Summary: Hermione is subjected to a mysterious substance when she is caught amongst a death eater attack during the hols. Shes given the all clear, but somethings happening to her

Warnings: Taboo language, adult situations, violence.

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor make any money from my writings.

A/N: hey, I just wanted to say that I really like this story, and where I hope its going. Enjoy and reviews always welcome!



She didnt really remember much. She had just received her school list with her head girl badge included, and was wandering through Diagon Alley with her head planted firmly in the clouds. The shouts had alerted her to the danger initially, some mother screaming for her children to hide. After that, it all got sort of hazy.

Death eaters had attacked Diagon Alley on that bright sunny afternoon, with one aim in mind. To cause as much fear and suffering as possible, all in the name of their master. It was typical really, that she had been there at the time. She somehow managed to duck into a nearby alleyway, scrabbling around in her coat pockets for her wand. She had found it, and distinctly remembered the relief that had flooded her system at the time. Of course, that had held nothing to the pure panic that engulfed her when she felt the petrificus totalis freeze her limbs. Unable to move, she had toppled onto her back, seemingly waiting for certain death. She was Harry Potters best muggle born friend after all, and in a situation like this, death was surely a given.

Instead, a shadow fell over her, blocking her view. She couldn't tell who, or even what it was, but she could smell what seemed to be a rich dark chocolate.
Something, a vial of potion, or plant? Was placed under her nose, a calloused hand over her mouth, cutting off her breathing. She had tried not to breath it in, she really had! But eventually she was forced to inhale the foul fumes into her system. Already dizzy, it didn't take long before darkness engulfed her.


She awoke to the soothing tones of a St Mungo's mediwitch, her parents sitting anxiously at her side. They had not gone with her that day, claiming she was big enough and ugly enough to go alone. Now, it seemed they were paying for it. She stayed the night, having test after magical test, all finding her fit and healthy, with absolutely nothing wrong. It was thought that the substance she had been forced to inhale was simply a sedative, to keep her out of the way. Hermione was glad, of course, but something niggled at the back of her mind.

Now, she hugged her ever doting (now anyway) parents goodbye, and stepped onto the platform to the Hogwarts express with a wave. The bright red steam engine glistened brightly, bringing a smile to her lips. Time to go home.


Sighing, she embraced her best friends tightly, glad to see them. Ron had grown, again, and Harry was as adorable as ever, in his own woeful way.

"Ron! Harry! Its so great to see you! How were your summers?"

They chatted for awhile, settling themselves into their usual compartment, trunks stacked neatly away. It was like they were 11 again, young and carefree.


Shortly after arriving, the golden trio sat at their table in the great hall, watching the sorting. Hermione didn't know any of the children personally, but it was interesting to watch none the less.

"Hey Harry! Look at that one! Definitely a Slytherin, he's a bloody mini Malfoy with brown hair!"

Laughing, Ron pointed out the poor kid he was guessing on. Each year the trio would try and guess who would be placed where, and oddly enough, Harry hadn't got one wrong yet.

He seemed to study the surly boy Ron had branded Slytherin. It was strange, Hermione mused, how he did that. Like he was looking straight into you..

"No Ron, don't get me wrong, he definitely looks Slytherin, groomed, smirking, rich, but he'll be a Hufflepuff. I'd bet you my firebolt"

Ron's jaw dropped, eyes disbelieving.

"Hufflepuff! No way! How?!"

Sighing, Harry smiled.

"Easy. Everything about him screams pureblood Slytherin prat right?" at Rons adamant nod he switched his gaze to the boy and tilted his head. "Looks at his hands Ron, their fisted, and he's practically shaking"

It was true, the boys hands where clenched tightly shut, so hard his knuckles were white. Little tremors, barely noticeable, shook his form, giving him away.

"So? He's just nervous, everyone is at their sorting"

"No Ron, its more than that. He's too still, his face is too concentrated. Can't you see? He's trying too hard. I'd wager his family expects him to be in Slytherin, and inside he knows he's not. He's terrified, absolutely terrified the hat will call him on it"

Ron sat still for a minute, thinking. Hermione stayed silent, waiting to see how this played out.

"Ok, I get what you mean, but still, why Hufflepuff? Why not Ravenclaw, or even Gryffindor?"

Harry turned back to his friend and smiled softly.

"His wrist. Look closely, he thinks he's covered it up with his robe, but from this angle you can just see it. There see? it's a muggle friendship bracelet. It's only coloured cotton thread, but it's a symbol. The fact that he's left it on, and probably never taken it off by the looks of it, shows his real qualities. Hufflepuff qualities".

Squinting to get a better look, Ron shook his head in amazement.

"Bloody hell Harry, I have no idea how you do that, its weird"

Harry just rolled his eyes. Laughing, the golden trio watched the boy in question as he nervously sat on the stool to be sorted. After its pause, the old hat spoke.

Once Dumbledore had made his speeches, the grinning friends tucked into their meal. It seemed Harry had protected his record, and his firebolt.

Hufflepuff it was.


R & R!