Written in Velvet

Bella's Point Of Veiw

I could see the want in his golden eyes. He wanted me to say yes. And I wanted to say yes. But every time I felt my mouth form the world that would ensure my attachment to him for all of eternity, I would simultaneously remember the outcome of my parent's early marriage. Stupid, I know. What my mother and Charlie had had could not compare to one thousandth of what I felt for Edward; or one thousandth of what I was now sure Edward felt for me. What was I waiting for? I looked down from Edwards eyes. They just had too much persuasive power.

"Bella," Edward's voice drifted like wind, weaving into my confused mind, "you say you love me, you even want to become a vampire to spend all of this dammed eternity with me But you won't marry me?" his voice was pained, and I could hear what the suspense was doing to him, but what could I say?

"Bella…" his Granite hands ran slowly up the sides of my body to rest just below my chest.

"Edwa…," I forgot what I was going to say as his perfect Ice lips began to trace mine. He breath began to come faster as he moved his mouth to rest at my quivering jaw.

"Bella, do you love me?" He murmured, running his hands up to my shoulders.

"Yes," I breathed, unable to form a longer answer. My spine began to tremble as he ran his hands down my arms around to my back, moving his lips to touch my temple.

"Then why won't you marry me?" he muttered against my head, trying to keep the aggravation out of his voice; struggling to maintain his velvet tone.

"uhhh…" I forgot the question.

"Bella!" his exasperation was clear. I strained not to concentrate on the fact that his hands were unconsciously rubbing smooth circles across my back and tried to pay attention to the task at hand. We had been having the same argument for the last five days. No one could understand why I couldn't say yes. Not even my self. Unexpectedly Edward reached behind himself and tucked something under my mattress.

"What's that?" I asked, leaning past him to get a better look. But his hands, cold as ever, pinned mine to the bed. As he leaned in, I could see my favorite smile playing across Edwards features. Then, abruptly, his lips were on mine. He unleashed my hands to intertwine his in my hair, pulling me deeper into his crushing embrace. I had no complaints. Not only had we stopped talking aboutMarriage but we were kissing! Two wins in one. And then, all too soon, he pulled away from me. Gasping, I opened my eyes to look at him. He was staring at me, intense longing in his eyes. But it was different. It wasn't like the rash excitement his eyes usually held; the one that showed his thirst for my blood. Suddenly I felt my heart sped up as I realized exactly what kind of longing it was. Physical. I watched as a grin played across his eyes.

"I have to go Bella," Edward said, covering my mouth with his hand at my protests, "It's necessary." Then with a quick kiss he was out the window.

"Oh..." his voice came floating back into my room, "don't look under the mattress, you won't like what's there." I could almost hear the smile in his velvet voice. Stupid, beautiful, tricking vampire! Now I was going to have to look! I listened closely to the outside and then, as positive as I could be that he was no longer there, I threw myself to the other side of the mattress yanking it up.


Okay, what do you think. this is my first story so lots of tips would help. does it suck? should i keep posting? i have tons written but im not going to post a story no ones going to read. so please R&R.