Few Things. 1) I. Do. Not. Own. Naruto. The End. 2) NejiTen is my absolute favorite couple. I just had to write a fic about them:D It's my first one. Be Nice : 3) Sorry for the Lee bashing. I really don't hate him 4) I hate the couple SasuSaku and NaruHina, but decided it'd be more fun to write about :P –evil grin- 5) My grammar stinks. I apologize : 6) Finally….you might find the story a bit cliché, but I always thought it would be fun to involve Tenten in something like this. :DDD

Tenten was 16. She had a best friend named Sakura, a cat named Tenpi, and no parents. She lived with her aunt in a two room apartment and attended school in Konoha. She loved weapons and eating dumplings, and hated wearing girly clothes-especially kimonos. She looked up to the village's Hokage, Tsunade, and was an adamant feminist. Her hair was always pulled into two neat buns, only letting them down to sleep. She had a long-term crush on a certain white-eyed prodigy and made all A's in school. But most importantly, Tenten had never been kissed.

"Hey TenTen?" Sakura asked, inspecting a potato chip she was holding two inches from her face. As if deciding it wasn't poisoned, she popped it in her mouth and chewed thoughtfully before finishing her question.

"Do you realized that neither of us have been kissed? Not only that, but we've never had a real boyfriend. Isn't that a bit….pathetic?"

"Now that you mention it…" Tenten started, forehead creasing and mouth pulled down into a small frown. She flopped back onto Sakura's bed where they were both sitting, eating and talking at Sakura's house like they did most afternoons after the final bell at Konoha Academy. She sighed.

"This is so sad. 16 years and not even a single peck on the lips? What are we, Lee?" They both thought briefly of their large-eyebrowed friend in tight spandex and shivered.

"You know, I think even Lee has kissed someone," Sakura said dejectedly, reaching for another chip. TenTen giggled.

"No chance. With that suit? He makes Speedos look good. Wearing something like that should be considered sexual harassment. And even if he has, it was probably Gai-sensei. And I don't think that counts…" Tenten teased, trying to lighten the mood. Talking about their love lives, no, correction, lack of love lives, wasn't a cheery topic. It worked. Sakura doubled over laughing.

"But, still…we should definitely do something about this. It's just too sad. Look at Ino. I'm sure she has had plenty of make-out sessions. Who knows? Maybe she has even gone all the way. Naruto has Hinata, and I'm sure they've kissed. And who ever expected introverted Hinata to kiss anyone? Naruto,too," Sakura stopped her train of thought to reach under the bed and grab something. She returned to her sitting position with a magazine in her grasp.

"What's that for?" Tenten asked, eyeing the object suspiciously. If she knew Sakura well enough, which she did, then that wasn't a 'Kunoichi Weekly' magazine. It was something majorly girly. As in, kissing how-to, boy tips, makeup guide girly. The kind of tree-killing waste of paper thing Tenten used to fuel her fireplace.

"Sakura…" she warned.

"Chillax, chica. No makeovers….right now, at least," she said, grinning. Tenten gulped, utterly horrified. She considered fleeing from the house while she still had a chance, but figured with Sakura's determination, she'd end up doing whatever it was while TenTen was sleeping.

"I think we should have ourselves a little bet…." She declared suddenly, surprising Tenten with the total irrelevancy.

"A bet?" Tenten questioned, slightly intrigued. "What does that magazine have to do with a bet?"

"Oh, nothing really. I just thought I'd look at these scarves. Winter is coming up, you know," she pointed out sincerely. Tenten sweatdropped, eye twitching slightly. Sakura had totally scared her on purpose.

After a few moments of silence, Tenten coughed.

"So….the bet…?" she prodded, sticking her hand in the bag for a handful of chip crumbs.

"Oh yea," Sakura mused. "Sorry, forgot there. Anyways, I was thinking that we should bet...on who gets their first kiss first". She dragged out the last part for drama. Tenten rolled her eyes.

"C'mon, Sakura. That's stupid. I could go up and kiss any guy on the street right now and win," she sighed, sticking her index finger in her mouth to lick off the salt.

