Title: Blood line

Author: Ceindreadh

Fandom: Torchwood

Pairing/Characters: none/OMC's

Word Count: 366

Rating: T for adultish themes

Notes: may I just say, I'm sorry, I'm soooo sorry, but this plot bunny kept annoying me.

Summary: There are things that really should not be done.


"This is appalling…in all my years working here…I don't think I've ever come across something so…so appalling!"

"Sir, nobody has come across an incident like this. It's completely unprecedented."

"How on earth did he think he was going to get away with it? Surely he must have realized that we'd figure it out? What did he hope to achieve?"

"I can't honestly say, Sir. He covered his tracks very well. If it hadn't been for the archivist getting curious as to why he was doing so much genealogical research…well, by the time we found out, it might have been too late to repair the damage to the timeline."

"How much damage was there? Gods, don't tell me he managed to…I can't even say it!"

"As far as we can tell, Sir, we've discovered no, ahem, reproductive incidents that could have polluted the timeline."

"I suppose we should be thankful for small mercies. Dammit, it's one of the first rules we teach our people. Don't go shagging your grandmother and becoming your own grandfather. Wasn't he listening?"

"I believe that not only was he listening…but that he also saw it as a personal challenge. The records show that he's made seventeen unauthorized trips in the past year, all of them to periods and locations where his ancestors lived. But those are just the ones we managed to uncover. He was very good at covering his tracks."

"You realize that we can't let a whisper of this get out. If it was discovered that one of our agents had been using Agency resources to seduce his female ancestors…why are you looking at me like that?"

"We believe it wasn't just his female ancestors he was seducing…Sir."

"Oh this just gets better and better. Right, this ends here. I want all records of this incident sealed indefinitely. The last thing we want is somebody trying this sort of stunt in question. Anybody who's been in on the investigation, I want their reports sealed and their memories wiped. That goes double for our Casanova here."

"Of course Sir. How much time should we wipe from his memory?"

"Two years should do it. Make it so."

"Of course."


The End

(Apologies if anybody is a little squicked out by the concept of a person shagging ones way through their ancestors.)