The fact that this is true makes me cry at night, but I do not own Kiba or naruto. I don't own anyone of the show at all.

Yes this is a YAOI/SHOUNENAI/BOYZLOVE...whatever you want to call it

It's pretty much just your average lemon, nothing too out there.

Plus, the GOODSTUFFZ isn't till a bit later in the story

For now just some action/drama/humor/blah blah



Naruto awoke in his bed, groaning. "Erh, I don't wanna get up yet." He sat up and stretched before getting up to go shower. He let out a yawn and relaxed as the hot water ran down his body. "What am I going to do today?" Sakura-chan is busy learning new jutsu with Tsunade no baa-chan1, Kakashi-sensei is off on a mission with kurenai-sensei and Shikamaru, hmmm... Letting the last bit of shampoo and soap run off of him, Naruto grabbed a towel and stepped out of the shower. He stood in front of the mirror and thought some more. Ugh, I guess I'll have to walk around the village and see who else is here. Naruto made his way to his closet to find something to wear. ", this will work." Naruto put on his black and blue sneakers with a pair of jeans, and a black T-shirt with an orange and white jacket 2.

Naruto went into the kitchen to grab something to eat before he left. "AH! Good old ramen, you'll never leave my heart." Naruto hugged his ramen as he brought it over to a pot of boiling water and dropped it in. Naruto proceeded to his room and looked at his alarm to see the time. "Hm, 10:47..." Naruto put his hands over his stomach, leaned forward and coughed a bit. "AH! What is this feeling! I think I might actually make up my bed today! Gasp!" Naruto laughed at himself for the joke and began to make up his bed.3

After Naruto finished with his bed he sat on it and looked around his room. "...NOPE! That's too much cleaning for one day." He lay back on his bed and looked up at the ceiling. Eh, I still don't know what to do today. Naruto could smell a weird scent in the air, but he couldn't put his finger onto what it was. "OH CRAP! MY RAMEN!" Naruto jumped from his bed and ran to the kitchen. His ramen was just a little overdone, so he was okay. "Ugh! You can't scare me like that! I thought you were a goner!"4

Naruto, in a hurry to get out and find someone to hang with, almost swallowed the entire bowl of ramen. Naruto grabbed his keys and dashed out of his apartment locking the door behind him. As soon as Naruto turned his back to the door, he noticed Sakura walking down the street.


Sakura stopped to look back and see who was talking to her. "H-hey! Naruto, how are you doing today?"

"I'm doing okay. I'm lookin' for someone to hang around with. Hey, weren't you training with Tsunade no baa-chan?" he said, scratching his head.

"Mm-hm! I was, but a mission came up."


"I'll see you later, Naruto. I have to go meet up with Hinata and Lee-kun!" She yelled, running off.

Naruto waved, shouting back. "Okay! Later, Sakura-chan!" Now, at a loss, he found himself mindlessly wandering the streets of the village trying to find someone. Grrr, where is everyone? Sakura, Hinata, and Lee are on a mission. Shikamaru is also away on a mission. Hmmm… that leaves Ino, Chouji, Tenten, Kiba, and Neji. "Hmm… Well, I know they're here, but where are they?" Just as Naruto finished his sentence, he heard someone shouting his name.

"Naruto! Wait up!" Before Naruto could turn completely around, he was knocked over by whoever called out to him.

"AGH!" Naruto hit the ground. "What the hell! Why th-...Kiba?"

"Sorry, I was trying to catch you before you walked off."

Naruto stood and brushed himself off. "Okay, well… what'd ya need?" He asked in a slightly aggravated voice.

"Oh! I wanted to know if you'd come train with me?"

"I dunno... eh… why not."

"Good! I've been lookin' for you all day."

Naruto pointed toward himself. "Me? Why didn't you ask Chouji, Neji, Ino, or Tenten? Seems they are the only ones who aren't on a miss-" Before Naruto could finish, Kiba cut him off.

"Actually, the four of them are on a mission together right now..."

Naruto's face paled and, lowering his head, whispered: "Does Tsunade no baa-chan have no faith in me anymore?" He became so lost in his thoughts that he forgot all about Kiba. Kiba poked at his head, trying to get his attention.

"HELLO! Anyone home?"


"Well...? Are you coming to train with me or not?"

