Title: Binding the Net

Fandom: Babylon 5

Author: Tiamat's Child

Warning: None

Summary:Kosh makes his choices. Binding the Net

He makes his own choices. He is a part of them, they send him, they direct him, but his choices are his own. He would never be foolish enough to say otherwise.

He makes his choices, and they form a plan, a pattern, a dance of choices, of people, of consequences and graceful, stumbling movements to the future.

He takes the child's hand, and she stumbles to him, gains her feet, runs millions of light years for him, for his sake.

He takes the man's hand, and tugs, and he stops, stands still, considers, for the sake of people long dead.

He takes the hand of the boy the commander and he struggles, complains, will not listen, but is where he needs to be when the time comes.

And he is waiting. And he is afraid to die, but he sees his choices, laid out before him, a careful web, and this choice will tie the knots or loose them all, and so he stays, when he must, and dies.

(And makes his last choice, and prays the child will forgive him.)