Title: Father

Summery: Gideon had always thought Spencer Reid as a son, but when Reid becomes suicidal and there's an unexpected knock at the door, will Gideon be able to save the one that he feels he has already let down?

Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds / any characters in Criminal Minds. Anything I make up (probably nothing) belongs to me.

A/N: Hiya. This is my first Criminal Minds fanfiction. I am a big fan of the show and a huge fan of Spencer Reid. Hope you enjoy the story.

Chapter 1:

Gideon was sat up right with his back to a wall. The wall was made of cold white building bricks constructed to form a square cell, completely white, with only one metal door which represented entrance or exit, or in Gideon's mind, escape. There was also a single light source in the room, which hung from the centre of the ceiling. It was a single bulb with no light shade on it. Just a bare, naked, old dim bulb. Although the room was white, the dim light source created a shadowy, dark atmosphere in the room.

Gideon became aware that his arms were clutching something tight to his chest. Closing his eyes, he became aware of the slow constant breathing pattern, and his hands could feel bony ribs through two thin layers of clothing. Gideon looked down on to the lifeless form he clutched close.

Realisation struck him hard, as though being hit in the face by a brick, because the lifeless form he clutched, was that of Spencer Reid.

Gideon took in Reid's appearance. His dark circles below his eyes that he was well known for, has advanced up and across both eye lids, and gave the impression that Reid had been given two black eyes. His lips were grey, while his skin had a dark grey, waxy appearance. His hair had lost its silky texture as Gideon found brushing his fingers lightly through it. Reid had grown his hair since he started working for the BAU, and it surprised Gideon that in the current situation, Reid's hair remained almost perfect, just slightly knotted.

Whilst taking in Reid's appearance, Gideon noticed Reid's body posture. Reid was leaned up against him with his body angled out at odd angles, especially his spine. If Gideon left him in that position, Reid was going to have serious back pains when he woke up. So, with this in mind, Gideon released the hold he had on the younger agent, and gentally pulled him up next to him. After, Gideon placed one of his arms around Reid's shoulders, and let the younger agent lean against him. Gideon leaned back against the wall and listened for any sounds besides Reid's and his own breathing.


Suddenly the far door opened and a slender, medium height figure appeared there, and the figure walked through the door after a brief stop to look at the other two men already in the room. The figure was dressed completely in black, and his face was covered by a white ski-mask. The figure walked forward towards Gideon and Reid's position until he was just steps away from them. Gideon felt his heart rate increase. The masked figure stopped. It reached behind its back and drew out a hand gun. He turned and aimed it at Gideon.

And fired.

A/N: Hiya again. Hope you enjoyed reading this story. There are more chapters on the way. They are already wrote, i just have to find time around the 7 GCSE's and all the revision i have to do between now and friday night next week to write them up. Hope you will have a better time next week than i will. So, cya next time.