Naruto stood upright and blinked a few times. "...Oh! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"

Kiba walked away, leading Naruto to where they would train. After entering some wooded area, Kiba suddenly jumped up into some trees and vanished. Naruto stood with a puzzled look on his face, caught completely off guard. He then immediately reached into his back pouch to retrieve a kunai. His hand came away with nothing as he ealized he had brought none with him. Cursing silently at his stupidity, Naruto dove into some bushes and removed his bright colored jacket so Kiba couldn't find him as easily. Naruto sat as still and quiet as possible while waiting for Kiba's next move. Suddenly, Naruto could hear Kiba's voice echoing from somewhere in the forest.

"Naruto! You won't be able to stay hidden very long! You forget I could smell you from miles away!" Naruto knew he was a sitting duck and had no idea what to do. Before he had a chance to think, Kiba found Naruto and aimed a kunai at his neck.

"Looks like I win."

"Not yet, you haven't!" With that, the Kage Bunshin vanished.

"BUNSHIN!?" Naruto jumped from a tree, attempting to catch Kiba from behind. However, Kiba was well aware of where he was coming from.

"HAH! Naruto, I can smell the difference between you and a copy!" he said, spinning around to meet Naruto with a fist. Naruto took a blow to the stomach and was thrown toward the branch he jumped from. Kiba, with a devilish smirk on his face, launched himself up toward Naruto for another attack. He attempted to kick Naruto, but was caught by the leg and thrown at the ground.

Naruto, using his chakra to stick to the side of a tree, watched Kiba as he landed. As Kiba met the ground, he slid into some bushes. Realizing that Kiba probably moved elsewhere, Naruto made haste in finding a new hiding area. However, neither of them realized they were back to back in the same spot. Both spoke in unison.

"Where did he go?"

They then became aware of the other's position. Both dealt a powerful blow to the other's face. As they fell from the tree they were hiding in, Kiba caught a tree limb and regained his balance. Naruto flipped himself and landed safely on the ground. When Naruto looked up to see what had happened to Kiba he was surprised with another punch to the face. The hit barely affected him, but before he recovered, Kiba hit him again with a powerful kick, sending Naruto flying into the side of a tree. He crashed into the tree with such force that he was knocked unconscious.

"Naruto, stop trying to play games. Get up!" Kiba shouted. After a minute or two passed Naruto had still not responded or moved. "Naruto?" he questioned, slightly more concerned. Kiba ran over to see if Naruto was kidding around or actually hurt. When Kiba saw he had actually knocked Naruto out, he picked him up and put him on his back. "Ugh, I guess I fought too hard." With that, Kiba started off for the hospital.

Naruto groaned and sat up. "Is it morning?" he inquired groggily, rubbing his eyes. "AH! Itai! Why does my side hurt so badly?" Opening his eyes, Naruto realized he was in the hospital. "...What am I doing here?" Naruto looked around the room and noticed Kiba sleeping in a chair beside his bed. "Kiba?"

"Eh! Five more minutes!" Kiba responded.


"NANTE KOTO!" Kiba yelled, almost falling out of his chair. "Hey! Naruto, I'm trying to sleep he - NARUTO! You're awake!"

"...Should I not be?" Naruto asked, scratching his head.

"NO! Idiot. Well, what I mean is, do you remember training with me in the forest?"

Naruto pondered for a moment. "Oh yeah! What happened? I can't remember the whole fight or anything after it..."

"I'm really sorry, man."


"Ah-ha-ha, well… I kinda knocked you into a tree and you blacked out." Kiba answered with a strained laugh. Naruto stared at him, completely lost. "Naruto! You were out for a month!"

"NAAANIII!!!" the blond bellowed, thrashing about in the bed and setting off a few monitors.

"Gah! Naruto, calm down."


"Yeah, but you're fine now and I apologized."

"YOU-...Eh...Well, I guess I can't be too mad at you. I mean, it was training."

"Yeah…I still feel bad though." Kiba stared out of the window, a depressed expression crossing his features.

"Nah! It's okay, it's okay! You just owe me four weeks worth of ramen." Naruto replied, laughing.


"HEY! You knocked me out!" Naruto retorted.

"I guess you're right." Kiba gritted his teeth and cursed under his breath.

"Don't worry, Kiba, you don't have to give it all to me at once. You owe me a bowl for every day I was out. Maybe a few bowls a week."

"Ehhh, okay. Deal!" Naruto grinned widely as he gave Kiba a thumbs up. Kiba smiled for a second and sat back in his chair.

"So...when can I go home?"

"Uhm, after we get a nurse to look at you. I wanna make sure you're okay first." Kiba then left the room to find a nurse to look at Naruto.

Naruto began to wonder why Kiba was uncharacteristically nicer than usual, and why he was acting concerned. Yeah, Kiba's the reason I'm in the hospital, but why is he waiting with me and being so nice about the ramen. He would never let me win that easily any other time. How long has he been with me anyway?

