Broken Hearts Repaired
Chapter 4
A/N: Warning: This first bit of the story is kind of dark so just beware. It contains blood, torture and dark actions.
Hope is a waking dream
It's dark. Really dark. I have no idea how or when I got here. Heck, I don't even know where this place is! I look down and I see that my usually white and green uniform isn't what I'm wearing at the moment. For some reason I'm wearing a white gown. It's really nice and all but I have no idea how I got to wear it. Where the heck am I?! I have no idea how I got here!
All I here is the sound of silence. There isn't one thing that makes a sound in this ghastly place. Not one sound. It's really hard to believe. I try to make sounds by tapping the ground I'm on but it doesn't. It's like I'm deaf. I just hope it is ground I'm on. Kami forbid it if not! Hmm… I just realized. I have no shoes on. What is this place has needles scattered on the ground or something? Sigh…. I've watched the movie 'Saw' and I haven't seemed to get over the freaky stuff about killing yourself but not meaning to.
I'm standing up. I just realized I can actually move around this place. Anyway I reach out my hands to try and feel anything. Anything at all but there isn't anything I can grasp. I take tiny steps and my white gown slides on the floor. Where is Inuyasha when I need him?
Kami I miss that hanyou. We've just mated you know that? And not that kind of mate you perverted freaks I mean he has made his mark on me. How long I waited for that day? Since the very first time I've laid eyes on him! Ever since that night he has never left my side once; well he does leave my side whenever I bathe or nature calls but you get the idea. He's also been extremely over protective and possessive lately. Once Kouga came along and I had to, literally, stand in between the two to make them stop. Giggle… its so cute how he's so possessive though… it shows me that he cares. Ever since Kouga found out I was taken he gave up on me and went to Ayame. Good. That's how it was meant to be!
Where is he?! Isn't he supposed to be here with me? If so then why not? As I walk I feel funny. It kind of feels like that curse that bastard put on me except weaker. That bastard… we're still on the hunt for him. Heavens no we can't give up just because the Shikon Jewel is gone. He needs to pay for what he's done. But since he doesn't have his shard anymore it would be easier to destroy him I guess which is a good thing. It's only a matter of time before that jerk is dead.
Sigh… I'm getting a very negative feeling about this place. It's like someone's watching me as I make my tiny steps around. I don't know where I'm going. Its pitch black! I can't see anything. I even doubt Inuyasha would see in here with his oh so superior sight. I don't know why but I have that feeling in my chest again and it's making me doubt. Is the curse really gone? What if it's still inside me and it can't ever come out? I hope not. Or else they just wasted a wish.
I can't believe Inuyasha gave up being a demon just for me. It's like impossible. He sacrificed his own happiness for me and here I am walking around this black hell with the same jabbing in my heart. I hope its really gone. I want to live with Inuyasha until the day I die. And what great is that since we're mated I have gained some demon blood. I'll be able to live as long as Inuyasha now. Ha! He has to put up with me for centuries and vice versa. Kami have mercy on us.
Oh! And did I tell you about Miroku and Sango? They don't know it but I spied on them while they were having a 'private' moment. And don't start getting any ideas. I heard and saw them confess their love for each other while Miroku was doing his perverted ways. Sango just got really mad this time and couldn't take it any longer so she just burst. And so now they're going to wed when we defeat Naraku. Sigh… they are just the cutest couple ever don't you think? Miroku the perverted monk and Sango the expert demon hunter. Who would've thought that they would-
I fall on my knees. I feel that crushing pain in my heart again. I tremble all over in pain. I feel a presence. When I open my eyes and look up I see a pair of golden eyes staring back at me. I gasp as it was Inuyasha. The same hanyou with silver hair and gorgeous golden eyes were just staring back at me expressionless. I feel the pain increase. Kami what is happening? I start to bleed. I look at my arms and deep cuts were made. I guess this time instead of bleeding in the inside I'm bleeding on the outside eh?
