For the Love of Peanut Butter

Part 1

It had been a boring day for Cloud Strife so far. Both Reno and Yazoo were playing some video game. Yazoo was winning of course, much to Reno's annoyance. Leon had decided to pay a visit, but he too was ignoring Cloud and flipping through a worn copy of White Fang.

As it often did when he was restless, Cloud's mind began to wander. His stomach growled.

"Player Two has been pwned." The blonde shut his eyes and ears to Reno's cry of dismay. It had been a long time since he had been laid too...

Leon's eyes flicked up from his book as Cloud stood up swiftly.

"I have a sudden craving for peanut butter." the blonde announced with a wicked grin.

"Well good luck with that." Leon said, running a hand through his chocolate brown hair. He pretended to continue reading while he listened to Cloud rummage through the kitchen cupboards and stride back into the room with his characteristic heavy step.

"Whoops." The low, purring quality of the spiky-haired blonde's words caught Squall's attention and he looked up to watch wide-eyed as Cloud smeared peanut butter on his neck with one finger. "It seems as if I have made a mess. Hey Leon, how 'bout you come over here and help me clean up?"

He frowned and sucked the remaining tan-colored goop from his finger. "And don't give me that cute 'What?' look. I know you know what I mean."

The frown turned into a suggestive smile as the brunette put his book down and walked slowly over to the couch where Cloud was sitting.

(What the hell are you doing?) half of Leon's mind screamed. The other, more adventurous half growled hungrily and urged him onward.

"C'mon, sit. You know you want too..." Cloud patted his thighs. Leon grimaced at the confident smirk on the blonde's face and glanced over his shoulder at Reno and Yazoo. They were still sitting cross-legged in front on the television, thumbs tapping out a staccato rhythm on their controls, Reno shouting curse-words every five seconds. Neither of them had moved a muscle.

"They don't care." The spiky-haired blonde waved a dismissive hand in their direction, starting to get impatient. The brunette bit his lip uncertainly for a moment before crawling onto Cloud's lap and slinging his arms around the swordsman's neck.

"It's not the chunky kind is it?" He asked and twitched when Cloud curled his fingers around the gunman's slender hips.

"Nope, creamy." He brushed his nose against Leon's cheek to encourage him further. The brunette shivered slightly and drew his tongue up the column of Cloud's neck in a light caress, scraping some of the peanut butter into his mouth.

The spiky-haired swordsman groaned and raised his chin. "Mmmm...that's it Leon."

Leon didn't reply, but swallowed quickly and continued lapping at the peanut butter on Cloud's throat. He experimented with pressure and different strokes to figure out what the blonde liked, and soon had him trembling and purring in ecstasy.

For some reason, it was very satisfying to hear the low humming noises and pleasured gasps coming from Cloud's moth. Leon wove his slim fingers into the short, spiky locks of hair at the nape of the blonde's neck and suckled hard on the soft skin at the juncture of Cloud's neck and shoulder.

The swordsman let out an almost screamed moan and arched his back while simaltaneously pulling Leon's hips down to grind against his own.

Leon's strangled cry was muffled as he bit into Cloud's neck, almost hard enough to cause lasting damage. He broke away with a quiet moan when the blonde bucked underneath him, causing their erections to rub together harshly. "Aaauugghh, do it again!"

Growling lustily, Cloud pushed the brunette onto his back and covered his lips with his own, all the while rocking his hips against Leon's groin.

Leon moaned against Cloud's lips, a streak of blush apparent across the bridge of his nose. Cloud took advantage of the gunman's open mouth and pushed his tongue between the swollen lips, tasting peanut butter.

Leon arched underneath the blonde when their tongues touched. Cloud's tongue flicked lightly against his own, then swept along his palette and the backs of his teeth. The brunette tried to push Cloud's tongue back into his own mouth, attempted to nip at the blonde's lips, but was shoved back forcefully. Cloud continued to plunder Leon's mouth, and when his sucking ferociously on the blonde's tongue did not deter the blonde in the slightest, he pulled his lips away, pushing Cloud back when he tried to follow.

He bit angrily at the blonde's collarbone. "Stupid blonde with your stupid peanut butter fetish."

Cloud winced at the sharp nips and pinned Leon against the sofa. "You're hardly in a position to be calling names, are you, uke?"

"Hey, if you two ever get around to screwing, could you please do it in the other room?" Yazoo's soft mocking voice broke the sudden silence in the room, causing both Cloud's and Leon's heads to snap up, startled.

Their game had been paused and both Reno and the long-haired clone were looking over at them curiously.

"I mean, ya wouldn't want some girl to waltz in here while you were doin' it and start shrieking, would ya?" Reno continued, who was obviously amused.

"Well, I suppose we wouldn't." Cloud pulled Leon back up into a sitting position and rubbed their noses together affectionately. Leon giggled and nuzzled the swordsman's neck, all previous anger dissipated.

"Actually," the red-haired Turk winked, a goofy smirk plastered on his face, "Listening to you guys has got me kinda hot. Mind if I join in the fun?"

Leon gaped at him, thunderstruck. His jaw dropped further when Cloud grinned and said, "I don't mind. Leon?"

"Um...s-sure. Why not?" He had actually been looking forward to having Cloud's leather-clad ass all to himself for once, but he supposed it didn't really matter.

"All right! What about you, Yaz?" Reno punched the silver-haired man in the shoulder playfully.

Yazoo grimaced. "I don't have sex with more than one person."

"Aw, come on!" Reno tackled the taller man and kissed his jaw. "You know what they say..."

"Two is company, three is more company, and four is a party." Cloud continued matter-of-factly, running his fingers down Leon's spine sensually, making the brunette shiver in anticipation. He chuckled softly, "And peanut butter is love."

- - - - -

Notes: I know what you're thinking. Leon as uke! 8O No way!

But yeah, that's the way it's gotta be. Hah, I love uke-Leon actually.

Kudos to my friendie Ashurii the Cookie Monster (Klakie) for giving me the idea!

Peace out, yo.
