Hey there everyone! Sorry I haven't updated since who knows when, but due to some technical difficulties on my home computer, and our breaks at school being shortened, I haven't been able to work on this as much as I'd like to. Now I'll warn you readers now; if any of you guys recognise Bender from Futurama, then you'll know that he has a tendancy to drink and cuss, so consider yourselves warned if you didn't know that. (So technically he's the one to blame for upping the rating to T. Penguin's partially part of it too, but it's really Bender's fault.) Oh, and just so you know, Bender's from Futurama, Penguin's from The Batman (the version voiced by Tom Kenny, same guy who voices Spongebob ironically), and Lilo's from Lilo and Stitch. Well, on with chapter 10! (At last!)

Future Sandy had explained the whole story to Jones, and everyone soon found out why and how they got here. After these three people called Sora, Donald and Goofy mysteriously vanished, the four of them were sent to protect the worlds in his place. They've been to all sorts of incredible places, including places they've only heard about in books and the Star Wars movies. They came here and somehow ended up on the Titanic 2. Then like the first Titanic, the ship crashed into an iceberg and everyone except the four of them died. But there was no need to worry. They were only lame kiddie show characters, much to everyone's relief. After telling their story, Davy allowed the four unusual newcomers to work on his ship.

After their little incident with the heartless coming aboard, everyone was a bit more cautious than usual. They watched the shadows to make sure there was nothing in them, they used a candle to light their way down the deck at night, and they always made sure that they were close by to someone who could either see or hear them just in case they got into trouble. A few times, they swore they could've seen something moving within the shadows, but when they checked again, nothing was there. Patrick, however, often thought they were everywhere he looked, but everyone knew that it was just his imagination.

"He's becoming the seastar that cried heartless," Squidward chuckled to himself as he swabbed the deck.

And right on cue, Patrick burst out from below deck, came up and started screaming "Heartless!"

Penguin rolled his eyes and walked over to Patrick. "Where are they now?" he asked flatly.

Patrick pointed a shaky hand towards the hallway that leads down to the brig. "There!"

Penguin sighed and went in. He looked around for a while, then came back out. "There's nothing there, Patrick. It's safe."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure! I checked that freaking hallway ten times today!"

"Oh, okay. Thanks."

Penguin walked over to where the other three were sitting and sighed. "You know, I almost wish that some heartless would show up just so we could have something to do."

Lilo somewhat-sleepily nodded. "At least then we were doing something."

Bender scoffed. "You guys should be greatful that there aren't any heartless or nobodies showin' up. It's proof that the world is safe. In fact, I think this deserves a toast." Then he opened his chest cavity, took out a champagne glass, poured a bit of champagne in it, took out a toothpick and a green olive, put it through the olive, dropped it in the champagne, and held up the glass. "Here's to the world!" Then he gulped it down and tossed the glass onto the deck, causing it to shatter. Squidward, who was in charge of sweeping duties, swept up the shattered remains of the glass as he glared angrilly at the back of Bender's head and mumbled something through his teeth that I really don't want to repeat.

Spongebob raised an eyebrow. "Say, what's that stuff that Bender keeps on drinking?"

"It's beer," Lilo told him, "But I don't think you'd want it."

"Why not?"

"It's a pretty strong drink, Spongebob. I don't think you'd like it," Penguin explained.

Ptrick scoffed. "Oh please. If some fancy-scmancy robot can drink it, then why can't someone like me drink it?"

"You don't understand, Patrick. Bender's type of robot needs alcohol to keep him functioning properly. If someone like us drinks too much of it, we go nuts and do all sorts of stupid stuff."

"Well don't we all do stupid things?"

"Well, yes, but that's not the-," but it was too late. Patrick was already talking to Bender about it. Penguin slapped the palm of his hand against his forehead. "Why is it always me?," he groaned.

Five minutes later, Patrick was moping because Bender wouldn't let him have any of his beer.

"Well, maybe it's for the best, Patrick, if what Lilo and Penguin was true," Spongebob reasoned.

"Trust me, we weren't kidding," Lilo responded.

"Well, now what are we gonna do?," Patrick asked. "I'm really really bored!"

Penguin shrugged. "I don't know, but I'm getting bored too."

"Me too," Lilo stated.

"Same here," Spongebob added. As a matter of fact, everyone was getting bored. There wasn't any wind, no fast current, they've done all their jobs and not a sign of any heartless anywhere. And as if that wasn't enough, the sun was beating down on them and the heat was starting to go to their heads.

This is just asking for trouble...

Many hours later, everyone was heatstricken and they were all lying on the deck with exhaustion. "Ugh. This... Heat... Is... Making... Me... Really... Weak," Spongebob moaned. "Penguin... I... Need... Some... Water..."

Penguin, who was laying beside him, took out his keyblade and cast Blizzard on him. But because it was so hot, the ice automatically turned into water and Spongebob's skin absorbed it.

"Ugh. Thanks."

"Don't mention it."

But dehydration wasn't the only problem these guys had. Their vision was starting to become a bit blurry and it seemed like everything was shifting to one side or the other as if their surroundings were melting. And not a sound was made until Patrick finally shouted, "IT'S TOO QUIET!" Then he stood up and shouted, "PATRICK GOT CABIN FEVER!!"

Then Spongebob got up. "SPONGEBOB GOT CABIN FEVER TOO!"

Then some music started to play, everyone started to dance and wear funny-looking clothing and, well, if you've ever watched the part from "Muppet Treasure Island" where everyone gets cabin fever, you know what's going on.

