Me: I have to say that I have problem in saying Mikan's new nick name—Akai Ansatsusha… it is so hard for me to pronounce it… cry…
Akai Ansatsusha a.k.a. Mikan: Baka! So why do you give me such name? I am no assassin!
Natsume: You are an assassin?! You must be joking!
Akai Ansatsusha: Don't you laugh at me now, Natsu! I can take your Alice away!
Natsume: You can?! Really? How come I didn't know that?!
Me: Err… I guess because you pass out??
Natsume: Oh yes… I did… I really don't understand this situation… how can Mikan be evil when she has the Nullification Alice?
Me: Well… because the pill that Zero gave her was too strong that her Nullification is not working anymore… the Nullification deactivated and the Ability Theft Alice activated! I hope that answered the reader's questions about Mikan…
Akai Ansatsusha: Wow! I am evil! That is so cool…
Natsume: You think so, Polkadots!? I personally disagree with that…
Akai Ansatsusha: Why? Do you think that I am incapable to do so, pervert?
Natsume: Yes. (smirk)
Akai Ansatsusha: Fine! We'll see! Hmmp! I bet the readers would agree with me!
Natsume: Tch. Whatever…
Me: Please forgive me if you are not satisfied with the ending… this is the hardest chapter I have ever written in my life… I have written quite a number of stories and this is the H-A-R-D-E-S-T!
Last Chapter of Don't Leave Me, Mikan… 17 The Final Battle against you!
Truthfully, Natsume really don't understand Ruka when he said that Mikan is not herself anymore. But he just took it as a bad thing and just tried to understand the hectic situation. Mikan takes other's Alice?Oh… so now she has two Alice? How rare… She even took Ruka's? But Ruka's her ex and also her best friend too… what did Zero did to you, Mikan? Raced Natsume's mind. He just doesn't understand it. The gentle and pretty yet idiotic Mikan Sakura is now fearful, strutting around the school—invisible after she took the Invisibility Alice from one of her seniors, and dangerous. Teachers and the student's council are all busy searching for her and tried to protect as much students as they can. Even teachers are in danger. Jinno-sensei had his Alice taken too and he had not woken up yet from his bed. The thought of Mikan is now a part of the AAO gave him the chill. At least I could accept that she has that Alice but thinking her as Zero's daughter??? Natsume rubbed his head and then ran his fingers through his raven hair. How can we stop her? He thought. Then, he realized something. He swiveled to look at Ruka who was sitting beside him. He too was deep in thought.
"Ruka… where's Imai?" asked Natsume at once. Ruka started and looked blankly at him.
"Err… she—she…I—it's no use either if you think that Hotaru could stop her… she got hit by Mikan and she is now in the hospital wing," said Ruka bitterly. Natsume couldn't believe his ears.
"Nani?! But they are best friends, aren't they? And usually it was always your girlfriend who always hit her, not Mikan… but why—I don't understand this… this doesn't sound like Mikan at all!" said Natsume bewilder. He was so surprised that he doesn't know what to say nor to think.
"Are you sure that is Mikan, Ruka? How do you know that girl was her?" asked Natsume seriously.
"She looks like Mikan, of course… She knows our names and our Alices… I think that makes that girl is Mikan… and oh—she too is wearing the necklace that you bought her… and that bracelet… so no doubt that's Mikan Sakura," said Ruka but then he fall silent.
"Why?" asked Natsume. Ruka hesitated.
"Natsume… you are her boyfriend, right?" began Ruka.
"Hmm… so?"
"I thought—well since you are her boyfriend… maybe she will recognized you…" finished Ruka. He stared hopefully at Natsume.
"She doesn't even know her own best friend… maybe… it is worth trying me… I guess," said Natsume thoughtfully.
"Then let's search for her…" said Ruka.
"I think I will go alone, Ruka… I don't want you to get hurt anymore…" said Natsume; not looking at him as he slipped his hands into his pockets.
"I don't think so, Natsume… the whole school is in danger… there's no way I will stay here and do nothing… you have had always stop me from helping you… you have stop that Persona from making me to work for the academy too! So, you must not stop me from doing this! This is all I could do… well, at least! Let me help you!" yelled Ruka. Natsume was taken back as Ruka rarely shown his anger to him. Natsume lips thinned.