Kami it hurts! I grab a hold of the bleeding bits to try and stop them bleeding but they just keep flowing. The pain is tremendous. I look up with pleading eyes at the hanyou that I so dearly love. But he just stands there with hollow eye just staring at me as I bleed to death. More cuts appear. This time on my shoulders. The lovely white gown was being soaked by blood. It's becoming a deep crimson colour. I feel another push in pain jabbing away at me as more cuts appear on my arms. I bleed like never before.
I once again look up at him with pain filled eyes and shout out, "Inuyasha…?" But he just stands there. As I bleed more the corner of his mouth lifts up and I look confused. I gasp as the sudden pain strikes me again except fiercer. Cuts become to appear on my legs. "Inuyasha! Please! Help me! Why aren't you doing anything?" I ask as tears begin to form in my eyes. Why is he just standing there? The corner of his lips rises again to form a smirk. I grow wide eyed as he just stands there in front of me as I bleed and do nothing. Nothing except enjoy my pain…
Cuts begin to appear more on my legs and thighs. The gown I'm wearing is almost completely soaked with blood. The pain is huge as blood pours out of the wounds. What is happening to me? Why am I hurting like this? And why isn't Inuyasha doing a thing about it? As a gaze up at him with eyes filled with unshed tears and utter pain I see him just standing there with a smile on his lips. I couldn't take it anymore. I reach out my bloody arm to him but he steps back. "Inuyasha?" I whispered almost pleadingly. The silence in the room stops. All the cuts on my body stopped appearing. My hand was still reaching out to him. What is going on? There is complete and deadly silence that fills the room. Then suddenly the noise starts up again.
This time by the laughs of Inuyasha.
As soon as the laugh escapes his lips I feel the cuts appearing on my body again. My unshed tears start to flow freely over my eyes as I stare up desperately at the hanyou. "Please Inuyasha! Why aren't you doing anything?" I ask. My arm collapses as cuts appear on it. It felt painful. It felt like sharp knives were cutting deep into my skin. I cry out in pain as the room fill with the sounds of ripping, cries, pleads and, the most painful of all, the hanyou's joyous laughs.
I cry even more as I try to reach out to him. The knives then cut deep into my cheek and blood drips down as did my tears. "Inuyasha!" I cry. "Please! Inuyasha…. Why are you just standing there? why aren't you helping me….?" I ask. All I had for a response was even more joyous and loud laughter. The pain in my heart grows as the blood spills in my body. The cuts don't stop appearing. More of them appear as they rip the gown and slice my belly. I cry out in pain as I collapse on my side. My tears are clouding my eyes and I plead desperately for it to stop.
Except they don't.
Cuts appear on my back. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, zigzags of all kinds start to appear on my body. I feel as if I'm being chopped up. I scream. A very loud scream. I scream the loudest I ever screamed before but no one comes to save me. Inuyasha just stands there pointing and laughing at me as I'm in pain. Blood oozes out of my body slowly and some rapidly. I'm on my sides aching. The laughter of his sounds like explosions in my ears. I make the strength to sit up right and I did. Much to my body's protest I'm sitting up and gazing confusedly and painfully at the laughing hanyou.
I stare into his eyes as my tears were mixed with blood as they travelled down my cheek. One cut on my cheek. A thousand cuts on my body. And the most painful stab in my heart. My tears flow freely as his laughter dies down. The cuts do not stop appearing on my body as I stare into his hollow amber eyes. I try and ignore the pain as the try and forcefully bring me down. "Inu….yasha….?" I say.
Silence. Everything stopped except the flowing of my blood as they travel to the ground. The white gown ripped and fully crimson as if it was that colour in the first place. Inuyasha has stopped laughing and gazes down at me with expressionless eyes. To my surprise he takes a step back. As soon as he did I reach out my arm to him. "Inuyasha….?"
This time, he spoke. "I do not love you." He said coldly, the ice ripping my hearts to shreds. "You deserve to die." He said as his eyes grew even hollower. His lips becoming a slow smirk. "You deserve to be dragged down to hell."