"Ah! Naruto, you're awake!" a girl's voice exclaimed.

"Sakura-chan!" Sakura entered the room, followed by Kiba. "You two need to be more careful when training! One of you could have gotten really hurt," she said, examining Naruto and making sure his bandages were tight.

"Uhm, Sakura, aren't I pretty hurt?"

"Idiot! You're fine; you just blacked out for a while."

"So, can I go home?"

"Yes, just let me get you discharged." Sakura left the room with her clipboard, making her way to the nearest desk. Naruto went to the restroom to change back into his clothes. Hmm, I think I'm gonna take a nice, long, hot bath when I get home. Then Kiba can get me that first bowl of ramen. Naruto came out of the restroom, now back in his original clothes. Why does it feel like something is missing? As he was trying to figure what he was missing, Kiba walked over and gave him a slight nudge.

"Hey, it's still early and cold out; you're gonna need this, too." He said, handing Naruto his orange and white jacket.

"Oh! That's what I was forgetting! Thanks, Kiba."

"No problem."

Sakura reentered the room and informed Naruto that he could go home now. Naruto thanked her for all that she had done and started on his way out of the room. Kiba followed behind him, saying goodbye to Sakura.

"Hey, Naruto, I'm gonna walk with you home just to make sure you make it there all right, okay?"

"Uhm, o-okay." Naruto and Kiba left the hospital and headed towards Naruto's apartment. Naruto took a deep breath and looked up to the sky.

"Ahh! Fresh air! I wonder what time it is."

"It's about 5:28 a.m.. The sun should be rising soon." Naruto began to think more about his current situation. Why does he wanna walk with me home anyways? I feel fine. Was Kiba in the hospital with me the whole time? "Naruto! Look, the sun is about to start rising."

"What?" Naruto was still pretty immersed in his thoughts.

"The sun, it's about to start rising. Haha...I just love it when it first appears. When you see that thin line of yellow and orange across the horizon, y'know?"

"Uhm…yeah… sure." What is he talking about? It's gonna kill me if I don't ask him this, ugh! "Hey… uh, Kiba?"


"How long were you at the hospital with me?" Naruto averted his eyes.

"Oh, uhm...I came every once in a while to check up on things. I felt really bad," he replied, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh! No reason. I just hoped I hadn't taken up too much of your time." Naruto laughed uncertainly. Why is Kiba acting so weird? Was he lying just now?

"Hey, Naruto, isn't that your place over there?"

"Hm? Oh yeah!" As they walked up to the door, Naruto dug in his pockets for his keys.

"Naruto, lookin' for these?" Kiba dangled the keys in front of him.

"Ha! Yeah, thanks!"

"Yup." Naruto took the keys and turned to unlock the door.

"Hey! Naruto, I'm gonna run. You look like you can handle yourself from here."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for everything, though."

"Yeah! No problem!"

Kiba unexpectedly pulled Naruto into a hug. The blond was completely caught off guard. The hug lasted for one minute, then two, then three. Naruto finally snapped out of his daze, gave Kiba a pat on the back, then broke the hug. Kiba hadn't realized how long he was hugging Naruto until Naruto gently pushed him off.

Crap, I wasn't trying to hug him like that! "Ehh… uhhh… Kthnxbye!"(6) With that, Kiba dashed off. Naruto watched his receding figure, dumbfounded.

That was so weird. What's up with Kiba today? Why was he hugging me? Was he blushing when he ran off just now? "...Nah!" Naruto turned, unlocked the door to his apartment and went inside.

Kiba hadn't run off far. In fact, he was sitting on the ground behind a nearby tree. His heart was pounding and he was chuckling to himself. "I can't believe I just did that!" Kiba stood and brushed his pants off. "That was way too close. I hope he doesn't suspect anything." Kiba glanced once more at Naruto's apartment, smiled, then took his leave.

1Tsunade no baa-chan is what he calls Tsunade in the Japanese show it his just his way of calling Tsunade old.

2I don't know where I got the idea for those cloths. All I know is that I was sick of the yaoi's with naruto in leather pants and fishnet shirts. I'm sorry but that creeps me out to even think of him in that. Not much of a BDSM yaoi fan so yeah sorry.

3Uhm! Yeah I thought it'd be funny to have it in there lol I thought it was funny.

4Is it so wrong for a man and his ramen to have TEH LOVE!?!?!?!?

5HAHA the cloths have been washed he isn't putting on four week old unwashed cloths!

(6) Just incase someone dide catch on...OkayThank youGoodbye!