"Tch. Suit yourself…" snapped Natsume emotionlessly. In his heart, he was worried. But he would never let Ruka leave his side and he would protect him no matter what happens. Ruka knew this very well and he smiled.
"Thanks…" he replied.
"Let's go…" he said again and the boys left. They ran through the empty school corridor as they tried to find Mikan. After half an hour later, it was almost twelve fifty yet they can't find her. (Ruka and Natsume don't know that the AAO will pick Mikan up at one). The teachers and the student council had just told them to alert them if they found Mikan. Both of them agreed to join force with the academy and hoped they would find her as fast as they could. They ran out of the school building and now were standing in front of the building. Just then, Natsume slapped his forehead.
"Stupidity is contagious!" he cried. Ruka sweat dropped.
"Eh? Natsume… why do you say that so randomly?" asked Ruka at once.
"I forgot that the bracelet… that bracelet has a GPS…" stuttered Natsume as he blushed at his own mistake. Ruka was dumbfounded (jaw fall—anime style!). Now he understood him when he said that 'stupidity is contagious'… Natsume meant Mikan's idiocy… Now, in this case… Natsume is as stupid as Mikan!
"What the—why are you putting GPS on her?" asked Ruka at once. Natsume gulped.
"Well… I was afraid that someone might kidnap her one day… or she got lost in the middle of the forest again as usual… or—well you know Mikan…" Natsume laughed nervously as he stared at Ruka's serious and angry glare. It is really scary to see Ruka get angry. Ruka was surely upset for they had search for Mikan for so long and suddenly Natsume told him that there is an easier way to find her—Well, who wouldn't?!
"So-use-that-bloody-G-P-S-then…" said Ruka through gritted teeth as he poke painfully on Natsume's chest. Natsume obeyed him for the first time. Natsume doesn't want to make the 'lion' angrier… Natsume showed Ruka his digital watch made by Hotaru.
-----BEGINNING OF Hotaru'S Chat Inventions-----
"Invention number 254 The GPS accessories.
This invention was created for the good sake of my annoying best friend, Mikan Sakura under the request of her idiot boyfriend, Natsume Hyuuga. My idiot best friend has always lost in the school's forest and always missing in action. So, I have created a watch, NH05 for that Hyuuga and a GPS bracelet, MS05 for Mikan so that he can find her whenever he wanted to. Cost of gadget: hehehe…100 000 yen" (all of sudden dollar sign appeared at the background… Hotaru mumbled 'good thing Natsume is rich and was able to pay that amount of money…' and she smirked darkly as she mumble again 'money… money… money… money… money….' (Black background with shining eyes—anime style!)).
Ruka stared at the watch. It looked like an ordinary watch but there is an extra button at the side of the watch. Natsume pressed on the button and a digital screen appeared and showed a small map.
"There she is…" said Natsume as he pointed a small red dot on the screen.
"Where is that, Natsume?" asked Ruka. He doesn't know how the map works nor where has the map showed them. Natsume looked puzzled.
"Eh…?" wondered Natsume as he scratched his un-itchy head.
"Why? Why? Where is she?" asked Ruka eagerly. Natsume swiveled and stared blankly at the frosty cold afternoon. Ruka was befuddled.
"Where is she, Natsume?" asked Ruka as he started to lose his temper again.
"Here… just right behind us…" said Natsume quietly. Ruka startled. He glanced around but there was no Mikan.
"I can't see her—" began Ruka but then he was thrown across the yard. Ruka fell hard on his back and he whimpered.
"Ruka!" yelled Natsume as he ran towards Ruka but he too was thrown and he hit hard on the school wall. Natsume groaned. He stands up slowly.
"Show yourself, Mikan!" he said loudly. He heard a chuckle and knew it was Mikan. Natsume saw Ruka called the teachers and the student council through his phone.
"Oy! Polkadots! Stop playing around!" he yelled again and suddenly he felt a hard kick on his torso and was thrown into the air and landed on the cold wet ground.
"Tch… she's stronger than I thought…" groaned Natsume. The teachers and the student council had arrived.
"Where is she? Where is Mikan Sakura?!" yelled the head of the student council, Sakurano Shuichi (character from GA 2).
Just then, Natsume's watch rang one o'clock. The sky darkens and strong wind blew hard as a big black warp hole appeared under the darkening sky.
"What the—?" swore Natsume. AAO masterminds and guards appeared through the hole. The academy was shocked.
