A/N: I've been wanting to do this chapter for a while…The shiny chapter! Unfortunately after this, I'm not too sure on how to introduce Dawn…So, if you have any good ideas, feel free to send me a message. You could also just put it in a review if its more convenient, but I'd prefer you PM me. Anyways, without further ado…Dammit.
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. However, I do own a Pokemon T-Shirt.
Pokemon in a Nutshell/Nuthouse
The town of Pewter city. Not too fancy, but not too extravagant. The home of everyone's favorite perv. No, not Michael Jackson! I'm talking about the mysterious, mystifying, almost eyeless Brock! Brock ran into his room and locked his door. "Heh heh…" he snickered as he reached for his lotion and porn stash. Right when he was about to unzip his pants, a loud knock was heard on the door.
"Brock!" a twerpy voice yelled.
"What the hell is it, Forrest?!" the upset pervert screamed, still trying to focus on his porn stash.
"Your not supposed to be in this chapter." Forrest replied.
Psyduck glanced around nervously, making sure Starmie wasn't stalking him. "Psy-yi-yi…(Thank God…)" it sighed when it saw that the purple starfish was nowhere in sight.
"Hiya-hiya? (Why are you scared of her, dude?)" Staryu asked the yellow duck.
"Psy-yi, psyduck. Psy-yi-yi-duck. (I'm not. She just freaks me the fuck out.)" it said, shaking its yellow little head. It then started sexually abusing the unconscious toaster.
"It's great to have you back, Pidgeot!" Ash told the bird. The Pidgeot was still mad at him, so it didn't respond. Ash cocked his head sideways in confusion, but his eyes lit up as he came up with a stupid explanation.
"Oh, I get it! You've been getting it on with a whole bunch of bird Pokemon, haven't you? That's why you're soo tired!" he explained to himself. The sad thing was that he was almost right. Pidgeot had been getting lucky. And air sex could be a little rough, so he was usually tired. But he was mostly just pissed with getting shocked. All of the sudden, May popped up behind Pidgeot.
"Hey there, Ash!" she said happily. Ash jumped three feet into the air screaming profane things that didn't make sense. He gets scared easily.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I startle you?" she giggled.
"FUCK YES, YOU DID!!!" Ash shouted. Meanwhile, Pidgeot was talking with Pikachu.
"Pijo pij pijo? (Who's that hottie?)" Pidgeot asked.
"Pika pikacu, pi-ka.(That would be May, Ash's old traveling companion.)" the mouse replied. Pidgeot stared at the girl's chest for a while before chirping,
"Pidgeot, pijo. (I'd hit that.)" Pikachu stared at him in disbelief.
"Pikachu pika! (So there are others!)" it exclaimed. A rustle of grass was then heard. Ash stopped his tantrum long enough to turn and see a Caterpie. But not just a regular Caterpie. It was a golden color. Ash looked at it and checked it up on his Poke-Dex.
Caterpie, the-Wait, what the fuck?! How stupid are you? This is the first damn Pokemon that you ever caught!! Sheesh!
"Thanks, Poke'dex thing," Ash said, closing the electronical encyclopedia. "I'm gonna catch him!" May had never owned a shiny, so naturally, she wanted in.
"Oh no, you don't! I want to catch it!" she said, grabbing Ash's shoulder.
"I don't even know how the hell you got here!!" Ash screamed. "The bug's mine!"
The Caterpie couldn't help but feel special. He had been kicked out of his group because he was gold instead of green, and here were two people he didn't even know that were fighting over him. His moment of happiness was interrupted, however.
"Pikachu, use Thundershock!!" Ash yelled. The mouse shocked the poor caterpillar nearly to death.
"Blaziken, use Flamethrower!" May said, sending out her Blaziken.
"Blaziken! (I'm Rick James, bitch!)" the Blaziken bellowed, burning the bug alive. This process continued for several minutes. Both the trainers stopped, staring at the near-lifeless Caterpie.
"What have we done?" May asked, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I'm…a monster…" Ash said in disbelief. Pikachu and Blaziken were laughing their asses off at the poor Caterpie.
"What were we thinking?" Ash continued. "Just because this Caterpie is shiny, it doesn't mean it's more special then a regular one. We should let it leave in peace." Ash sprayed the Caterpie with a Full Restore and watched it miraculously regain composure.
"You're right, Ash. Bye, Caterpie!" May said, drying her eyes. Both friends watched the Caterpie begin to crawl off with satisfied looks on their faces. Then a Fearow swooped down on the bug, killing it instantly.
A/N: Wow…One of my longer chapters…Don't worry, I'll explain about May in the next chapter. Anyways, peoples…You know the drill…Review or I'll see to it that you can never have children!!! Love you all!
-Dobuki Hanulsarang