Notes : So I wanted to write a fanfic, but I wanted to introduce a character of my own So this is actually the first story in a series. This one is not all that long and is more of an introduction to what is to follow. It is set after Order of the Phoenix, so all that happened in Half-Blood Prince, has not taken place in this story eg Snape is still a teacher etc!

I do not own any of the characters in this story (Well except Jordan I guess!!) No Copyright Infringement is intended with this story!!

Jordan Quinn was standing on the draughty train platform, muttering impatiently to herself, She felt like she'd been here for hours, though in truth it had really only been about twenty minutes. The chill in the air seemed to make every second last painfully long, as it nibbled cruelly away at her bare hands and made easy work of the flimsy summer jacket she had insisted on wearing.

It was the first time she had ever been so far from home on her own. She had spent a fabulous weekend in London with her Uncle Ashley. He had shown her all the sights of the city, taken her to a posh restaurant that she had since managed to forget the name of and the best bit, the main point of her visit, gone to see him in his latest West End musical, Jesus Christ Superstar. He had the starring role, although it's fair to say, he was almost unrecognisable with his long hair and beard, that didn't stop her brimming with pride every time he opened his mouth to sing!

When she'd had first asked if she could go, her mum had taken no time in declaring that at 15 Jordan was far too young to be travelling such a long way on her own. However after weeks and weeks of begging and pleading she had finally caved in and said yes, although she had phoned her so regularly over the course of the weekend to check her daughter was still alive, that the battery on her mobile was quite dead. Her stomach churned a little at the thought of her mother worrying now that she was unable to call and found herself glancing around for a payphone.

Moments later the sound of a train approaching drifted into the air, Jordan looked up hopefully and saw to her delight that this was her train.

"About time" She mumbled and stooped down to grasp hold of her bag. The train screeched to a standstill on the track in front of her, seconds later the door hissed open and people began flooding out onto the platform, not seeming to care who they bumped into as they did.

"Sorry" One man said half-heartedly as he stepped on her foot, not even bothering to look at her as he spoke. She bit her tongue, determined not to call after him and tried to ignore the pain in her now throbbing toes.

Moments later someone else bumped into her, sending her flying backwards, till she landed with a bump on the floor, her bag luckily cushioning her fall.

"You idiot!" She cursed, hoping he was still close enough to hear her as she grudgingly pulled her self back to her feet.

She took a deep calming breath then turned to climb onto the train, only to find that there was now a brick wall where it had been only moments before. She looked round to find that the train was now behind her, still surrounded by people milling around it.

"I'm losing the plot" She told herself quietly and assuming she'd got turned around when she'd fallen over, climbed into the carriage without a second thought.

The world outside whizzed passed the window in a blur, nothing but green fields and trees as far as the eye could see. Jordan found herself wondering why she had not noticed how scenic it was on her way down here, but her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of a young man.

"Do you mind if I sit here? " he asked politely.

"No" Jordan shrugged, smiling as he sat down opposite her.

"My friends are driving me mad" he continued "They keep arguing!"

"Oh" Jordan remarked, having no idea why he was telling her this, or how to respond.

"I haven't seen you before" he said regarding her.

"Well that's not really surprising is it " She replied, an edge of sarcasm creeping into her voice,

"Are you new then?"

"New to London?" she asked confused, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

" Well what year are you in?"

But before she had chance to reply another boy breezed over, smiling triumphantly as he set eyes on the tussled haired boy next to her.

"There you are!" he exclaimed "Thanks for leaving me with her!"

"You were giving me a headache!" The original boy chuckled.

So you did a runner... thanks a lot!"

"What's she doing now then?"

"Probably arguing with herself!" He laughed and plonked himself on the chair next to his friend.

"She'll come and find you, y'know"

"Well lets just enjoy the peace and quiet till she does" He smirked, seemingly only just catching sight of the girl in the seat opposite "oh hello".

"Hello." Jordan smiled.

"Haven't seen you before. Are you new?"

"New?" Jordan shrugged, still having no idea what they meant. The boys exchanged significant looks with each other then looked back at her.

"To school."

"Hardly" she scoffed, remembering just how much she was dreading going back after the six week summer holidays.

"Well what year are you in?" The second boy asked.

"10... Why?" She replied, trying to ignore the way they were looking at her,

"Well what house are you in?"

"What is this twenty questions?" She rasped becoming tired of their game and half considering getting up to sit somewhere else.

"You do go to Hogwarts... Don't you?"

"Go where?"

"THERE YOU ARE!" An angry voice called, all three of them looked round in time to see a red-faced girl bustling over. The boys grimaced at each other and sank down into their chairs a little "GET LOST DID YOU?"

"Well it's a big train!" The second boy muttered acrimoniously, flinching as she turned her angry glare upon him, his face turning almost as red as his hair. Jordan looked down and noticed a fluffy pug faced cat curling itself round her legs and purring loudly, seemingly enjoying the moment.

"Don't you think you should get your robes on, we'll be there soon!" The girl continued her tone of voice not softening in the least.

"Yeah, yeah... We'll do it in a minute!" the second boy sang "at the moment we've got bigger things to worry about!"

"Oh really... like what?"

Both boys looked at her meaningfully then shifted their gaze to Jordan

"Well in a word Hermione... HER!"