(Rain: Okay, this is my first fic so don't be too harsh, although I would like some constructive critisism... Thanks for reading!)

One word was on his mind, and one word only; why?

Why did he let this happen?

Why did he put him in danger?


Edward's golden orbs flashed in anger, anger at himself, anger at God….. Is there a God? Anger at his father for leaving them. What infuriated him most of all, what made him want to mutilate this cursed body filled with sin and loathing, was the fact that he failed. Failed himself, failed his mother, and above all, he failed his brother.

How could I do this? Edward thought to himself. How could he put his brother's very life in jeopardy like that?

A young Edward sat on the makeshift operating table, stained dark red linen pooling around him, thinking these thoughts. Thoughts not meant for any nine year old to be pondering.

Missing his right arm and left leg, all that was left were bloody stumps wrapped in tainted bandages. Despite his physical hindrance, Edward still thought he got off lucky.

Just look at Alphonse, he reflected, he's virtually dead …..no soul, just an empty suit of armor! Who's fault is that? Salty tears gathered in his eyes, not spilling just yet.

Edward Elric, nine years old, missing two limbs.

Alphonse Elric, eight years old, missing his worldly body.

Result of a human transmutation, two lives drastically changed.

And the only question he thinks to ask…..