"How can they do that?" stuttered Sakurano as his eyes widen. Every eyes of the academy were now staring at the dark figures of the AAO's who are smirking in satisfaction. Natsume eyes traveled from Reo, Yuka and other top masterminds of the organization. He just couldn't believe that they were actually in the academy right now. Yuka a.k.a Zero walked few steps ahead.
"Akai Ansatsusha (Red Assassin)! Reveal yourself!" ordered Yuka at once. Akai Ansatsusha?? Who the hell is that? Thought Natsume bewilder. He bet everyone too was thinking the same thing. Then, out of the thin air, Mikan appeared beside Zero in her black suit.
"Akai Ansatsusha report for duty, Zero. I have finished with what I am asked to do…" said Mikan. Natsume was shocked. Zero smirked and nodded.
"Good, Akai Ansatsusha. How many Alice have you taken?" asked Zero.
"Sixty worthy Alices," replied Mikan. Natsume gasped. Zero gulped. Mikan's lifespan is surely decreasing… thought Zero worriedly but it didn't show on her emotionless face. Mikan cough a little but she pretended that she didn't. Zero knew Mikan now is in pain but if she showed her mercy in front of other AAO masterminds, they might suspect something.
"Including our number one enemy?" asked Zero without looking at her. Inside, she was worried and regretted for using Mikan to fulfill her revenge against the brat Natsume Hyuuga.
"Sorry… I have not yet taken his Alice… I was about to take it when you came—" began Mikan but she was slapped by Zero hard on her face. Zero had to do that. She doesn't want Reo to confirm that Mikan's her daughter. The slap was so hard that she fell down hard on the ground.
"Baka! You are blaming us now?! What were you thinking!?" screamed Zero. Mikan was humiliated in front of the AAO and the academy. Mikan didn't show any sign of weakness. Instead she stood up at once.
"I promised I will kill Natsume Hyuuga before we leave here, Zero… I hope that would cover my mistakes…" she vowed. Reo looked pleased. Natsume was totally speechless. Those words… just come out from her mouth… she… she want to kill me… thought Natsume as his mind raced. He hoped that this is just a bad dream. He could not dream of hurting Mikan—as in a real fight. His lips dried.
"Good Mikan… how can I ever hate you for saving that brat five years ago... It was stupid of me…" said Reo as he remembered the incident when Mikan and Sumire tried to save Natsume at the port (based on the real anime when Reo came to perform in the academy turned out to be the plot to kidnap Natsume Hyuuga…).
"Mikan! Snap yourself out of it! Mikan!" yelled Narumi-sensei. It is too painful to see his foster daughter to be with the enemy… especially with his own senpai—Yuka Azumi, the traitor.
A long auburn hair girl was crying in an empty hut in the school forest. Her body was filled with scratches and bruises. A faint voice was calling out for her but she ignored it.
"Yuka-senpai… yuka-senpai…" the voice called as it got clearer every moment. Then, a warm hand was on hers. She didn't look at the person.
"Yuka-senpai…" mumbled the voice. Yuka looked up and stared at the pretty yellow-haired guy.
"Yuka-senpai… I am here for you… Please, I can be your shoulder…" said the young 15 year old Narumi-sensei.
"No… just go, Naru-san…" said Yuka quietly. She doesn't want to hurt Narumi any more. She had rejected his love, trying to ignore the friendship between them, and sometimes trying to ignore his presence.
"Yuka! I want to help you… I can't bear to see you get hurt because of this stupid academy force you to do all this missions! I WANT TO HELP YOU, YUKA!" yelled Narumi as he used his Alice on her for the first time. Yuka grabbed him and took the Alice that he used on her. Narumi eyes widen. He gasped. The feeling of his Alice been taken by Yuka was too painful. It feels like dying. He felt weak. His sight slowly darkens. All he can see between the darkness was the tears of Yuka poured for him… the tears of regret for taking it but she wouldn't give it back…
"Gomen, Naru-san… But you must stay in this school and prevent students like me to do the dirty job for the school… Gomen…" he heard her faint voice said.
"I-I p-prom-mise…" said Narumi weakly and he fainted.
Narumi stared at Yuka seriously. It was something rare for all the students of the academy to see him looking so serious for Narumi-sensei is a happy-go-lucky and annoyingly cheerful person. Yuka looked at the cold eyes of Narumi.
"Naru-san… I see you are still here…" she said.