His words cut me deep, deeper than the real cuts. I reach out to him again with all my heart. "You don't really mean that…?" I ask pleadingly. "I love you. You said you loved me too." I reach out even more. Trying so desperately to just touch him. Until he said the words that stopped me dead in my tracks. My eyes grow wide as tears flow rapidly.
"You are such a fool. I can never love you. No one loves you and never will."
As soon as he said these words the ground beneath us begins to shake and crack. The arms I tried to reach out to him were grabbed by chains that came from the fiery depth below. The crack grows wider as the rust chain shot out from the abyss and circle around my aching legs. I gasp as the rusty chains scrap against the new cuts on my body. It pulls me down to a lying position and I struggle with my remaining strength to get free but every time I try the rusty chains just scrap deeper into my skin.
The chains start to drag me I on the ground and pull me in through the crack in the earth. When I near it I feel hotness inside like fire. A very large inferno that will forever be alive. I smell the strong scent of death and burning corpses as they try and drag me. I try to get free. I struggle with my life against the chains but it is no use. It just made me weaker and the pain increases as the rust enters my skin. I look up at him but he just stand there as if nothings happening. I start to call out. "Inuyasha!"
He doesn't do anything. He just watches as the hell chains pull me into the deep abyss. I stare wide eyed at him disbelievingly. No. Inuyasha would never do that to me. He would never let this happen. My brows turn into a frown as I glare at him. He is not Inuyasha! I start to shout that at him as tears flow rapidly from my eyes and at first he doesn't do anything. But on the third time he smiles wildly as he shows his jagged teeth. I grow wide eyes as hie eyes turn into a deep red and his claws grow into a ridiculous length. His teeth were jagged like a piranha's and his usually fine silky hair was beastly and knotty. He starts to growl in the most sickening way. And then, it leaps at me.
I scream….
He harms himself
Who harms another
An evil plan is most harmful
To its planner
Kagome shot straight up, awakening from her nightmare. She gasped out pants as tears flowed out of her eyes and down her cheek. She checked herself and there were no wounds on her body. None what so ever. She sighed in relief, never noticing the pair of strong arms around her waist. Kagome gasped as they tightened and she spun around to meet worried amber eyes.
Inuyasha could smell the fear emitting from her scent. He grew worried as soon as they made eye contact she stiffened. Inuyasha stared into her eyes and wondered what was wrong. She had been tossing and murmuring in her sleep as he held her. She was also silently crying which made Inuyasha worry that the curse was happening all over again. He tightened his grip on her waist and stared lovingly into her eyes. "Kagome? Are alright?" he asked thoughtfully.
As soon as the words escaped his lips Kagome buried her head in his hoari and cried on his chest. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her frail body and inhaled her scent. She was afraid. Deadly afraid. He could smell the fear and tension in her as if there was a sign right in front of his eyes. He started to stroke her raven hair as he muttered sweet things in her ear. He made a low purring sound from deep within his chest, an act of calming one's mate. He continued to stroke, pur and pat her and she quickly calmed down. When she was Inuyasha pulled apart slightly and hooked her chin and stared into her glazed over eyes. "What's wrong?"
Kagome took a deep breath as he told her about the nightmare she just had. "I had a dream…. More like a nightmare. I was in this dark room and I was bleeding." She sniffed and Inuyasha embraced her again. "Y-You were there too, except it wasn't really you. I was bleeding all over and you just stood there and laughed at me." She sobbed on his chest as his grip on her tightened. "A-And then you said I should go to h-hell and it was what I deserved." She sobbed.
Inuyasha made a low growling sound in his chest. He didn't like this dream. Not one bit at all. He patted and rubbed her back as she sobbed. She continued after a few more moments. "I had so many cuts on my body Inuyasha…. So much it felt like I was already chopped up. But you just stood there and pointed at me and continued to laugh at my pain." She hiccupped. "I tried to call out to you but you just kept on laughing and laughing. It was like you didn't care at all." She whispered, tears flowing freely out of her eyes.
