Authors Note: Oh my god you guys are gonna kill me. But i had this idea tonight and i just...i wanna take this and see where it goes. I like it so far because i have a lot of ideas. So this is going to be my 'long time' project. I'm not making ne promises on updates because i want to finish jumping really badly and get a second chapter of valentines day up. So just take a look and let me know what you think. It's set in 2007 by the way. The song that's in here is a song off of the new Academy is Cd Santi and the song is called You Might Have Noticed. If like them i definatly reccomend getting Santi it's a great cd. Alright then enjoy!

Point Place Rock Stars:

Chapter One: You Might Have Noticed

Summary: Jackie is the manager of Hyde and Eric's band. But what happens when past events catch up to them and threaten to ruin everything they've worked so hard for.

"I'm telling you if it isn't the way he likes it he'll be a pain in my ass for the rest of the day." Jackie said before she slammed her phone shut. She shoved the phone back into her purse and continued walking down the hall towards the dressing room of the lead singer of the band, the high. She knocked on the door twice and waited for any signs of life from the other side. "Come in," She heard grunted through the door before she pushed it open. "Well I see we've been partying again." She said as she looked at the man who was currently lying on the couch with a towel over his head.

"What's it to you?" He said through the towel.

"What it matters to me is that if you party all night, you ruin the concert for the next day." She said as she pulled up a chair beside him. "Listen Hyde you have got to stop this. The guys are really counting on you and you're going to ruin this for them."

"Whatever." He said as he pulled the towel off of his face.

"How bad are you hung over?" She asked as she stood up.

"I'm fine. What time do we go on?" He asked as he stood up and Jackie took a moment to take in his dirty appearance.

"Uh go take a shower. You go on at 8. Please be ready by then." Jackie stressed before she walked out.

"Bitch," Hyde muttered before he grabbed his things and walked out the door.

"So is he up?" Eric, the drummer, asked as Jackie walked out onto the stage.

"He just left to clean up." Jackie said as she began making sure everything was there. "Are we missing anything?" She asked as she turned around and looked at Nick, the bassist, who shook his head.

"As far as I know everything is here. Are you worried or something Jackie?" Nick asked.

"No I just don't want anything to go wrong tonight."

"Well if Hyde doesn't forget the words tonight we should be fine." Travis, the guitarist, said as he walked over to Nick.

"I know I know," Jackie said as she stared at the guys, "Okay I'll talk to him again, but you guys know how he is."

"He wasn't always like this," Eric said as he looked at Jackie, "Back home he was different, I think he's letting fame get to him. You remember how he use to be right Jackie?"

"Yeah I do, and I think fame is getting to him, but he's never going to admit he has problem until something makes him admit it. You can't convince an alcoholic they have a problem until they convince themselves." Jackie said as she walked off the stage.

"She's right man." Nick said.

"I know she's right and that's what scares me. Hyde and I are brothers. I can't lose him, but at the same time I feel like I already have." Eric said before he stood up and followed Jackie.

-Ring- Jackie quickly reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. "Yeah," She said once she'd flipped it open.

"That isn't a very polite way to answer your phone Jackie."

"Oh hey Donna. Sorry I'm just really stressed."

"Hyde huh?"

"How'd you know?"

"It's all over the internet."


"Yeah there's like seven different stories about Hyde's partying. How's Eric handling it?"

"Not too well. God Hyde is so stupid. I just wish he would realize that he has a problem. But I'm better off trying to win the lottery. At least I'll have better odds at that then this."

Donna laughed, "So Eric's okay?"

"Yes Donna, your husband is fine."

"No stupid groupies?"

"No groupies. Actually he spends most of his time whining about much he misses you."
"I miss him too. But I also miss my best friend. How are you Jackie, I mean really how are you?"

"I'm fine. I just…I can't wait till this tour is over. I'm thinking about asking the guys to help me try to get Hyde into rehab. He really needs the help."

"Yeah he does. I'm so afraid for him. Every time I see a story about him online I worry. He's so important to Eric…ever since he and Hyde were little and Eric's parent's died."

"Yeah, I mean I've known Hyde since we were kids…and he wasn't like this at all, but now…"

"Yeah…WB is worried about him too. Just try to talk to him okay?"

"I won't make any promises but alright."

"Okay I have to go. Tell Eric to call me after the show."

"Will do lumberjack."

"Bye midget."

Hyde walked backstage and looked around for his brother before he spotted him leaning against the wall talking on his cell. "Hey little brother,"

Eric looked Hyde then quietly said his goodbye's to the person on the other end. "What do you want Hyde?"

"What's your problem?"

"My problem is that you have a problem. Don't you see what this is doing to us Hyde?"

"What problem do I have?" Hyde asked as he stepped up to his brother.

"You know what Hyde, it isn't worth it. You know deep inside that something is wrong with you but you're never going to get the help you need until you admit it. And I'm not going to be your brother until you do."

