It's Kiki again! Haven't updated in a while…I've been spending my time on Fiction Press If you want to look at the other story I am working on Fiction Press. Please search Citrus Tea My name to read my story if you have time. Thanks much

I always thought from the bad guy's point of view would be funny, so I am doing a Fan Fiction of Mr. G-Man XD trying to get a date with one of the female main characters.

Now, remember that this is before Kazune falls in love with Karin, and Yuuki with Miyon, but they still like each other!



Hello there. I introduce myself as Kirio Karasuma, a guy who just is misunderstood. Please, I beg of you, do NOT call me Mr. Glasses Man. Don't ask. It's a long story.

I have written a guide on how to lose a girl in just one date. Here, I write out my tragic story.

These people hate me because naturally I am their enemy of course, but also of this. Something they would never admit to, but I spill out the secrets finally. Please read on and share my pain.

I have realized in my poor life I need a female companionship.

I know I have my sister Kirika Karasuma, and my half sister Himeka, but still, someone to love.

First I look at my possibilities. It cannot be the "Kazune-Z" as they call themselves, since their pathetic idol is…my archenemy Kazune Kujyou. I hate him with a passion.

Obviously, the michirians are out too. They are obviously in love with the airhead Michiru Nishikiori who stayed behind a grade because of an accident.

So that leaves, Karin Hanazono, Himeka Kujyou, Kazusa, and Miyon.

Boy, do I need to go out more.

I realize this will be hard to win their hearts. But I will try my hardest.

Little did I know how hard it was.


My first date was with none other than Karin Hanazono, a friend of Kazune Kuyjou, who is my enemy. I asked her out on a date to a restaurant, and to my surprise she agrees.

I place my wallet in my coat pocket and head out.

This is a first class restaurant, which means gourmet food everywhere, and I just hope that my date isn't that pricey.

"Hello Mr. Glasses Man!!" Karin said with cheerfulness as I met her at the restaurant. I winced of course, since I despise to be called Mr. Glasses Man.

"Please, Miss Hanazono, do not absolutely call me that horrid name." I said calmly.

Karin smirked. "Okay, Mr. G-Man! You don't need to call me Miss Hanazono, how about just plain Karin?"

I bit my lip, avoiding a nasty retort that could ruin my first date. "Let's go in shall we?"

"Yes, we shall, my dearest." She imitated my formalness.

She just mocked me.

This was not going well.

We sat near a fish tank, and ordered our food. Karin had a gleam in her eye which I know wasn't good for me. "You're paying right?" She inquired.

"Yes," I replied. It was only etiquette for the asker of the date to pay.

"Cool, then." She beamed.

We sat in silence. Well, this was very fun. Please note the sarcasm.

"Sooo…" I started out, trying to start a conversation. "How's school?"

"Boring. The President of the Student Council Association should do something about it." She mischievously smiled.

"Yes, well the President can't do everything." I searched in my head for something else to say. "Umm, how do you like the modern music scene?"

Karin giggled. "You have a funny saying for words. Your not talking to the queen of England, you know."

I narrowed my eyes, but waved the words away like an annoying fly. I didn't know why, but right now I would just love to swat Karin away at this moment.

"Did you just say I am annoying?"

"What?" Did I just think out loud again? I am so stupid. "I didn't say you were annoying."

"Ooooookay, whatever then."

"Umm," Again, in my head I tried to search for a compliment. "You look like you lost a few pounds."

Karin fumed. "Did you think I was fat to start out with?!!"

"Uhh, well, now that I think about it…Hmm…not as fat as your friend Himeka, might I say."

She slammed her fist on the table. "Oh My Gosh, Mr. Glasses Man!! I thought you had a little sense, maybe a little nice, but no! You're just rotten inside and out!"

We had attracted a crowd now. And I knew this was a bad idea. I stayed calm though.

"Listen, Karin, uhh-look! Our food is here now!"

"Oh. Goodie!" She exclaimed as she dug in her aromatic food.

The rest of our conversation consisted of, "Pass the salt," or "Yummy". This is really how I pictured my first date.

When the bill came, I swear my eyes popped out. It was so expensive! Karin snickered. "Mr. Glasses Man, what's wrong? Can't you afford it?"

It couldn't be true, but it was. "No, I can't. Do you have any money?"

Karin stopped her snickers and turned a white pale. "Uhh, no. I thought you were going to pay."

"Ready for the bill?" The waiter asked us.

We both turned to him. "Uhh, just a minute, if you please."

He eyed us suspiciously. "Very well then."

I glared at Karin. "Why'd you have to order such an expensive platter??" I whispered angrily, not to let the waiter hear.

She glared back "Who was the one who invited me out to such an expensive restaurant??"

"Ahem," The waiter cleared his throat, looking at us expectantly.

I decided to be not the law-abiding Student Council President just this evening. I pointed to a picture, which immediately averted the waiter's attention, and then grabbed my date's hand and ran for it.

"Hey!! That guy's trying to dine and dash!!!" Someone called, but I didn't turn to see who it was, I just ran.

"Mr. Glasses Man, what are you doing??" Karin said, being dragged along.

"I should deserve a thanks, since I'm rescuing you!!"

"You two are going to deserve a date with the dishes." I stopped immediately in front of the exit door to find a large man folding his arms scowling at us.

I stopped sheepishly. "Umm, good evening sir."

He pointed to the kitchen door. "Since you can't pay for your dinner, I'm afraid you'll have to make it up with the dishes."

I obeyed reluctantly; I didn't want to be in any more trouble. Karin just gave death looks at me while she and I washed the dishes in silence.

If looks could kill suddenly came into my mind. I have no idea why.

After the guy let us go, Karin said goodbye to me. Actually not a goodbye, more of a slap.

"I never want to see you again! I hate you!!"

Good-bye, dear.

And so there goes my first date.

X O X O End First Date X O X O

P.S Next Date is Himeka Kujyou!! Please rate and review!