Inuyasha purred again and stroked her hair. "That is not true at all. I care about you more than myself. I love you." He whispered into her ear. She hiccupped more and he made more purring sounds. When she calmed down a little Inuyasha continued. "Then what happened?" He asked.
Kagome fought the urge to just spill over crying. But this was her mate. He needed to know. "And when you said you didn't love me anymore the ground began to shake and a big crack appeared. Out of it chains came out and wrapped around my wrists and ankle. It started to pull me down into hell." She stated. "And then when I looked at you again it wasn't you. You were actually a big freaky demon and you pounced at me." She said as another tear escaped her eye. "And then I woke up and when I saw you I thought you were the same demon. I'm so sorry Inuyasha!" She cried.
Inuyasha patted her back. Right now he never wanted to do anything more but kill the freaking dream. And if it were possible to kill dreams and nightmares then Inuyasha would've done it as soon as it started. It did pain him a little that she feared him and mistook him from another demon but he didn't let that get away. She was the one in pain the most. "Shh…" He whispered. "It's okay now. You're safe with me. I won't let anything get to you." He said with a caring tone. He then glanced up. It was nearly dawn. They went to sleep on a tree when the others were sleeping in Kaede's hut. They already knew about their mating and they've congratulated them. He stared at the hut and frowned. 'I bet Miroku and the old hag know what's going on with Kagome….' He thought….
Be careful not to win victories
That will earn you
More tragic defeats
Miroku, Sango, Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo, Kirara and Kaede were all inside the hut in a circle. Kagome and Inuyasha sat together. Sango was next to Kagome and on the other side was Miroku. Kaede was beside Mioku's other side and Kirara was on the other side of Kaede next to Shippo who was beside Kagome. Inuyasha had just told them what happened since Kagome couldn't tell them again. After he had finished talking everyone was dead silent. The dream was disturbing to say the least. After awhile of extreme silence Miroku was first to talk. "It seems to be an after-curse." He stated.
Inuyasha glared at the monk. "And what in the seven hells does that mean?!" He shouted, his arms protectively around Kagome's waist.
Miroku sighed. "It is an after math of the real more deadly curse." He stated. "It doesn't happen to most curses but it does happen after a very powerful curse."
Inuyasha growled. "And how can we get rid of this after-curse?" He asked rather rudely.
Miroku turned to Kaede. "Any suggestions Lady Kaede?" He asked.
Kaede stared at Kagome sternly. She could see the effect the dream had on her. She still looked pale and she was trembling slightly. Kaede sighed when she saw the fear regenerating from the young miko's eyes. "I'm afraid ye would have to kill the one who first set the curse on ye." She said to Kagome. "In order for you to stop having these nightmares you must get rid of Naraku."
Kagome cringed and Inuyasha growled. "Then that's just one more reason to kill the bastard ain't it?! We have to leave soon so we can kill Naraku's sorry ass!" He ordered.
Sango slammed her palm on the floor. "Just hold on a second Inuyasha!" She hissed. She then turned to Kaede. "What will this after-curse do to Kagome?" Sango asked angrily. 'Why can't that hanyou just stay and listen for a while longer?!' She thought angrily. 'If Kagome ahs to stay with him forever then I feel sorry for her!'
Kaede thought for awhile before answering. "It will try and make her opposite again. This time by using the one she holds most dear against her." She warned.
Kagome gasped and Inuyasha just got on one knee. "Come on then! I would've killed the sleazy bastard before that happens!" He yelled, his eyes blazing. Inuyasha then turned and glared out into the wilderness through the door. 'Mark my words Naraku.' He vowed, his eyes alight. 'I will kill you for what you have done.'
It's choice
Not chance
That determines our destiny
It has been 3 nights and days since they found out about the after-curse inside Kagome's body and very soul. Every night since the she's been having more rigged nightmares and Inuyasha would always hole her every night. Every time she would seem like she started to dream because of the curse Inuyasha would bring her closer to his chest and start making a calming purring sound. Mostly it didn't work but when she was at the high point of the nightmare his presence would wake her just in time to escape the horrible dream. Every night since then she would wake up crying. This disturbed Inuyasha very much and his anger towards Naraku grew. Ever night he would vow over and over again for his death. Even more, to make it slow and painful.