"Hmm… I am now a teacher here…" replied Narumi coldly. Zero was slightly taken aback at the cold reply.
"May I ask you… are you here because of the promise we made, Naru-san?" asked Zero. Narumi hesitated.
"Well… you can say that, Yuka-senpai… it is just a part of the reason… Now… give back my Mikan!" yelled Narumi.
"Your Mikan?" smirked Zero as she raised her eyebrows.
"Yes… she's my daughter now… give her back, Yuka…" said Narumi coolly. Zero eyes narrowed.
"No… She's one of us now… and we will make sure that victory is ours…" said Zero at once.
"Charge!!!" yelled Zero and the battle against the academy and the AAO began. The AAO held their guns out to shoot but it was taken like magnet by one of the student who owns the magnetic Alice. Zero felt disadvantage by the loss of the guns.
"Then… let's fight the old fashion way then…" she smirked. Misaki multiplied. She faught ten AAO guards at once and kept on going. Tsubasa use his Alice as he controls the shadows of AAO guards. Tono had a fair battle against three at once. The AAO have Alice. The atmosphere was tensed. Alice against Alice. The air itself is filled with smokes made by Alice, water, wind, earth, objects flying around, animals attacking, knifes flying around dangerously, trees melting, objects turned into stones, laser beams everywhere… Everything was havoc. Natsume was shocked for no attack was upon him. He stared at Ruka who was too fighting. Everything was in slow motion in his eyes. It felt like a dream… This must be Alice of Dream… he told himself and he was right. Alice of Dream was used in this battle too.
"But I am their Number one enemy… why am I not being attacked?" he asked himself as he saw Narumi was fighting with Yuka, Sakurano with Reo…
"That is because your opponent is ME!" yelled a voice. He swiveled. Natsume gasped. He just couldn't believe his eyes. There stood in front of him was no other than Mikan Sakura. Her face expression was fierce. She had her fist held tight.
"I am going to kill you, Natsume Hyuuga. This is for the sake of the AAO!" she screamed. Twirls of wind formed on her palm.
"Take this you idiot!" she yelled as the wind turned into a tornado and he was blown away and landed hard on his back. Natsume whimpered. He heard among the noise of the battle around him, he could hear the sound of heels walking towards him. He opened his eyes and saw Mikan was walking towards him.
"Mikan… please… it's me… I don't want to hurt you, Mikan!" he whimpered. But Mikan isn't herself. She sent icicles heading towards Natsume's heart. Natsume dodged it by melting them with his Alice.
"Hmm… The Fire Alice… how tempting…" she smirked. She sent him a kick on his back but he managed to dodge it and grabbed her arm and made her kneel. Another move from Mikan could make her arm break.
"Let me go!" she screamed.
"No! Mikan please! Can't you remember at least who I am to you all this while!?" yelled Natsume. Mikan chuckled darkly.
"Of course… you are our—the AAO's ENEMY!!" she screamed and made Natsume fell down on his back. Mikan stood up at once and had her heels press hard on his chest this time.
"I want your Alice, Hyuuga…" she said darkly. Natsume was taken aback. She called me Hyuuga again…his lips dried. His bangs hid his eyes. He sighed deeply.
"If that is what you want… take it then…" he said quietly as he held his hand to her. Mikan chuckled.
"Such gentleman… Thank you…" she said as she took his hand. Suddenly, she gasped. She felt she remembered something but she don't know what it is. The warmth of Natsume's hand made something inside her to scream—it feels like something is trying to escape free from the darkness of her soul… Natsume saw her expression. He knew at once that he could bring her back. He just knew it…
"Mikan… Mikan…" he mumbled as he stared at her. Mikan gazed into his eyes and tears started to fall.
"Why am I crying?" she asked; puzzled. Mikan felt weird. She started to cough and she fell on her knees again. Natsume went near her.
"Mikan… are you alright?" he asked her; concerned. Mikan felt angry and annoyed. She grabbed his collar.
"What the hell did you do to me? What Alice do you have other than the Fire? TELL ME!!" she screamed. Natsume stared at her.
"I only own one Alice, Mikan… no other…" he said. Mikan felt cheated.
"LIAR!" she screamed as she threw him at the hard ground. It sky darkens with big dark clouds.
"I'll kill you, Hyuuga!!" she yelled again and activated Jinno-sensei's Alice and striked him. Natsume yelled in pain. The electricity ran into his body was too painful. Mikan stopped and laughed.
