Author's note: Well…basically this is set during the 6th year and it's about RON AND HERMIONE'S relationship (which by the way has to finally happen in the 7th book – am I right?!) Anyway, it's a pretty typical set up…they both want each other but are held from each other by unfortunate and annoying circumstances/conflict etc blah!

They are, in my opinion the best pairing…except perhaps for Harry and Malfoy (mwahaha…) but anyhow, just because the summary I mentioned previously does sound painful boring…read it anyway? Cheers :D

Ron was panting hard. His green t-shirt clung to his lean body and his messy red hair covered his eyes. He couldn't stop though. No way. He was hurtling through the hallways, completely driven, led by his own pulsating desire…

He didn't seem to notice the roof caving in above him, or the suits of Armour that came smashing to the floor as he frantically flailed by.

Why were the floors so slippery? And since when did the Gryffindor common room become a huge bouncy castle? Look, there's Harry and…and…is that Malfoy? He's not meant to be in there. And why the bloody hell is he bouncing with him? Keep running. Nearly there now. Oh shit. There's Lavender. Don't let her see you.

"Lavender!" Ron gestured enthusiastically "Could you please not see me?"

"Sure!" She chirped, pecking him lightly on the cheek, "Have a good time!"

As he stumbled up the last staircase to the seventh floor he briefly considered, she can't really mean that…or does she? Maybe girls don't mind about this sort of thing…or am I just…

He skidded to a halt. Why was his family here? His entire family…lined up against the corridor…and…and clapping and smiling warmly at him…

"D…Dad…" he faltered.

"Go on son!" Arthur ruffled his hair and gave him a firm thump on the back.

Hmm…this is odd…

"Don't do anything we wouldn't do brother!" Fred and George winked simultaneously.

"Thanks guys…I really appreciate it."

Ginny leaned forward with a very serious look in her eyes, "Take this Ron…it's very important… Professor Snape made it very clear that you should have them." She handed him a pair of handcuffs.

"Brilliant. How thoughtful of him. Tell him I said thanks yeah?"

She nodded.

Blimey, even his Aunt Tessie was here. As he edged by she pinched his bum and growled. Ron turned to her, touched. " Thank you…it means a lot."

He was only mildly shocked to see his brother Percy, who, as he passed him blew excitedly on a party blower.

Bill and Charlie were in tears, and after a short embarrassing moment where Bill attempted to vocalize his current bout of feelings, Ron just moved on, absolutely horrified.

Talk about an emotionally draining experience…an emotionally draining and disturbing experience…and how am I ever going to have the energy to…

"Mum!" Ron's voice came out like a terrified squeak.

"My little Ronnie-kins! All grown up at last…I love you son, and just remember…when you go in there, I'll be with you all the way. Be a gentleman. I'll be watching!" She embraced him, removed the hair away from his eyes and rearranged his robes…since when was he wearing robes?

Okay…she's joking right? This has gone too far! Did she say she was going to be watching?! Err…I don't know if I can do this anymore…

When Ron turned round and saw the proud, hopeful tears glistening in the eyes of all his loved ones, he decided to ignore this typical manifestation of his bloody annoying mental state.

With an only slightly nervous gulp, he swung open the door to the room of requirement.


He clenched his fists, bit his lip anxiously, and marched into what appeared to be the sixth year boys' dormitory.

He stumbled through the darkness, vaguely aware that he was making his way towards his own bed.

"What the…" He squealed as a hand gripped his ankle. He knelt to the floor, shaking slightly.

It was Harry. Why the hell was he under Seamus' bed?!

"Hiya Ron!"

"Alrite mate." Ron mumbled back, slightly pissed off now. "Look, err…nothing personal but I sort of need you to fuck off right now…" Ron smiled awkwardly.

"Right you are. Not a problem I'll just…"

"Hang on, earlier I saw…what were you and Malfoy…"

Harry's eyes widened, "Erm…we were just…" and then he vanished.

Ron shrugged, got up and carried on.

"Fuck!" He banged his head against one of his bedposts and reeled back wincing with pain.

But just as his head had finally stopped spinning, a pair of hands reached out and yanked him roughly by the front of his shirt on top of it…her…HER!