They found his castle on the 5th day. When they approached the gates they could feel his evil aura but it was different. It was weaker. Probably because he lost his part of the Shikon shard. Inuyasha used his Tetsusaiga to slice open the gates and when he did a hoard of demons burst through the castle doors and charged right at them. Inuyasha used his Tetsusaiga to fight them off as Kagome purified and protected Shippo from every demon that came their way. Sango was holding up right as she used her boomerang bone and Miroku fought with his staff since he couldn't use his wind tunnel since the poisonous wasps were in the hoard. Kirara was fairing well as she sliced and bit into the demons.
The army of demons seemed endless as it seemed like every time they killed one two would appear. Inuyasha used his Wind Scar attack and killed most of the demons but more just charged out the door and started attacking. Sango then used her boomerang bone and yelled towards Inuyasha. "Inuyasha! You go inside while we fight the demons!" She yelled as she caught her boomerang and threw it again. "You're the only one who can defeat Naraku! Avenge my family and Miroku's!" She shouted as she got one of her poison pellets and threw it at the lower demons.
Inuyasha sliced the demons with his Tetsusaiga. "No! I can't leave Kagome behind!" He shouted as he clawed a demon in the gut.
Sango glared at him. "Do you want Kagome to be in danger here or with Naraku? Fool! Just go!" She shouted as she threw her boomerang again.
Inuyasha then looked back at Kagome. Here new demon powers seemed to give her claws and pointier teeth. Her healing rate had also gone up and so has her vision. She was using both miko and demon power to fend the demons off attacking Shippo who was helping Kagome by using his Fox Fire.
Inuyasha glanced at her and then back at Sango. He gave a small nod and run off towards the door, on the way slicing a few unfortunate demons. He burst threw the hoard and into the castle walls. When he did he closed the door and was met with utter silence. He was inside Naraku's lair. His decoration was black and purple. He used his demonic senses to pin point the where a bout's of the filthy hanyou. He ran through many hallways and many room until he ran into the ballroom. Inside he was met with the true form of Naraku. An ugly fusion of a human with many demons. Beside the nasty thing was a small girl with a mirror. Kanna.
Inuyasha growled as he held his sword up threateningly. He bared his fangs. "Naraku you sick bastard. You are going to die this very day." He vowed.
Naraku laughed. "I see you have seen the after-curse afflicted on your miko have you?" He mocked. "I never knew she had such a will! She is a strong one ain't she?" He then narrowed his eyes at the inu hanyou. "It is such a waste to have her mated with the likes of you!" He hissed. "Damn half-breed! She was supposed to be mine!" He yelled.
Inuyasha snorted. "Yeah. Right." He said sarcastically. "In your dreams asshole." He then lifted his sword over his head and glared at the monstrosity. "Die you over-filled piece of fucking trash!" He yelled before he slammed the Tetsusaiga down. "Kaze no Kizu!" He yelled as the energy from the sword blasted out and headed straight for Naraku.
"Kanna." Naraku said calmly.
She then obeyed and went in front of the attack and held her mirror out. Unfortunately for her the attack was too strong for her to absorb and her mirror broke along with her as she was shredded. But the attack didn't stop there. the energy blast was so fierce it went right through Kanna and headed towards the defenceless hanyou. Naraku growled as he was hit by the attack.
A bright flash illuminated the entire room. It temporarily blinded Inuyasha. When it went away there was a big dig onto the floor where the path of the attack was. He then stared out to the hanyou at the end. He was not yet dead but barely alive. Inuyasha gracefully went towards the pile of demon corpses and stood above the head of the most sinister bastard Inuyasha ever met. His face was pale and his neck was long and fleshy. His entire fused body was beginning to bubble. Naraku stared pleadingly up at the inu hanyou above him. "Please…" He pleaded. "Spare me…."
