At long last I have completed this story. I just wanted to thank everyone who has reviews, favorited, and read this story. With your support, this story was made possible. Now here is a fun fact you all should know. At this very moment, my dog, Sparky, is sleeping on my right arm, and has been the whole time I wrote this chapter. So please excuse any spelling error. Blame the dog, not me! Now please enjoy the last chapter. I don't own Yugioh.

Off in the distance, was a cute looking Egyptian girl. Long, brown hair bounced with each step she took, as she ran towards the two.

"Yami!" she cried happily before hugging him.

Yami wrapped his arms around her and twirled her around laughing.

"Mana, you're finally back!" Yami cried. "I've missed you."

"I missed you two, love," she replied before locking lips with him.

"Love?" Yugi asked watching the whole scene with a sinking feeling in his gut.

The couple turned their attention to the confused precense before them.

"Yugi, Mana is my fiancée," Yami explained. "You didn't meet her yet because she was on a trip to Egypt to visit family."

"It's nice to meet you, Yugi," Mana said with a smile. "Yami talked about you on the phone constantly."

Yugi fought back the tears threatening to fall, and put on a fake smile, "It's wonderful to meet you, too. You two make a grat couple."

"We've been the best of friends for the longest time," Mana explained looking into Yami's eyes. "Eventually he got the guts to ask we out and soon, gave me this."

She showed Yugi the flawless diamond ring, which sparkled in the sunlight. Almost taunting him with it's beauty.

"I hope you're relationship will work out," Yugi choked out. "When is the wedding."

"In a few days, right Mana?" Yami answered.

"Yeah," Mana replied. "I got the family together, and every thing's been prepared."

"You'll come, won't you?" Yami asked with hope.

"Y-yeah," Yugi said. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."


For the rest of the day, Yugi sulked about his stupidity.

'I should have known someone like Yami would be taken already,' Yugi cried. 'What chance would someone like me have with someone like him?'

"At least Ryou will get a happy ending," Yugi sobbed.

Yami had informed him that Bakura wouldn't come to the wedding because he and a new found love were 'busy.'

Yugi got up from his bed and quietly made his way to the docks.

When he got there, he sat down, pulled his knees up to his chest, and continued to cry.

"Yugi?" a voice called. "Is that really you?!"

Yugi's head bolted up from the familiar voice.

"Anzu?" he called.

Indeed, it was the mermaid.

"Yugi, what's wrong?" Anzu asked concerned. "Why are you here all alone? Where is Ryou?"

"Ryou is with Bakura," Yugi explained. "Anzu, I've missed you. I wanna go home."

"Why?" Anzu asked. "Didn't you find your prince?"

"He's engaged," Yugi explained. "The wedding is going to be tomorrow, most likely, and I shall cease to exist in this world the morning after."

Anzu gasped and put an arm to her mouth.

"No," she cried. "You're lying! Stop it!"


"No!" she shouted. "Lies!"

With that the mermaid disappeared back into the ocean, leaving Yugi alone again.

"Good-bye...Anzu," he whispered before heading back to the house in pain.

Both physically from his feet, and spirtually.


Sonya was sitting on a rock, holding the puzzle box close to her heart, when she saw Anzu swim up to her with tears streaming down her face.

"What's wrong," she asked concerned. "Why do you cry."

"Sonya, Yugi... he's..." she couldn't finish the sentence and seeked comfort from the elder.

The red haired one gave Anzu a gentle hug and whispered, "There's nothing we could have done. These things happen."

"You mean... there's no hope?" Anzu asked fearfully.

"I've afraid not, dear," Sonya answered. "When's the wedding?"


Sonya just nodded her head, and held onto Anzu, as the young mermaid cried.


The wedding was pure torture for Yugi, as he watched his pure love kiss his new bride.

Jou walked up to Yugi and pulled into a brotherly hug.

"I'm so sorry, Yug," he said. "I should've told ya from the start."

"No," Yugi insisted. "Don't blame yourself for my naïve actions."

Jou just sighed and stood by Yugi for the rest of the wedding, until he and Mai decided to head home.

"I'll miss you buddy," he choked out. "I don't wanna leave ya."

"Go to her," Yugi told him. "I prefer to be alone, anyways."

Before Jou left, Yugi hugged him quickly, and then ran off to congratulate Yami.

'I'll never forget ya, Yugi.'

The ex-merman went over to Yami and smiled at him brightly.

"I hope you live a happy and prosperous life with Mana," Yugi told him.

"Thank you, Yugi," Yami replied. "You've always been like a little brother to me, and you're opinion always matters about my choice."

"Just remember that your happiness is my happiness," Yugi told him.

'No matter what or who makes you happy,' Yugi thought. 'I'll never forget you, Yami.'


Yugi waited late at night, until Yami and Mana were both asleep, before heading back to the dock, for his inevitable demise.

'A deal's a deal,' he thought to himself staring out into the sea.

"Yugi," a voice said softly.

Yugi's attention went on the source, and he nearly broke down to cry after seeing his sister.

"Sonya!" he cried. "You were right all along."

"Come the sea," she beckoned. "I want to be with you."

Yugi knew once he went into the water, his spirit would dissolve into the shadows.

He went in anyways, though. He needed to feel the warmth of his sister one last time, and apologize.

He slowly dipped into the water, hissing in pain as he felt the shadows of the spell attack him.

Sonya went right up to him, and pulled him into a hug.

He held onto her waist tightly repeating, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," he whispered. "I love you, Yugi."

"I love you too, Sonya," he replied. "Please, don't let me fall into the darkness."

"Then wake up," she told him.


"Wake up," she repeated softly. "Wake up, you sleeping bum!"

Yugi's eyes burst open as he looked around wildly.

"You fell asleep watching the 'Little Mermaid,'" Sonya told him. "I couldn't concentrate on the movie through your snoring."

"I had the weirdest dream!" he exclaimed. "We were all mermaids and mermen, and I wanted to be human, but you wouldn't let me, and I fell in love with a human, and I changed into a human, and I was gonna die, and..."

"Whoa," Sonya said shushing him. "That's the last time you watch a Disney movie late at night."

Yugi turned a bright pink before asking, "Did I really snore?"

"No, but you were talking occasionally," she explained. "Eventually you began to call out my name and someone called Yami."

"Sorry," Yugi mumbled sitting up on the sofa.

"By the way, our new neighbors just moved in," she told him. "One of them sorta looks like you, only more mature and crimson eyes."

"Yami!" Yugi cried jumping up.

Sonya just shrugged it off and went to the kitchen to get a snack.

Yugi went outside, and watched as the new neighbors put carried their belongings into the house.

His eyes fell upon someone who was carrying a large box and saw something fall out of it.

Yugi ran up to pick up item and spoke up.

"Excuse me," he said politely. "You dropped your book."

The guy put down the box, revealing spiky, tri-color hair, and an all too familiar face to Yugi.

"Thanks," the man said. "By the way, my name's Atemu, but you can call me Yami."

"I'm Yugi."

The two smiled at each other, and Yugi helped Yami out with the boxes.

"You know," Yami said, "I feel as though I've met you somewhere."

Yugi just smiled and handed him the book he dropped. "Funny, I was thinking the same thing."

Yami placed down the book on a nearby box, and took a walk with Yugi back outside.

The book sat there, showing the author's name clearly, despite the wore out condition of being constantly handled.

The name of Hans Christian Andersen.

The End