The Games We Play
Warnings: Suggestive actions
Dedication: Written for Angelic Wings
Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own any of the characters mentioned below.

Urahara tapped his fan against his chin and spared a glance for the battle outside his window as another yell of frustration sounded. "My, what a noisy child that Ichigo is being."

"Hey, hey!" Usagi slapped one hand down on the table and huffed, "You're supposed to be paying attention to our game, not his!"

It took a little effort to stop himself from grinning at her obvious annoyance, and Urahara hid his mouth behind his fan just to be cautious. While she was fun riled up, he didn't want to make her seriously angry and ruin their game. "Fighting Hollows isn't exactly a sport, Usagi-chan."

Agitated, the blonde waved her free hand in the teenager's general direction. "That's not even a big one, he'll be fine. It'll take him maybe another five minutes at the most, now come on and make your move!"

"Of course, of course, though I do think you're overestimating his experience a bit." He looked down at his cards, compared them to the flash of Usagi's own she had unwittingly given him while she complained, and promptly bet his outer robe.

With a triumphant yell, Usagi slapped her cards down and thrust one arm forward in a victory pose. "Read it and weep! Gimme your robe!"

"Oh, dear," he murmured, "a full house. That is a good hand. However, I do believe I have something just a little better."

He revealed his straight flush and Usagi's head promptly hit the table.

"Now, really, there's no need to act that way, Usagi-chan," he scolded, reaching forward and patting her shoulder. "You didn't see me behaving like that on my last loss, did you? Just give me your bet and we can continue on."

Usagi hesitated, grumbled ("You were just giving up your hat."), and blushed but eventually slipped out of her shirt and threw it at Urahara's face. He added it to his prize pile – which included, among other things, her socks, both of her sashes, and her outer robe – and admired her while he dealt another hand.

"There's really no reason for you to act so modest," he told her, smiling. "After all, I've seen you in much less."

If anything, Usagi blushed even harder as she tried to relax, slowly lowering her arms from across her chest and giving him a much better view of her upper body. She looked very appealing in nothing but a white bra and black hakama, so much so that he considered abandoning the game all together…

And then Ichigo came crashing through the window and landed right in her lap.

For a moment, Urahara racked his brain for a way out of this that would allow them to continue their activities, though somewhere with four standing walls. Any hope of this, however, was dashed as the door opened and Tessai, Ururu, and Jinta peered into the room, despite his explicit instructions for them to make themselves busy elsewhere.

Visibly mortified, Usagi shrieked and jumped up, unceremoniously dumping Ichigo's injured body to the floor (Urahara spared this about half a second of thought before deciding the teen would be fine), snatched up her robe and zanpakutō, and fled the room.

"Was there…just a naked woman in your room?" Ichigo asked.

Urahara sighed unhappily and tapped his fan against his chin once again. "Unfortunately, no. However…" He glanced at Usagi's remaining possessions and smiled.

Later that night, after the room had been hastily repaired and the rest of the shop was asleep, she came back, still flustered and her robe tied shut with a temporary restraint.

"I need my stuff back," she said stiffly.

Urahara grinned and gestured to the deck of cards on the table in front of him. "How about we play for them?"

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