Inuyasha growled lowly as his eyes glared fiercely at the hanyou beneath him. "You do not deserve to be spared." He hissed. He brought his sword up and the pointy bit was pointed to the face of Naraku. "This is for Sango." He said as he stabbed him in the eye. Naraku screeched in pain as the steel went through his right eye. Inuyasha pulled it out and pointed it to his other eye. Inuyasha eyes glaring the most evil glare he could muster. "This is for Miroku." He said coldly as he stabbed him in the other eye. Naraku screeched even louder as blood poured out from his eyes. He tried to struggle but Inuyasha just cut off the bits that were moving from his body. "That was for Kikyo." He stated.
Naraku couldn't bare it anymore. The pain was humungous and his eyes were bleeding. He couldn't even show Inuyasha how his eyes pleaded for mercy. But he knew deep down he was never going to get it.
Inuyasha then held the sword over his head and prepared to strike at his head. "And this is for everyone that you made suffer!" He shouted as he brought his blade down and cut the half-breeds face in half. Inuyasha then heard the beating of his so called heart. He went over to it and heard the beating get louder. He pulled up his sword, ready to stab it. His golden eyes shining through his bangs. "And this is for Kagome you sick bastard!" He yelled before he stabbed his Tetsusaiga down into Naraku's heart, ending his so called life. (A/N: I don't know how you kill him okay? So sue me! XP)
No one ever can be certain about death
Where you go and what you do
Is all up to you and what you believe in
For a life after death is uncertain
The months flew by and everything was how it should be. Miroku and Sango got married but they still have the occasional slaps and gropes here and there. Miroku also lost the curse that Naraku had inflicted his family for generations. Miroku also asked Sango to bear his child for the first time. She happily said yes and no later she had twins in her belly. It's been a couple of months now and her belly has grown huge. The doctors now say they were mistaken and they would now have triplets. At first she was shocked, horrified, worried but then happy. When she gave birth they had two baby boys and a beautiful baby girl. They named them after Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo.
Kagome had stopped having the nightmares ever since Inuyasha killed Naraku. Kagome also decided to stay in Inuyasha's time after she said her final goodbyes to her family. She shed many tears that day but they were also happy. a couple of months after Miroku's and Sango's marriage they had a pup of their own, only one though and Kagome was more than happy. During her transformation that started when Inuyasha made a mark on her she grew black dog ears on her head. They wedded when the pup was almost ready to birth. Inuyasha built them a hut near the bone eaters well. They decided to live there and stay to protect the village. When Kagome gave birth the whole group was there with 3 extra people now running around the hut. Kagome gave birth to a handsome baby boy with white dog ears with black tips. Kagome cradled and stared lovingly in his golden eyes. "Just like your father…" She whispered to him.
Inuyasha then knelt down at the side of his wife and smiled proudly at the baby. The baby started to reach out for him and Inuyasha smiled and went closer. When he did though the baby grabbed the lock of hair at the side of his face and tugged on it. Kagome laughed. "I guess he inherited his father's strength." She giggled.
Inuyasha smiled as he replaced the hair with his large fingers and it grabbed it tightly and cooed. Kagome then handed him over to Inuyasha who rocked it gently. She smiled at them both. How she wished this scene for years now and it all finally came true. "What do you think he's name should be?" Kagome asked.
Inuyasha stared at Kagome and back at the little inu baby in his arms. He smiled as he gave him a kiss on the forehead and gave one to Kagome's lips. "Shori." He said. "We shall name him Shori."
Shori, meaning victory…
A new life is born
When you die it never truly is
The end
Wahh!!! This story is now finished! I feel sad and happy at the same time! Thankyou to all those who read my fic and hope you read some of my other stories!! And NO there will not be a sequel I'm sorry to say but my day plan is a little bit stuffy. Anyway here are those kind people who have reviewed!! Oh and thanks for reading Broken Hearts Repaired! All those who review on this chapter I will be sending thankyou replies!!
Paint The Sky Grey
Courtney Kovacs
Kiyoshi Nakamura
inu's hanyo
silver diamond eyes
Island Heart
Shifty lil Pixie