"Want some more…?" she asked and gave him more. Natsume whimpered.
"STOP, POLKA-DOTSSSSSSS!" he screamed and Mikan stopped at once. Mikan gasped. The feeling came back again… the feeling of she remembered something yet she just don't know what it was… her head ached tremendously.
She saw herself ran happily towards the Sakura tree. She looked up and called a name she couldn't hear. There was a raven haired guy who was sleeping on the branch with a manga on his face. The manga dropped from his face, revealing an annoyed expression.
"What do you want, polka-dots?" he said annoyed.
Mikan covered her ears with both of her hands.
'polka-dots… polka-dots… polka-dots… polka-dots… polka-dots…' the voice echoed in her head.
"SHUTTUP!!!!" she yelled as her head ached painfully. Tears streaming down her cheek. Natsume struggled to sit up straight. His head too was painful due to the electric shock he received from her.
"Mikan…" he cried quietly. Mikan looked at him with her teary eyes.
"What are you doing to me, HYUUGA!" she screamed and whimpered as another memory came to her.
It was snowy. Mikan was very young that time… about ten years old. She was dressed in a red dress with white fluff as the collar, walking towards the same Sakura tree with the same raven hair guy who was wearing a black tux with three-quarter pants. He was using his fire Alice to give some warmth on the cold night of winter. Once they were there, the guy helped her on the tree.
Natsume limped towards Mikan. Mikan who was on her knees, had her hand on her forehead. Her eyes were shut.
The raven hair guy, who was using a long scarf, wrapped some around Mikan's neck and stayed close to her. Mikan blushed furiously. They were silent for a long time as they enjoy the view of the forest from the tree-top. After a long time, Mikan planned to go back to the Christmas Festival at the school hall. She removed the scarf from her.
"I think I should go back—"
"No…" he said at once. Mikan stared at him, looking puzzled.
"Mikan… it's me… Natsume…" whispered Natsume into her ears as he hold her by her shoulder.
"Natsume…?" whimpered Mikan as she still had her eyes shut. She wanted to know more about the flashbacks… but it feels like she actually knew what happened next…
After a long time, Mikan planned to go back to the festival. She removed the scarf from her.
"I think I should go back—"
"No…" he said at once. Mikan stared at him, looking puzzled. Suddenly, the raven hair guy took her collar and pull her closer to him… and they kissed. Mikan was shocked. Mikan tried to push him away but his grip was too strong.
"Na—" she blurted but he won't let her go. He kissed her more.
"Tsu—" she blurted out again but it is no use. He just holds her tighter. At last, she responded to his kiss and their kiss deepens. The cold wind blew gently on their face. They kissed for a very long time.
Tears rolled down her cheek. The feeling of something that was trying to burst out of her had just—burst out freely now… the light and warmth had covered the dry and darkness of her soul. She knew who that raven hair guy is now… She remembered how important he was to her… she remembered how they had spent time together… under that very Sakura tree… She could feel her Nullification Alice again. Her lifeless eyes had just gained the shines and life, now staring into a pair of tearful crimson eyes. The sound of the battle suddenly becomes numb and all quiet. All they could hear is the sound of their heart.
"Natsume…" she cried as she laid her hand on his right cheek.
"You remembered me, polka-dots…" he smiled. Mikan closed her eyes and activated her Nullification Alice and put it to the max. The whole school suddenly remain quiet and still. Everyone was shocked as they can't use their Alice anymore. All eyes were on Mikan now as they knew that Mikan is the only one who can do that. The AAO felt betrayed.
"Shit! We lost!" swore Zero as their guns were now aimed on them by the students and teachers. They tried to run but they couldn't. Narumi walked towards them.
"Well well well… looks like victory is mine!" he smirked as he stared at Yuka who spat. Everything went back to normal. Mikan returned everyone's Alice. She had apologized thousands of times to Jinno-sensei who still was pissed off with her.
"I will teach you lesson, Sakura!" he yelled as he held his cane (Black background with thunderstorm). Mikan cried waterfall tears—anime style! Mikan even received twenty baka gun shot from Hotaru.
"That is for hitting me, Baka!!!" she said angrily. Mikan was thrown away but then Hotaru hugged her.
"Welcome back, Mikan…" cried Hotaru. Narumi came to her.
