A/N: I know this story is finished but I was rereading it the other day and... I just couldn't handle the grammar! I wanted to keep it the same to show how I evolved as a writer but I can't. So is I will be editing all the chapters and now they will look much better and in my opinion will be much easier to read.

Let me know if you agree after this first chapter and I'll keep going.

Summary: a year before the massacre Sasuke shows Itachi that he is worth something. Itachi decides that everything would be easier if Sasuke was on his side and trains him. Will Sasuke help Itachi kill the clan?

Two brothers

Chapter 1

"Please, please" a small boy with raven hair was pleading with his mother, his large doe eyes filling with hopeful tears.

"Come on Sasuke I think you will be a little too young compared to the other kids there."

"Yeah but Itachi went to the academy at my age please" she looked down at her youngest son's face and saw the determination there.

"Well you do have a good point… let me talk to your father about this and we'll see what he says." she smiled when she saw Sasuke face lit up before turning and walking from the room.

X-X-Later that day-X-X

X-X-Itachi's pov-X-X

"Sasuke, do you want to train with me?" Predictably the younger raven came running down the hall.

"Yeah I do, but you said you were busy." I couldn't help my smile.

"I was but not anymore." His eyes immediately brightened and we went out to the field behind our house. While I was showing him how to throw a shuriken I could see that he had great potential.

'If only I could train him, then he could be part of my plans and join me. That's why I'm glad he is joining the academy next week.' By the end of training the sun was starting to set, so we headed back inside.

X-X-Time skip-X-X (an/ I didn't know what else to put so I'm just skipping)

X-X-First day of school-X-X

"See you later mother."

"Bye Sasuke, have fun at school." Sasuke smiled and dashed outside. He was early but wanted to make sure he was at school before anyone else.

'Ok Itachi said that that I just need to get through school and if I graduate at the top of my class he will make sure father knows about it.' For the past week Itachi had been training with Sasuke, and because of the time they spent together he had unconsciously become colder and had pulled farther away from people, but to Sasuke all he was seeing was Itachi's approval.

X-X-Time skip to after school-X-X

Sasuke was walking home from school. 'I wonder if Itachi is home from that mission yet. Even though he only left last night he's probably done already.' Once he got home he walked inside, put his bag down and walked back outside. He went to the garden to the side of his house it seemed to be the only place he could be alone. Once he sat down he started thinking about the other kids in his class


He was sitting in the back of the class but he could hear all the whisper as clearly as if he was sitting next to them:

"Hey dude look that kid doesn't look old enough to be here I wonder who he is."

"He's probably lost."

"He probably doesn't know where he is."

When class finally started the teacher went around the room and made every one say their name. Sasuke wasn't even looking at the teacher when his turn came, he was looking out the window and watching the birds playfully flying around. Yet answered, as if he had been paying attention to what was going on, "Uchiha Sasuke."

After everyone said the names class started and after the first few sentences Sasuke stopped listening not because he didn't care but because he already know all of the stuff the teacher was teaching.

X-X-End Flashback-X-X

Light footsteps stopping next to him interrupted his thoughts.

"Itachi can we train today?" he looked over his shoulder at his brother. Itachi raised an eyebrow and looked Sasuke over. After a few silent minutes he looked away.

"Sasuke, how would you like me to teach you a new technique?" Sasuke instantly brightened.

"Really? What is it?" Itachi smirked as he sat down on the ground next to Sasuke.

"Listen closely, before I teach you this technique I need to make sure you understand something." Sasuke eagerly nodded. "You are not allowed to tell anyone else about this." Sasuke was curious now, but nodded anyway.

"This jutsu I made myself so no one else knows… you will be the first." Sasuke was amazed but watched Itachi intently. "The technique is called the mind share jutsu, with this jutsu you and I can talk to each other in our mind, this way no one else will know what we are talking about."


"Wow Itachi that jutsu is really cool." The two ravens were walking back to the house, the younger covered in dirt but with a happy smile on his face.

"I just can't believe you got the hang of it so quickly" Sasuke smiled at his brother's approval but pouted when his hair was ruffled. "Just remember you can't tell anyone about it." Sasuke's smile widened and he nodded as they entered the Uchiha district.

X-X-Time skip-X-X (an/ I know a lot of time skips)

X-X-Last week at the academy-X-X

X-X-Sasuke pov-X-X

Things were fairly boring since class had free time, it was the last week of school and the only thing left was the graduation exam. I was sitting in the back of the class when I got a ring in my ear, under my desk I made a small series of hand signs, I eyes glazed.

'What is it Itachi? Why are you talking to me now? You never call during class.'

'You have gotten very good at telling when I am trying to talk to you.'

'Can we get back to why you are talking to me?'

'Fine I need to talk to you after school gets out.'

'Why couldn't you wait till I got home?'

'I didn't want anyone else to hear and I know you wouldn't have serious lessons today.'

'Ok where do you want me to meet you?'

'Meet me at the training field on top of the Hokage Mountain… oh and make sure you aren't followed this time.'

'Right.' the conversation ended and I felt my eyes return to normal. After shrugging my shoulders I went back to staring out the window, but when I heard my name and listened in on the conversation.

"I still say Sasuke will be the best."

"Dude he's like 2 years younger than you."

"So he's good I mean come on his older brother, Itachi, was the youngest kid in his class and he was the best."

"Itachi has a younger brother?"

"Yeah I know it surprised my parents when I told them." the two boys were soon joined by another.

"Yeah my parents said the same thing."

"There must have been something wrong with him to have no one know about him."

"Or Itachi just got all the attention because he was first."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well I have an older brother too and before I was useful he got all the attention. I can see that happening, I mean my mom said that the Uchihas take pride in being the best at everything they do." I stopped listening after that and just wasted the rest of the day.

When the end of school came I walked out of the classroom and started to head to the mountain. Halfway there I noticed I was being followed and sped up making it looked like I just disappeared.


Well what did you think any and all reviews are taken.

Review second chapter ready 5 reviews minimum for me to continue.