A/N: Mmkay, I changed the summary and...
Why? Because I can. ...no, because, actually, I wrote the first three chapters while I didn't have internet, so...yeah. I now have a better idea of where this plot is going.
: I don't own QAF.
Mature Content Warnings And Other Things You Should Be Aware Of: Major Justin angst, bunches of dramatic fluff, self-mutilation, drug addiction/intake, lots of harsh language, excessive depression, alcohol usage, sex, ALL character POV switches, POSSIBLE MAJOR-CHARACTER DEATH, and...uh...and other stuff...I guess...eh...fuck it all. You've been warned.
Pairing: Brian/Justin
Placement? Uh...this's totally AU...but, if you MUST know somewhere, I'd guess someplace around the...uh...maybe towards the end of the third season? Um...yeah. I guess.
Apologies: Sorry for this extremely long author's note and sorry for making this so overly dramatic, but I know some people, like me, crave this kind'a shit...so...yeah. Also, sorry for the extremely long chapters to come... I didn't realize they were as long as they are. Oh, and sorry for my excessive use of the word 'yeah'...I blame Deidara...(...yeah...)
About Updates: For the first chapter (Not this one, but the next one), I won't update till I get three reviews. For everything after that one, I'll TRY to update after five more each time. Normally, I do one update per ten or fifteen reviews, which I normally get within a week's time or so. However, QaF isn't as popular a category as I normally write in, so I lowered my standards after taking this into consideration.

MAJOR NOTE: You don't have to read this... The first chapter and story-line starts AFTER this one.
This chapter is merely for the skeptical. If you're not sure you feel like reading this or whatever, well, then, read these quotes from future chapters that, in my mind, were potential summaries and, uh...see if you're interested...yeah... (These aren't exact quotes...)

"Every month, on the 23rd, he comes home specifically at 1:02 in the morning with a small bag of god-knows-what and tries to hide it from me. Does he really think I'm that fucking blind? Christ.
But, I don't ask him anything."

" "Alright? Yeah, just fucking peachy," Every syllable just drips with sarcasm. Then, suddenly, his voice drops back to normal. "Fuck, Mikey, something's fucking wrong with fucking Justin..."
Excessive use of the word 'fuck'- one of the many signs there's something drastically wrong in the world of Brian Kinney."

" "Tell me what kind of perscription drug."
He doesn't say anything for a second. I take a step towards him, ready to grab him if he tries to run. But, he doesn't. I wouldn't have been able to grab him anyways for the answer he gave me shocked me enough to make my entire body freeze."

" "Brian? Would you care if I were on drugs?"
"...that depends...legal or illegal?"
Fuck...this's definitely not what I was expecting."

"I know Brian is either awake or soon-to-be-waking and he'll be out looking for me. I don't want to see him again. I don't even want to hear his fucking NAME again! If I don't want all these things, then why the hell do I still love him?"

"My only other choice until I get enough money to rent an apartment is to live on the streets. Alright, I'll admit it...I'm a dainty little bitch and there's no fucking way I'll even last a single day out there. But, like they always say, you can only fail if you don't try.
A thousand and one thoughts leap to my mind and, for a second, I find myself wondering 'just who are "they"?'"

"I can feel myself slowly stumbling back towards the wall. My heart is racing a mile a minute. The cold stomps of every step he takes echo along the walls of the alley and don't help me to remind myself to breath. For a minute, the incident with fucking Chris Hobbs flashes through my mind. I know that's how it's going to end this time. Only, instead of a bat, it'll be a switchblade. And instead of ending up in a hospital, I'll end up in heaven. Or, possibly, hell. Because, this time? Brian's not here to save me."