"I am glad you had come back to us, Mikan-chan…" he said to her happily. Mikan hugged him.
"So do I, Otto-san!" she said as she buried her head into his shoulder. Narumi-sensei felt happy as now Mikan is his daughter—not Zero's. As for the AAO, they had escaped. Reo and Zero is now at large somewhere out there.
"I shall seek revenge, Narumi! And so are you, Kuro Neko! This is not the end of me…" vowed Zero. They are gathering more army to fight against the academy. Let that be another story shall we… because now is now and that is the future… we want to see happy endings, isn't it…?
So… Now back to Mikan and Natsume… hmm… where are they? The snow had fall after the day of the battle. Their project—the Maze project had been destroyed during the fight. So does the project made by the other classes… everyone was upset but looks like they have to just continue with the one day Christmas Festival. Everyone doesn't seems to care except for Narumi-sensei.
"WHAT?! No! Only one day of Christmas festival! But we did so many things and-and-and…buu huu…" cried Narumi-sensei (waterfall tears—anime style!). Everyone sweat-dropped. Narumi-sensei who now is sissy in woman dress had really destroyed his reputation when he was on the battle field. The students of the academy can't see him as the brave and manly teacher anymore again…
Today is the 25th of December. Every girls and boys were enjoying themselves in the school hall where the Christmas party is held. The girls are allowed to wear anything as long it is a red and the boys are allowed to wear anything black. This is because they want to do something different for that year…
Mikan was laughing along with her classmates. She had permed her hair and tied them into loose buns with glitters on her hair. Her red three-quarter dress was too glitters and simple. She stands out the most among her classmates with her ever lasting beauty.
"So you are now with Yuu Tobita, Sumire-chan?" smiled Mikan as she took the last sip from her cup.
"Hmm… he helped me during the fight that day… if it wasn't for him… I would have died…" she laughed nervously. Yuu, who was standing beside her, blushed furiously. The two girls giggled. Mikan suddenly remembered about Hotaru. She has not seen her yet. Mikan looked around and saw Hotaru was at the dining table eating crab meat. Mikan approached her.
"HOTTTTTAAAAAAAAARUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" she screamed and hugged her. Hotaru swore.
"I forgot my baka gun in my room again, damn it!" she swore as she helped herself again with the crab stick. What a déjà vu… this happened every year! Though Hotaru.
"Let's dance," pouted Mikan as she still clinging on her.
"I want to eat,"
"I want to dance,"
"Pretty please…"
"I want to eat," said Hotaru emotionlessly.
"Ano Mikan-chan… this happens every year and every year you asked me to dance with you and I always reject you… don't you feel bored with the same routine of yours?" snapped Hotaru and she walked away, leaving the disappointing Mikan behind her.
"Meany!" she pouted after her. She folded her arms.
"Tch… now I have no partner to dance with…" she said bitterly.
"Tch… what make you say that, Polka-dots?" asked a voice behind her. She swivelled.
"Natsu-kun!!!" she chirped happily and hugged him. Oh my… Natsume blushed of course. He held his hand.
"Want to dance with me, Mikan?" he asked. Mikan smiled at him and took his hand. That night they danced until Mikan's heel swollen.
"Ano Natsu… My heels hurt… Lets stop shall we?" begged Mikan.
"Can we walk outside?" she asked.
"Huh? But I thought you said your heels are hurting…" he said.
"Oh… please…" she pouted. Natsume blushed but he looked away at once. Natsume grabbed her hand. They walked out of the hall and walked across the white ground. The klutzy Mikan tumbled due to the pain of her heel. Natsume caught her on time.
"Gomen… but my heel really hurts you know…"
"Tch… You are so silly, Mikan…" he said as he carried her—bridal style. Mikan blushed.
"Oh my… Natsume… you don't have to—" began Mikan.
"Shuttup! Just let me carry you okay…" snapped Natsume. Mikan pouted.
"You are so mean!"
"Hn… you are so silly…"
"You are such idiot!"
"Polka-dots! You better tell me where you want to go… you hippo…" smirked Natsume. Mikan turned red at once.
"If I am that heavy… then don't carry me!" she snapped and hit him. Her punch was so hard that Natsume accidentally dropped her. Since the day of the fight, Mikan seems to be more graceful and was able to fight. So, she landed gracefully on the cold ground and ran. Natsume ran after her.
