sit down at the table, say our prayers and sit and eat. It was all her idea. To "get to know each other better".

"How was your day, Riku?" she asks sweetly, smiling at me over the rim of her drink.

"Fine," I grit out, refusing to look at her or her son who sat beside me.

Only 22 days until my father marries her. Just 3 months left until graduation and I can move the fuck out of here. Until then, I vow to become the worst step-son from hell.

tbc. Review! I luv comments. I already have the first chapter done. This is gonna be fuuunn.