A/N: So this is my first fanfic ever!! But ive definitely been a fan of reading these for awhile. I hope you like it. Please review and give me ideas!!! They definitely make me love you times 2193048091283!! This is a definite Jiley and i might add some loliver eventually. Just depend on whatever you guys like and want.

Disclaimer: Dont own hannah montana...yea...

"Oh My God! I KNOW!!... No you're the cutest…No you are!!!...Okay I guess we can both be the cutest…" Miley squealed into her cell phone.

Lily sat at the table staring into her strawberry smoothie, if she had to hear anymore of this stupid puppy-love stuff she would have to either kill herself or move to Antarctica.

While Miley was blabbing on about how cute they were, Lily couldn't help but grab her cell phone and hang it up.

"Hey!! I was having a conversation!!" Miley said reaching for her phone.

"Miley I wouldn't be surprise if your IQ level dropped like 5 points during that conversation…I think MY IQ dropped 5 points while being forced to listen to that. We were supposed to hang out today just Miley and Lily! You promised no boyfriends!" Lily said trying to make Miley feel guilty

"I'm sorry he's just so adora-"

"OK!!! I get it he's cute and adorable and I think I might throw up if I have to hear about it anymore." Lily gagged.

Miley had just started going out with a sophomore boy from school and he had been all she could talk about for the past week. His name was Andrew Bensley and, of course, he was gorgeous. He had rich chocolate brown hair and crystal blue eyes that would easily make any girl melt, including Miley. He was your typical preppy high school boy, but luckily, this one seemed to really care for Miley. Even though they were cute and this was the first time in months that Miley seemed to not be missing Jake, Lily was about to pull her hair out from their sugary sweet interactions.

"Hey! I had to deal with you and Matt so now you can deal with Andrew and I," Miley pouted.

Suddenly Miley's phone began to buzz in Lily's hands. Miley snatched it away from her before Lily could even pull the phone out of her reach. "I bet that's Andrew now!"

"Hey sweetie pie!"

"Hey Miley...," A familiar yet unexpected slightly confused voice came through the speaker.

Miley's heart skipped a beat, "Jake?"

"Yea? Who were you expecting?"

"Well uh…I mean…No one…" Miley had hardly spoken to Jake in three and a half months and his phone call had caught her completely off guard. She had worked so hard to not think of him. She had to get over him. She needed to. At first Andrew had just been a welcomed distraction that kept her mind off of Jake but over the past week she was really beginning to like him.

"Well I was just calling to tell you that I'm coming home tomorrow! And I would really love it if I could see you when I get back. I've missed you so much. Romania has been horrible without you here."

"Yea Jake. I'd love to see you. I've missed you too," Miley replied lacking the expected enthusiasm in her voice.

"Ok well my plane gets in tomorrow at two. Do you wanna grab some lunch or something on the beach at Rico's around 3ish?" Jake mumbled nervously as if he had practiced this speech before he actually asked Miley.

"Great idea Jake," The sound of his name sliding off her tongue burned her ears, "I'll meet you there."

"Great, I guess I'll see you later then!"

Jake let out a sigh of relief after as he hung up his phone. He was finally coming back...and they could finally be together. He couldn't wait until he could finally kiss her again. He touched his lips trying to recall the vague memory of Miley's soft lips on his. He was finally back and nothing would get in the way this time.