Squidward: I got cabin fever, it's eating up my brain!
Plankton: I've got cabin fever, it's driving me insane!
Penguin, F. Sandy, Lilo: We got cabin fever, we're flipping our bandanas
We've been stuck at sea so long we've simply gone bananas!

Spongebob, Patrick: We've got cabin fever, we've lost what sense we had.
We got cabin fever, and we're all going mad!
Bender looked at everyone and laughed. "You meat bags are all the same. Add a little heat and take away some water and your sanity fall apart!" Then he got an idea. "Say, I bet Fry would love to see this when I get back to New New York." Then he pulled out a video camera and started recording the madness. But just watching them act rediculous made Bender feel a little left out. "Aw, what the hell. I think I'll join 'em!" Then he set the camera down and started singing along with them.Bender: Swing your partner 'round and 'round,
Tie him to the wheel.
Do-si-do, step on his toe,
Listen to him squeal!
(After saying that, he accidentally steps on Squidward's foot and Squidward started shouting nonsencical words in tune to the song.)
Hang on, meatbags. Hold on now.
It's time to sail or sink!
Swing your partner o'er the side,
Drop him in the drink!

Sandy: We've got cabin fever.
F. Sandy: No if's, and's, or but's.
Sandy: We're disoriented,
F. Sandy: And demented,
Both: And a little nuts!

D.B.: Cabin fever, my sanity hangs by thread,
Since we're going nowhere I've gone out of my head!
Spongebob, Sandy, Squidward: We were sailing, sailing over the bounding main...
Patrick: And now we ain't!

Mr. Krabs: I've got cabin fever, I think I've lost me grip!
Plankton: I can't believe the author has made me think I've flipped!
Gary: Meow

Betsy: I was floating 'neath a tropic moon,
And dreaming of a blue lagoon.
Now I'm crazy as a loon.

All: Cabin fever has ravaged all aboard!
This once proud vessel has become a floating psycho ward!
We were sailing, sailing! Goin' to who knows where!
And though we are all here, we're not all there!

Cabin fever!


Then after everyone stopped singing, a wind started blowing against the sails and everyone suddenly snapped out of their trance.

"Huh? What happened?," Patrick asked.

"I don't know Patrick. But now the wind's back, so we can set sail for somewhere else!"

"Really? Yay!"

Spongebob and Patrick weren't the only ones to forget what had happened. Everyone else looked at each other in confusion, not quite sure as to what they were doing. But Bender didn't forget what had happened. He laughed as he went back over to the camera he had set up and picked it up. He shut it off and put it back into his chest cabinet before anyone noticed what he was doing. He chuckled evilly. "Oh the things I could do with this little tape. Which of them to do first?" Then he remembered that he also had a laptop that he stole from some geeky computer nerd right before he was called to save the worlds. He snuck down to the lower levels of the ship and brought out the camera and the laptop. As he turned on the computer and started to get on the internet, he grinned. "Wait 'til I get this thing on youtube..."

Back in Bikini Bottom, Mindy was busy looking up things on her own computer. She was a little upset because the "commoners" of Bikini Bottom that she liked to talk to (mostly Patrick) weren't answering her calls nor returning them. 'Maybe they're all just too busy to answer or return your calls,' she told herself. Then she mentally rolled her eyes. 'Yeah, like they've been so busy that they wouldn't return your calls for almost a month.' She couldn't understand why they weren't talking to her. She was good friends with all of them and she hadn't done anything that would upset them. She just couldn't get it.

Mindy eventually started looking at web videos for songs like "Gee, Officer Krupke" and "America". Then she wanted to know if anyone had submitted anything about the Muppet song Cabin Fever. She got a few results, and one of them shocked her. It was titled "Spongebob does Muppet's Cabin Fever".

"Oh my gosh!," she gasped. She clicked on the video and lo and behold, there they were. Spongebob, Sandy, Squidward, Patrick, Plankton, Mr. Krabs, Betsy Krabs, Gary, The Dirty Bubble, and a few others that she didn't know. They were all singing and dancing and wearing funny clothes. "Oh my gosh! So that's why they haven't been answering my calls!" Then she also noticed that part of the summary for it said "Filmed on the Flying Dutchman." Her eyes widened. "No! No, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening!," she shouted. Then she looked at the screen as the video played on. "Don't worry, guys! I'll find a way to save you. I know I will."

Well, looks like Mindy's gonna think of a plan to save them.

Snowflake: Ya think?

Me: What the? Snowflake? What are you doing here? Is it because you wanted to see Penguin's cameo in this fic?

S: Okay, that joke is getting so old...

Me: I know, but it's fun to poke fun at you.

S: Oh brother...

Me: Anyway, I'm sorry fans. This is usually where I do the "Response to the Reviewers" part of the story, but there have been so many reviews that have piled up since I last updated that I'm afraid I can't get to them all. Sorry. :(

S: You sure it's not just because you're too lazy to do it?

Me: Okay, now that joke is getting old. And no, I'm not too lazy.

S: (sarcastically:) Riiiight. And they're coming out with a movie called "Boris and Natasha".

Me: But... They already did.

S: What?! They did?! O.O

Me: Um, yeah. Anyway, sorry for not responding to all your reviews. I guess there are more fans of this fic that I thought... Anyway, it hopefully won't be long until I finally put up the last chapter and focus on the other stories that have been bothering me recently. Anyway, I hope to see you all again soon.

