- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I felt so relieved, so very irrationally touched by his faith in me, that I could just… and I did. I kissed him, on his lips where I wanted to. His eyes sprang open in surprise but closed again when he put his arm around me and pulled me closer. It was a warm and safe place in his embrace. The kiss deepened. It didn't quite stir the same feelings as with Edward, but this was merely the beginning, and this was real - which meant so much more. The leaves were accommodating as we lay down and stroked each other's backs. I was aware of a certain proof that Jacob wasn't gay, but we ignored it.

For the first time in what seemed to me like a lifetime, I felt calm, appreciated for who I was, and not alone. I hoped I could stay here with him forever.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chapter 23 – Protective

The night had come, the land was dark, and the waning moon cast long shadows. The ravenous car engine ceased. After two clanks of closing doors, only the soft crunch of gravel sang in tune with the sounds of the forest. The air was cold, but I didn't feel it. My house would be empty, but my mind would know better. My heart had been torn, yet it still managed to beat. And all because of Jacob.

He was the only one who wasn't against me. I had badgered Sam and my mom about my white hair. Yet both kept denied knowing anything about it. Sam had given Jacob a passive stare, which I knew hid his extreme disapproval. It didn't matter. I'd find out one way or another.

I led the way upstairs to my room. Jacob's eyes narrowed and his pulse gave this one extra kick in what I assumed to be anger. I knew the reason for his reaction, for I could smell it too. A vampire's scent did not just evaporate overnight. Jacob appeared to ignore it though. He swept his gaze over my bed, desk, and closet, and then moved to the balcony and took a larger interest in what could be seen out there.

"Would you mind leaving your balcony door unlocked?" he asked as he turned around.

I rolled my eyes. "You can just stay here you know."

He was next to me in one long stride and stroked a bit of hair behind my ears. The warmth felt comforting. He chuckled. "I think I'll be of more use if I keep my eyes on the nearby road and trees than on something overwhelmingly more beautiful."

I snorted. "But thanks to you, John never got the chance to report back to Victor. Victor doesn't know yet for sure that I'm a werewolf, let alone a Gandillon. The chance that he'd show up tonight is minimal."

He shook his head. "I'm afraid that because his buddy didn't report back, he'll know something is up. Plus, no human could take John out. It is exactly the reason we have to be more careful."

I knew all of that. I was just hoping I could persuade him to stay anyway. Not that him paroling outside was an unworthy second. I couldn't help but wonder if Edward would have done the same for me. But even to this I knew the answer, the real Edward wouldn't have.

Paul and Embry had offered to join Jacob in keeping guard. However, Jacob said that I was a good fighter. Plus, they could make it here in ten minutes if they ran. We could hold off any vampire if it really came to that. But a part of me suspected that he just wanted to be left alone with me.

"So," I purred and enclosed the last remnant of space between us. "There is nothing I can do to persuade you to stay?"

He threw his arms around me and held me there. "You don't realise what a bloody mess you were when I pulled you out of the snow. I don't ever, ever want to see that again. So therefore, no, there is nothing you can do to persuade me." He narrowed his eyes at me threateningly. "So stop trying."

"Ow, awright," I sulked.

He ruffled the hair on my head, which he had just neatly put behind my ear, and disappeared out of the balcony door.

I took a shower and got ready for bed. Occasionally I thought I heard leaves stir, and I could smell Jacob's scent on the air coming through the balcony. Even though I enjoyed the feeling of safety, I couldn't repress the nagging thoughts about tomorrow. My bruises and scrapes were minimal enough to pass for normal. Tomorrow I'll to go back to school and talk to Alice and get an update from her… if she'd be willing to give it. I needed to hear if they kept all videos off the internet and from the Volturi, not just because I needed to know, but it was important to the pack. For those videos showed Edward playing the piano and me dancing with inhuman speed at the restaurant Vicini Vicini.

I tried to keep my mental focus on Alice. Yet soon her topaz eyes soon transformed to those of Edward. He'd made me his own personal toy. Only when he tried to kill me did he decide that I wasn't worth the trouble anymore… I had no idea how I would react to him tomorrow. Nobody had ever treated me this bad, nobody I had cared about. Would I be able to control myself if he so much as looked at me? Would I attack him now that my strength was optimal unlike last time? Rationally it would be a definite 'no'. But, I felt so shaky lately. Could it be due to the vampires? Edward, Victor, and John? No, no, it must be because of the healing. After the last time I healed is when it really started.

Distant movement stirred the air once more. And by simply knowing he was there, the hidden tension in my neck and shoulders eased.

I knew I was dreaming. Yet forest scene did not induce the accompanied sense of tranquillity. This time, the red leaves were red due to blood. The moonlit liquid appeared black as it crept between my toes. Suddenly all of it was overwhelmed by the strong scent of sandalwood and musk. Oh, and how I craved the scent and the release it brought. A little distracted, I parted my lips to breathe in more of it. But I couldn't because other lips were blocking my way. I opened my eyes and kissed Jacob back.