"Whatever man," Hyde said as he glared at Eric, "What's this really about? Is it because I forgot some words to some stupid songs?"

"No, this is about you having…you know what I'm done. Just forget it. But if you screw this up Hyde, I mean if you get us kicked off the label…you and I…we'll be done for good." Eric said as he glared at Hyde then walked away.

"What the fuck ever man!" Hyde yelled at Eric before he walked into his dressing room.

"I take it that didn't go well." Jackie said from her spot on Hyde's couch.

"This is my dressing room. Get out." Hyde said as he pointed out the door.

"And as your manager I have every right to be in here."

"Fuckin…what do you want?"

"You know what Hyde you use to be kind," Jackie said as she stood up and walked over to Hyde, "You use to be sweet and caring. When Eric's parents died you gave him a home with a father you'd just met. You were someone that everyone loved…someone that I loved. What happened to you Steven…what killed the man that I fell in love with?" Jackie said as she stared into his eyes.

Hyde clenched his fists as he stared at the woman before him, his heart rate had risen increasingly in the few seconds it took for her to say that sentence and he felt like he was going to hit something if he didn't get away from her as quickly as possible. "The day that you decided that I wasn't good enough was the day that Steven went away." He said before he walked out of the room.

Jackie felt the tears as they threatened to spill from her eyes. She quickly wiped them away before walking out the door and running straight into someone. "Oh god I'm sorry."

"It's alright…Jackie are you okay?" Travis asked as he looked at his manager.

"I'm fine Travis. Just had a bad talk with Hyde that's all."
Travis looked at Jackie and nodded. "You know, he's a good person…he's just hurting."

"I know that." Jackie said as she nodded, "But it's been three years."

"Yeah and he's had to see you everyday of that. He's had to live with it and be reminded of it constantly."

"I know…and I would have left but Eric…Eric wanted me to be the manager and I didn't want to leave Steven alone. But look at how well that turned out."

"Yeah, he needs help Jackie. And I think we're the only ones that can convince him to do it."
"He'll never listen to me…and he obviously isn't listening to Eric."
"He will eventually, we just have to be loud enough for him to comprehend it." Travis said as he smiled at her.

"Thanks Travis." Jackie said as Hyde walked past them and towards his dressing room.

"Careful Travis…she has a tendency to sleep with guitarists." Hyde said before walking into his dressing room.

Travis looked at the door then down at Jackie before shrugging and walking away.

"Are you guys having a good time?" Mark, the tour manager yelled out to the crowd as the place went wild, "Alright then give it up for the number one band in the country, THE HIGH!!!!!"

The crowd went wild as the opening cords of the band's song, 'You might have noticed', rang through the air, and the band appeared on the stage.

"Hey we're the high and this is our song, 'you might have noticed,'", Hyde said into the microphone.

If you're under the impression I'm alright.
I guess you never noticed.
I guess you might have known
I've been holding this together for so long.
But I guess you might have noticed.
Well I guess you...

The beast within the burden is all mine
A product of his father, a slave to his pride.
I feel I need to reveal my true stripes,
But the bitch of all this trouble here
Waits behind the wind to find out.

You set me up to leave me;
you wanted to feel,
Shallow love, shallow lives.
With every word, you speak of what you wanted from me.
Wanted from me... Yeah

I'm sinking more and more into my lies.
Now home is just a pinprick in the vastness of my life.
Feel the pressure, feel the pleasure,
Feel the pain, you're not alone.
Feel the pleasure, feel the pain,
Feel the pain.

You set me up to leave me,
You wanted to feel,
Shallow love, shallow lives.
With every word, you speak of what you wanted from me.
Wanted from me... Yeah

Realizations, I am not what you thought I was.
You change directions every time someone judges us.
In moderation, what was once us now never was.
You change directions every time someone judges us.

You set me up to leave me,
You wanted to feel,
Shallow love, shallow lives.
With every word, you speak of what you wanted from me.
Wanted from me... Yeah

Realizations, I am not what you thought I was.
In moderation, what was once us now never was

The crowd went wild as Hyde's eyes met the one person he was searching the stage for and he smirked at her as the meaning of his words finally hit her like a ton of bricks and she bolted away from the stage. Eric caught onto what was going on and shoot his head as Hyde announced the second song and he began playing his parts.

Jackie ran out the door and all the way to the trailer before she finally let the tears fall. "Oh god," She said as she fell to the floor of the trailer and cried her heart out. She cried not only for herself but for the pain she had put him through. The things that she had done had left him the broken shell of the man she once loved and for that she could never forgive herself. She quietly stood up and walked to the back of the trailer and pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed a familiar number.

"Hey it's me, we need your help. I don't think we can do alone. You need to come; I owe it to him to get him better. I did this and now I need to set it right." She said before she hung up and let the tears fall once again.

A/N: I know you're probably wondering exactly what happened to make Hyde into what he is. Well i'll get to that. It's kind of bad but at the same time it's something that probably happens to most teenage couples. Anyways thanks for reading and please review okay?!