A/N: Ok so here's my 2nd story… This will probably get longer than the first and my first Bleach OCs enter!! This story is something I found out all by myself and I didn't steal anything from other stories by any means. If you find something that is similar to you own story just ignore it and read on cause it has nothing to do with you or your story, just my own imagination.

But anyway I hope you'll enjoy my story which might be a bit different than other stories because of the POV.

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, but I do own my 3 OCs.



A hand went through messy, bright orange hair. Eyes closed for a short instant. Opened again to reveal a deep cerulean color. A genuine smile played on the young face. Small foots carried the short figure towards an adult nearby.


"Yes, dear?"

"Can I go to Komi's place now?"

"Who's Komi?"

"Duh mom, Komeiasi. Komi's her nickname." the orange haired kid spoke.

"Well you can go to her then."

"Alright thanks mommy! See ya!"

"Take care Yunichi!"

"Nyeh mom of course I will."

And by that the young girl ran out of the small house.


She walked steadily through the districts of Rukongai. Her green hakama ruffled as she walked through the poor town.

So there she was, walking through Rukongai, a 10 year old girl in something that looks like a shinigamis uniform that went in the wrong wash. But she didn't care. Shinigami were almost like gods to her. So instead of worshipping them she could at least dress like them, a bit.

She was meeting with her two friends, Komeiasi Sumukia and Sukotera Getenji, or as the orange haired girl would call them: Komi and Susui.

She stopped at a small house, very similar to her own. She knocked on the door and carefully stepped in. There were nobody home and the young girl continued into Komi's room.

"Hi Komi!" she greeted and waved to her black haired friend.

"Hi Yun Yun." she greeted with a smile reserved as always, bothering Yun Yun to no end.

"So where's Susui?"

"Im right here!" a muffled voice sounded under Komi's bed.

"What the hell are you doing under Komi's bed?" Yun Yun asked questionably raising an eyebrow.

"Do you need a reason for crawling under another person's bed?" Susui answered as a head popped up from under Komi's bed, or rather a mess of red hair.

"You're crazy." Yun said with a laugh. She sat down beside Komi and took a look at the papers she was reading. It was full of letters and numbers. Boring. She twisted one of her long orange pigtails around her finger.

"Oh you're the one to talk. Im not the one who's obsessed with a certain shinigami." Komi said smugly and looked up from her papers.

"Im not obsessed!"

"You freak out just because you have the same hair color as him and have a part of his name in yours." Susui argued with a smile wider than the physical laws would permit.

"Well you gotta admit that's cool. But anyway im not obsessed, I just think he's cool, and smart and caring, and sweet towards children …" she started but was cut of by Komi.

"…and strong and good looking yeah yeah we've heard it all before Yun Yun." Komi interrupted in a tired voice.

"How can you even say all that? You don't know him and you've never even seen him." Susui said.

"I know, but my mom told me stories about him." Yun Yun replied.

"I don't see what the big deal is…" Komi said. Yun Yun sighed. "That's because you don't even like shinigamis very much. But you gotta admit that there is at least one shinigami you like. Anyway you can't deny that he is really cool can you?"

"I will admit I am amazed by his raw physical strength, but I still don't see why you make such a big fuss about it. I mean he's still just a kid, he's not exactly the smartest shinigami around and he's almost as lazy as Kyouraku taichou." Komi stated while pushing her glasses back on place (A/N: Much like Ishida).

"Komi you're playing with the fire right now." Susui warned in a nervous quiet voice.

Yun Yun shifted on the floor, growling, literally radiating rage. "I…suppose you would really like to keep your mouth, don't you?" she lifted a shaking fist in front of Komi. "Don't you ever insult him again!"

Susui tugged in the sleeve of Komi's shirt nervously. "Komi I really suggests you apologize. Remember what she did to those three guys when they said he looks like a deform gigai? Im not sure they'll ever get their faces look normal again."

Komi flinched. Sure she remembered. She raised two hands to coax her furious friend.

"Oh um… im sorry Yun Yun you know it was just a joke, right?" she said with a nervous smile. Yun Yun sighed and grinned widely, of course she wouldn't do anything to her friends, but it was always fun to see Komi's face like that.

"Anyway, I heard he's out chasing hollows today somewhere in the southern part of Rukongai. Isn't it cool? I mean that's nearby." Yun Yun said happily.

"Yun Yun we're in the eastern part of Rukongai, baka." Komi sighed. Yun Yun pouted and crossed her arms.

"Why do you have to ruin everything?" she growled.

There was clicking sounds on the roof nearby. All three girls recognised the sound. It was a familiar sound they heard every time there was trouble in Rukongai. The sound of shinigami steps.

They all jumped up from their seats and ran out on the street as the shinigamis feet hit the roof of Komi's house. They looked at the roofs and spotted a white figure jumping over them. It happened too fast for them to make out who the shinigami was, and Yun Yun didn't bother pondering over it and dashed after the shinigami.

"Should we go after her?" Susui asked her black haired friend.

"You can go I don't want to. It's a taichou and the only shinigami I like is a fukutaichou." Komi answered and began walking the other way.

"I think I know who your favourite is, Komeiasi Sumukia." Susui laughed while running after her black haired friend.

"And I know yours, Sukotera Getenji." Komi replied and laughed.

"We should make a fan club." Susui laughed as they walked back to Komi's house.


Yun Yun ran through the streets. She looked up and noticed that the taichou jumped down from the roofs and most likely continued down in the streets. Yun Yun's ears caught noise from where the shinigami landed, due to the fact that some of the souls nearby got surprised by the sudden presence of a taichou.

"Wow a taichou! God I've never really seen a taichou in real life. And why is there a taichou here anyway. The one patrolling these streets today is 2nd seated Kira Izuru. But I don't care anyway, this might be my first time to see a taichou and im definitely not gonna miss-" she said in her mind but her thoughts were cut of when she ran into a person as she turned around a corner without looking where she went. She fell on her butt. The person she ran into didn't seem to have fallen. She was about to scold the, obviously male, person before her until he would run away, but was cut off by a firm, but still gentle voice she wasn't familiar with.

"Im sorry are you alright?" he said.

She looked up and gasped while her eyes went wide. Before her was a shinigami. Not just a shinigami, a taichou. No, even better, the person before her was:

"Ku-Kurosaki Taichou!"


A/N: Ooooh cliff-hanger huh? Or not. Anyway I hope you liked it and im looking forward to a review and then you can look forward to a new chapter :) I like buttons. I like grey buttons. I like grey buttons that says "Go". I like when people who read my stories press on that button. It makes me happy. Will you please make me happy then? Thank you.

Shirou Hana