AN: Yeah, just so you guys know, this chap has absolutely no point. I just wrote it because the idea wouldn't get out of my head. So…yeah…on with the story!


Don't move, make no noise, don't even breathe. Right there, wait for it…wait for it…NOW!!!!!!!

Marie jumped from her hiding place among the snow and flung the projectile right at her target. She was awarded by a shriek when the cold slush ball connected with Cassie's face.

"Oh FUCK! That's cold!" Cassie whined as she wiped the cold mixture of ice and snow from her face. Marie laughed at her friend before quickly turning to make a break for it.

Cassie focused on the snow as soon as her vision was cleared. After a few seconds, Marie's feet were locked into place by the icy shackles that Cassie had made from the snow.

"HEY! No powers!" Marie said. Cassie grinned evilly and summoned snow into her hands, forming a huge ball of slush.

"Ya gonna cry about it? 'Cause you look like you're gonna cry." Cassie teased before she slowly advanced on her struggling friend.

Marie's brow furrowed in concentration as she summoned Scott's powers to the front. With a well-placed shot, she shattered her restraints easily.

"I thought you said no powers." Cassie said with a smirk as she threw the slush ball at Marie.

"You broke that rule first." Marie countered as she summoned a wall of ice from the ground to protect herself. She then summoned Piotr's powers, encasing herself in metal.

Marie busted through the wall and charged at Cassie, who promptly used her powers to stop Marie.

"Marie, surely you would know that metal counts as a natural element?" Cassie chided. Marie smirked and used telekinesis to lift more than a dozen balls of snow into the air.

"I know." She said before slinging the balls of ice at Cassie. As she had predicted, Cassie's focus was more on stopping her than on stopping the snow. Every last snowball hit its target.

As Cassie tried to regain her bearings, Marie took advantage of the opportunity she'd created to break free of Cassie's grip. She dropped her metal casing before tackling Cassie to the ground. The two of them rolled in the snow before Marie finally ended up on top of Cassie. Just as she was about to dump slush onto her friend, she was dragged to her feet by the ear.

"Owwwwwwww, ow…hi Jean." She said timidly when she saw who had her ear in a death grip. Cassie was about to bust out laughing, but then she saw Ororo standing over her.

"Uh, I'll get up on my own." Cassie said as she jumped to her feet. Her pleas were to no avail however, for Ororo grabbed her ear anyway.

"Girls, what did we say?" Ororo asked Cassie in a menacing tone. Cassie gulped, knowing that they were in trouble.

"That we're not allowed to use our powers during snowball fights anymore." Cassie replied, her head hanging like a child who was being scolded.

"And why did we tell you two that?" Jean then asked, her attention focused on her own fiancé.

"Because last time we blew up the gazebo." Marie whimpered as she too stared at the snow-covered ground.

"That's right. So, why are you two blatantly disregarding our rules?" Ororo growled.

"She started it!" Marie said immediately, pointing at Cassie.

"Listen to me! I don't care who started it! Now, both of you go inside! You're done with snowball fights for today and for the next few days!" Jean scolded as she finally released Marie's sore ear. Each rubbing their abused ear, Cassie and Marie trudged into the mansion.

As they each watched their respective fiancé enter the mansion, Ororo couldn't help but laugh.

"Jean, can you imagine two Marie's running around?" She said as they began the trek back to the mansion. Jean blew out a deep breath.

"Oh God, and Cassie's gonna spoil this child rotten, I just know it." She said as her hand lightly rested on her slightly-swollen belly. It was early February, which meant that Jean was almost three months along.

"Yep, then we'll have three little kids running around." Ororo joked as they entered the mansion.

"Oh no, three little kids?! I think I need to lie down." Jean moaned as she left to go upstairs to the bedroom that she and Marie shared.

"Jean ya might as well get used to the idea!" Ororo called after her. "If you're behaving like this now, what are you gonna do when that baby becomes a teenager?!"

"OH GOD! PLEASE DON'T SAY THE T-WORD!!!!" Jean screamed as she reached the top of the stairs.

AN: Short chap, I know. I just wanted to get the girls in trouble before I start up a plot. This was just something I wrote for the hell of it. I'll get the real first chapter up as soon as my muse hits. Translated, that means that I'll keep typing until it eventually makes sense!