Hangovers and Sleepovers
Part 2
Syaoran blinked tiredly, trying to figure out what was standing before him
Syaoran blinked tiredly, trying to figure out what was standing before him.
"Syaoran-kun? Are you okay?"
Oh. It was the Princess- Hey, where was he anyways?
"Good Morning Hime," he managed to slur out. "What are you doing in my room?"
He couldn't tell what the expression on her face was, a blush, or a smile.
"A-Actually, you're not in your room…"
Syaoran lifted his head high enough to look around the room. Pink, pretty, and has wings for the headset of the bed. The princesses room, but why was he in there?
"W-What am I doing in here?"
"…um…I was hoping…you would know why?"
Images filled Syaoran's already buzzing head, spinning around wildly. The 'party'. Sakura and Fai singing. The dancing. Mokona as a living manju firecracker. Sakura running around…shirtless…
He moaned, remembering what had happened last. Blood rushed to his face, and he buried it into the pillow he'd been sleeping in.
Last that had happened was that Mokona had a fit and attacked them both, yelling something about how Kuro-tan was the meanest puppy he'd ever met. That had landed Sakura and him in an, ahem, Interesting situation…But after that, he couldn't remember anything else…
"Syaoran-kun?" He could hear the embarrassment in her voice. Mokona giggled half-heartedly behind him, like it was making fun of him. "Y-You're on my lap…."
Oh holy mother……crap…..
"Get off me…"
"Kuuuro-chan…." Fai purred, poking at the black mass of blankets that was Kurogane. "Good morning…"
"I said get off…"
"Kuro-rinta…It's time to get up."
"And if I don't want to?"
"Kuro-chan, it's time to make breakfast for the kids…Please get up, puppy-chan."
Kurogane rolled over to face the mage, his red eyes staring back at the happy blue ones.
"And if I don't want to get up? If the kids and the pork bun want something to eat, they can make it themselves, can't they?"
"Aw, but then we'd be awful parents wouldn't we?"
Kurogane grimaced. "Quit with the parenting crap, it's too early for that."
Fai smiled sadly. "Alright, Kuro-chan, if daddy says so, Mommy's got to listen."
Kurogane winced at the buzzing noises rolling in his head. He rolled over again, staring at the ceiling. "Stupid Headache…"
Fai appeared above him, smirking. "Oh? Does daddy have a hangover? Was he drinking last night? What a bad example for our kids…"
"Shuddap. With you around, it's impossible to not get a headache. It'd be a miracle if I didn't have one, since last night."
Fai clambered atop the ninja. "That's harsh Kuro-chan…"
"Well," Kurogane grinned slightly, holding Fai at the waist. "I'm not a nice person."
Fai laughed, grabbing the ninja's elbow firmly to hold himself up properly. "I know that Daddy, that's another reason to tease you more."
"You bastard."
"I know. I love you too Kuro-wan."
Ah, what beautiful KuroFai-ness we have created for our fangasms….Such wonders these things can work. By the way, I shall be posting up NEW KUROFAI AND SAKUSYAO FICS!! And some crack fics, just for fun! Lolz!
Oh, and spoilers. In the next Chapter, we shall have some characters hooking up, in numerous hardcore-slash-adorable ways!
Warning: may cause an overdose of Kawaiiness/cuteness! BEWARE!