"No! I mean like…our first knee-weakening, world-stopping, heart-melting, fairytale kiss. A real kiss. A true kiss. A kiss…of love," She said dreamily, holding her hands against her face and batting her eyelashes. Tenten stared at her for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Right, Sakura. Riiiighhttt. We're totally going to fall in love with a guy in a few weeks, after we've been with all the same guys for over five years and never dated, let alone kissed, any of them. Good one," she finished, wiping the tears of laughter from her lower lid. Sakura glared at Tenten menacingly.

"I'm totally serious, Tenten," she insisted, using her hands for emphasis. "We can do this. I know it. Not only for competition, but for ourselves. We can't die kiss-less virgins, you know. I would commit suicide before that happened." Tenten wrinkled her nose at the thought.

Sakura nodded. "Exactly."

"Okay," Tenten said, pausing to think it over a final time, "I'm in". She sighed, wondering if she had just made a huge mistake. "What happens to the loser?". Sakura put her finger to her chin in thought.

"Hmm. How about….whoever loses has to wear a suit like Lee's and go out on a date with him. Not only that, but they have to wear the suit all day at school and ask him out in front of everyone," she got more enthusiastic as she went, like she had just thought up the most brilliant dare in the world. Tenten's eyes widened.

"Isn't that a bit….much?" she questioned quietly, kind of scared. Sakura was far prettier. In fact, Tenten had no clue why no one asked her out. Perhaps it was her temper that had been displayed loudly on several occasions (Tenten had a temper, too. However, she had never punched someone all the way to Suna). But at least Sakura had the looks, if not all the personality. Tenten had neither the looks nor the personality. Sakura was going to win. No doubt.

"Nu uh! This will definitely motivate us to find that one special person. Let's say we have…a month. A month to get our first real kiss. And no lies. Promise?" Sakura replied confidently, then held out her pinky towards Tenten. Tenten hesitated, but slowly reached out and wrapped her pinky around her best friend's.

"Promise." Tenten lifted herself off Sakura's bed and dropped softly to the floor. She picked up her backpack and slung it behind her shoulder. "I guess I'm off"

Sakura nodded. "Okay, see you tomorrow. Or should I say, day one of thirty?" she grinned. Tenten said nothing, and instead quickly hurried out of Sakura's house.

"Oh my god, oh my god. I'm so screwed. What have I gotten myself into? I might as well have damned myself to hell. A date with Lee? In a spandex suit? In front of the whole school? Oh my god!! That is hell. No. That's worse than hell," she wailed in desperation, once a good distance away from Sakura's. Her eyes were glued to her feet which were quickly moving down the sidewalk.

Suddenly she found herself flying to the ground, back slamming against the rough concrete and backpack being flung somewhere into a neighbor's bushes. Tenten quickly sat up, rubbing her back. She muttered something under her breath and hastily stood.

"Watch where you're going, asshole!" she yelled angrily, looking up to see who had knocked her down. A faint pink blush spread across her cheek as she saw the person grabbing her backpack (which was lodged in firmly amongst the leaves). It was none other than the Hyuuga prodigy, Neji. The one person Tenten had a crush on despite her boyishness and tendency to stray away from any guy relationships, friend or boyfriend. Once the pack was free, Neji held it out to her lazily.

"I wasn't the one looking at my feet muttering things about tight spandex," he said, lifting an eyebrow. She wondered if the eyebrow lifting was about her daring to call him an asshole, or her spandex talk. Tenten's lips came together and her eyes narrowed. She snatched the backpack and threw it back over her shoulder angrily.

"Well if your eyes are so great, then how come you didn't just avoid me you…long-haired blind Barbie…person?!?" she spat, trying to defend her almost non-existent pride. He looked at her for a moment as if questioning her sanity, then chuckled slightly under his breath.

"Long-haired blind Barbie person? Aren't we a genius? How about you admit to your mistake, apologize, and move on like a normal person instead of attempting to insult me?" he asked in a light tone.

"You know what? How about you take your head out of the clouds and shove it up your ass. You just can't take the fact I'm not worshipping you like the rest of your fangirls. As for moving on, I think I'll do that now. So…goodbye!" she finished, pushing past him and running off towards her apartment.

Hyuuga Neji raised his eyebrow again, paused thoughtfully, shrugged, then walked away.