"Ron! You know how I feel about punctuality. I'm not impressed."

A pair of mischievous brown eyes burned up at his own startled blue ones.

"Bloody hell…Hermione!" He cried out, only it came out more like a groan.

She raised her eyebrows provocatively. His groin stirred like it always did when she looked at him like that…usually during an argument…only she never actually realizes how sexy she looks…

"I really want you Ronald. Now."

His heart thudded and his erection throbbed against the now restricting front of his jeans.

Her eyes seared into his with lust. "Just fuck me."

He'd never seen her like this before. He swallowed. He could feel her hard nipples pressed against his own chest. His eyes briefly flickered downwards and then snapped back up abruptly. Yeah…I was right…she's not wearing a lot. He gulped. This was almost too much for him to cope with.

Momentarily paralysed, she began to gently kiss his neck, although biting it every so often whilst her hand slid down his body to the top of his jeans.

When she stopped what she was doing to him he breathed out in panic, "N…No!"

She laughed at him and then her smile disappeared, to be replaced by a look that Ron could only surmise as…purely dominatrix. "Have you got the handcuffs?" She purred.

Five words. Five words that even in the midst of his passion (for Ron had quickly snapped out of his boyish nervousness and was now unmercifully causing Hermione to scream out with sharp pleasure) he knew he would find bloody hard to forget. Ever.

As Ron teasingly played with her beautifully slender body, her breathy moans sent him over the edge.

He shuddered. He let his own body go limp as she cuffed his arms above his head, to the bedpost.

Now it was his turn…


"Oi…what the hell?" Ron barked croakily as he awoke to a pillow being hurled at his face.

"Come on Ron, Hermione's downstairs in the common room waiting for us…well actually me, seeing as she hates your guts at the moment." At Ron's suddenly aghast face Harry continued hastily and not too smoothly, "…But at least you're able to talk civilly to one another now…well not so much civil as… well anyway, the point is that you know how she hates it when you're late!" Harry rambled.

"Errr…yes." Ron gulped, blushing a ferocious scarlet, as in his mind he pictured Hermione's kinky reprimand, as he pinned her down on the bed…

"Well, get a bloody move on then!"

"Alrite, alrite! Give me a break, I was having a really good…"

"Yeah, we heard mate."

Ron's mouth hung open.

Dean sniggered and to Ron's complete mortification, Neville performed a horrifyingly accurate imitation of the state he'd been in only a minute ago.

"I don't blame you, Lavender's pretty hot!" Seamus affirmed.

There was a general roar of approval.

Ron bit his lip and reddened even further, "Oh yeah definitely, she's hot…and so was that dream…about Lavender."

Harry looked at Ron, smiling to himself. What a stupid git.

"Ron, word of advice. Maybe the girl from your dream deserves to know the way you feel about her?" He muttered as they left the dormitory.

Ron assumed a look of careful nonchalance. "I dunno what you mean…" Bloody git…I wasn't the one "bouncing" around with Malfoy last night though was I?

"Harry! Ron! How long does it take to get out of bed?!" A bossy and exasperated voice called from the bottom of the stairs.

I'm coming, my sweet, sexually frustrated dominatrix…oh god, where the fuck did that come from!? Stop thinking Ron…that's your problem…so…so, just don't think anymore…shit, there's Lavender…

As Ron desperately tried to suppress the memories of the all too brief dreams that pleasured him unbearably each night, he accepted that he'd have to live through yet another day. A day that, though he'd try to avoid it, would be spent watching, thinking, breathing, longing for her.

Lavender leant lazily against the wall outside his door…she looks like she's going to eat me…or kill me…possibly one followed by the other…

She was stamping her foot at the bottom of the stairs, looking suitably flustered. Her hair, adorably tousled and her eyes determinedly looking at anywhere but him.

Ron felt something inside him ache. Either everything's wrong or nothing is right.

Welcome to my nightmare…

Author's note: So, there you go! I would love to continue with this…tell me what you think!!! Please review!!!! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and by the way, if I did continue this…it'd contain a fair amount of violence, drama, mild humour and most importantly…smut ;)