Why I Bother

A/n A short thing I did. My first RENT fic so reviews would be much appreciated.

Disclaimer: All hail Jonathan Larson, the Supreme Genius behind RENT. Quite obviously I am not him and therefore dont own what everyone knows is his.


This diva needs her stage…

I remember when I first told Joanne that…hell, I remember when I first told Mark that.

I wasn't lying.

I love the spotlight…love being the center of attention.

What I did lie about is how much I have to work for it.

If you're not into confessions you better leave…if you wanna stick around then that's your decision.


The truth of it is if I didn't work for it, no one would notice me.

If I didn't wear leather pants no one would stare at my ass.

If I didn't wear my shirt cut low no one would check out my rack.

If I didn't smile no one would think I looked beautiful.

If I didn't sing and dance as loud as I do no one would know I existed.

If I didn't live my life with wild abandon every one would know the truth.

Except for you…because I'm telling you…I don't know why, but I am.

The truth is I am common. I am as common as drugs, as AIDS, as drink…I am nothing extraordinary.

So. There it is. Now you know. Pity the poor buggers who left when I told them to. 'Cause now they will never learn the truth about Maureen Johnson.