He pulled me from under the sheets and placed me on his lap. "Hey Viv, how did you sleep?"

A little shaken, I elongated my legs and pointed my toes. When the last traces of sleep were chased from me, I replied. "I slept well." I kissed his rough cheek. "Thank you."

He looked a little tired, but I could be mistaken for he had the exact same look yesterday. "Jacob, you do… sleep right?"

He laughed. "Yes, it comes with the whole being-alive thing, but because my body regenerates faster, I need less." I wasn't too convinced. Perhaps he's been tired all along. "I'll sleep once I'm sure you're safe," he assured.

He wasn't the typical kind of wolf like I'd come to expect over the years in a pack. And yet he was. When a male werewolf considers you his, he'll want to be the dominant one in the relationship. He then in turn would protect what he sees as his property at all costs. I hadn't considered Jacob as the territorial type, but because he was wolf, I guess it was only natural.

After I got dressed, we had toast instead of cereal for breakfast (because the milk was expired). I collected my books and forged a doctor's note that would explain my days of absence. I signed the note with 'Carlisle Cullen'. Friends or foe, vampires and werewolves had secrets to maintain. He would help keep it. Plus, so far Edward was the only Cullen who had really f----- me over. I wasn't sure about the other vampires.

We drove my Spider to school today; Jacob was at the wheel. The weather was dark and cloudy, which was good in our case. Jacob said he'd hang around my school today, just to be sure I was safe. I tried explaining that I'd be fine. They couldn't harm me in public; no vampire would take that chance. Yet he didn't take 'no' for an answer.

I eyed him suspiciously as he parked the car in Fork's High School's parking lot. "Raise your right hand for 'yes'. Did Sam put you up to this?"

A tremor passed through him. Yet I did not believe it to be anger related. He didn't lift his hand.

"I would have chosen to be here regardless," he finally uttered.

I contained my agitated sigh. "Is that the truth?" I asked.

He raised his right hand. "Yes."

I smiled at him, reminding myself that this was not his fault. I heard a racket of familiar laboured footsteps from behind.

"Vivian!" Bridget hollered. "Where the hell – oops, sorry – have you been?" She was carrying a collection of white plastic bags that impaired her movement as she knocked some ninth graders out of her way. She didn't realise I was in the other side of my car and bumped into Jacob as he got out.

"Oh!" she said exasperated and dropped half of her load on the floor. "Oh my, I eh…" I came up behind her and picked a few bags.

"Hey, Bridget. I was ill. This is Jacob."

He held out his hand. She took it and smiled politely. "Nice to meet you." She then inconspicuously turned her back to Jacob as she picked up the last bag. She leaned into me and whispered. "Damn Vivian, you do know how to pick them! Is he taken?"

Jacob, who could easily hear her, struggled between a chuckle and a frown and ended up with something distorted before he cleaned his face. He placed a claiming arm on my opposite hip. I nudged him in the side because I knew it would make her uncomfortable.

"Jacob is kind of my boyfriend," I told her.

She pursed her lips and wrinkled her brow in thought. She turned to Jacob and said "I'm gonna steal her from you for two minutes." A low growl rumbled in his chest. Apparently he was more territorial than even I imagined. "Jeez," Bridget bawled. "I'm straight and I don't bite." She linked her arm in mine and pulled me away a few cars down. Jacob would still be able to hear us, but I had nothing to hide.

"You know I'm not a judgemental person. But I don't like following the social etiquette." She rolled her eyes at the latter word. "So I'll just ask you straight out. Are you dating him to get over Edward? Or is you dating Jacob the reason why Edward left? And how do you get the hot guys within such a short time-span? I've been trying to flirt with Shady for so long but I'm such a noob. However, he must be too because I think he's falling for m-"

"Wait," I interrupted. "What do you mean Edward left?"

"Well, like you, he didn't show up on Friday. And yesterday the teacher announced that the Cullen family had moved on to California."

Edward was gone? I'd never see him again? Yes, I hated his guts. But… the thought made me sad nonetheless. I shook my head and deliberated the information we needed. California was too sunny for a vampire to live. They went somewhere else, and told the lie just to elude us. It was selfish of them not to inform us of how the vampire world was faring. I welcomed the anger as it replaced the whiff of sadness away within a second.

I turned to see what Jacob's reaction was to all this. But he wasn't where we had left him. After scanning the grounds, I spotted him next to the cafeteria talking to Shady. I turned to Bridget to see a sign of recognition in their meeting, but she wasn't paying attention to them. I wasn't aware Jacob knew anybody human in this school. I tried to filter out their conversation against all the surrounding noise (including Bridget).

"What are you doing here?" Jacob sounded less than happy. He looked intimidating compared to Shady, who wasn't the smallest himself.

"I go to school here," Shady uttered in astonishment.

"Samuel wasn't informed."

This took me aback. How would Shady know the pack leader?

"I thought it would be logical I'd go to school here," he replied earnestly. "It would be easier for me to-."

Jacob released a heated breath. "It was foolish."