"OY! Polka-dots! I was only joking…" he yelled but Mikan gain speed. Natsume then realised that she had kept a small amount of every Alice she took. Mikan has activated the Speed Alice. Natsume felt as though he was going to lose her again. He ran as fast as he could.
"Mikan!" he called her back but she ignored him. Using his talent to jump from trees to trees, he manage to catch her. He grabbed her by her arm and held her tighter.
"Mikan! I was only joking!" he snapped. Mikan remain silent.
"I-I sorry…" she stuttered. Natsume was puzzled.
"Why so random, polka-dots?"
"I-I almost killed you that day… I-I—" but Natsume put his finger on her red lips to silent her.
"That is the past and you were not yourself… so there is nothing for you to apologize…" he said quietly. Mikan can't hold her tears and she cried.
"What? Don't cry Mikan…"
"I am so sorry… I just feel so guilty…"
"Tch… You are so silly, Polka-dots…" he chuckled. Mikan hit gently on his chest. Natsume cupped her chin and held her closer. In the cold winter… under the same Sakura tree… they kissed…
Natsume then went to her ears.
"Mikan… promise me something…"
"What is it, Natsume?" she said as she still blushed due to the wet kiss. Natsume hugged her tighter.
"Don't leave me, Mikan…"
-----END OF STORY-----
Me: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! I have finally finish the story… this is the most hardest… head-cracking… stressing to make, chapter I have ever made! I hope you like the ending…
Natsume: OMG… SO…
Mikan: are you trying to say "romantic", Natsu??
Natsume: (blushed and walked away… before he disappear he threw his shoe on sarahpatrick head…)
Me: Itai! That hurt! Natsume no baka!!
ShireenPatrick (sarahpatrick sister): I will only read the last chapter… I don't want to read the rest… too long…
Me: What?! No no you must read it all!
Khaos-chan: (still dead on the floor—so the soul is talking… or can I say corpse! Ps… only those who read the review of Khaos-chan knows what I am talking about…) My my… where's the pigeon, sarahpatrick?? Do you want me to haunt you??
Me: Sorry… I forgot about it…
Khaos-chan: (grimace) good… it means that I am going to haunt you until you die!!! MUAAAHHHHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!
Me: gulp!
Ladalada: Wahhh… I am here again!
Me: Yes! This is the last chapter! So I am going to put everyone in again for the last time!
Girlonthemove210: I am glad that you kept updating even though you are busy… well I am busy too with school…
Me: Yeah… school sucks sometimes…
Ser Leen a.k.a. Blackcat0707: Yey! At last sarah… you finished it… let us start with the Kyou Kara Maoh… okay?
Me: Ne ne Blackcat0707… after the exams k?
Blackcat0707: cry… cry… but our favourite author of KKM has update their stories yeah…?
Me: Yeah! Cant wait to read again… okay… any KKM fans… the title of the story we are talking about is 'Till Death do us part'…Oh yeah… before I forgotten… please check out another story of one of my fav … 'Persona's secret Diary'…or I think that is the title… this story is Gakuen Alice's! great Story!
Minahoru: Ne onee-san! I am here to!!!
Me: Hai' imooto-san! Love you too!!!
Minahoru: Yey!
Natsumedestiny: After all my advice i have given to you... at last you have finished the story... thank goodness(sigh)
Me: Thanks... you really had help me alot, Natsumedestiny! same to you to Arashi Sakura n okaix! jazzflame n JC-zala too And all!!!!!! great friends you guys have been!
Me: thanks who had reviewed me all this while!!!
minahoru-- my little sis!
blackcat0707--remember no KKM Fanfic for me first! even though i have started to write it already... help me... please stop me from typing!!! i need to study.. oh anyway... fate-stay night was so great!!! you wont believe what happen hehhehehehehehe...
Norlyn Jean-- i have to update this chapter as fast as i could for you --
Khaos-chan-- my pigeon friend lover!!! hahaha
animexanime obsessed
Arahi Sakura
Star of Shadow
x - DragoN PriestesS - x
The Fair Maiden
Crystal the shining star
eiChi17---my friend!! glad we meet there!
lina200634-- thanks for telling me that mistake... i still remember that until today because of you!
Aelita18--- you really shocked me when you said that... omg.. i thought u really hate me... but thankss! ur the best too!
SailorDayDreamer--Thanks for supporting the idea of making mikan have another alice!!