Beneath the Foundation

By Abby Ebon


Summary— The Four Founders summoned a demon monarch, an Old One, to always protect the castle. But nothing controls Illyria, God King of the Universe. Sealed away inside the Chamber of Secrets, she sleeps. When exploring the chamber, Harry comes across the slumbering, ancient being…Tis an Angel/Harry Potter Crossover.

Please Note: The summary is an idea by Water Mage. Think of what I've written an answer to their request.

Disclaimer; I do not own Angel. I do not own Harry Potter.

Beta; Kuro Ookami Hatake, (as of 10/29/09) who dusted this story off and put it to rights.


Hogworts: A History; Excerpt.

While often overlooked, none the less, it shall be noted here for future generations. Hogwarts was not built by the Founders. It is not known exactly who built the castle, or in what age, or for what propose. Rumors that the castle was built by demons, or something that my lay claim to it in the future, are to be ignored; for there is no evidence to support this, or any such claims. For the castle was abandoned for quite some time before the Founders ever set sight on it.


2ed Year, Chamber of Secrets.


Harry swallowed his panic- he ignored the snake eyes that watched him from every corner.

Ignored the slime trailing on his cloak, as well as in his hair, and the mud coating his fingers,where he had attempted – fruitlessly- to move the boulders and rocks blocking him from going back.

He knew going down here, alone - was the absolute dumbest thing he had ever done.

Taking on Voldemort in his 1st Year beside the point – Harry knew, if no one else was about to admit it – him 'defeating' Voldemort had been lucky.

Very lucky, he could only hope he was still lucky by the time this was over with. Something out of the range of his vision hissed, and Harry pressed his lips together- then whispered…

"Open." This, Harry knew – was the final door to open. In front of him was Ginny, lying prone – the journal of Tom Riddle clutched in her hand. Above her stood a translucent boy – who looked up at him, growing steadily more solid by the moment.

Harry felt as if he was looking into a mirror, the only difference between Harry Potter and Tom Riddle was Harry's green eyes.

"Welcome Harry Potter, to your tomb." Tom Riddle hissed, raising Ginny's wand against Harry. Harry clutched his own wand, and raised it – Tom smirked coldly.

"Come to me basilisk…" Riddle purred, and Harry shut his eyes tightly as he caught sight of the basilisk's scales, now blind- open to any attack – Harry crouched, helpless. His brain worked franticly to catch up with the rest of him, and he knew he must try to turn the basilisk against Tom.

"Stop, don't kill me!" He said, even as he felt the cool flick of its forked tongue against the air in front of his face- paused, waiting – for my orders, he realized with a jolt. Harry only had time to plea, silently, for one thing…Please, Hogwarts, let me live through this.

"What are you doing? Attack!" Tom ordered- furious, and perhaps for the first time –afraid.


Harry was unaware of it, but something had heard his plea.

Fawkes stirred from her nap, she was a Phoenix, and as such had the unlucky placement of being bonded to her home - Hogwarts.

She was no mortal's – Wizard or no, pet. She alone knew of the sleeping – now slowly waking, Demon God-King below the catacombs of the castle.

But, she knew what woke her, was waking the Old One. Not by the pull of a new Headmaster, or Headmistress, but by the wordless need of a child- but not just any child, but by child who was the Heir of the Founders.

For the first time since the time of the Founders, She was being called. The Protector.

Fawkes flapped her wings, and set out to assist the new found Heir, taking the Sorting Hat with her- by its own insistence, of course.


Elsewhere, deep in the castle, something ancient and terrifying stirred from its seal – it was the image of a demon, with clawed feet as an eagle, and five times the size of a man – five tentacles on each side of her torso.

Two of which showed their flexibility and ambulatory in how easily they held two huge and bladed weapons – the size of two men.

The rest of her was in armor, and hidden, but her shape suggested humanity- if not for the four horns appearing out of the armor.

After ages of being pulled and tore at by demon magic –the seal that kept Her asleep in stone - broke.

At last, I am FREE! Icy blue eyes snapped open. The stone image broke into millions of tiny pieces- unsalvageable.

Yet the being, the demon – was much the same as the stone image had suggested.

She surveyed the area around Her. Wizards – She remembered, had sealed Her here.

They had used a pentagram and Her name, had set Grand Casting-of which She could not escape. They, arrogant, had placed this dwelling in Her Charge. Here, She was Keeper – an ancient Guardian, from whence they drew power from to fuel the ancient spells and wards around the castle.

They did not expect Her to assist, did not expect Her to awaken.

She had.

This, she saw, is a tombbut one unfit for one such as She. She was an Old One, an original pure demon from an Age mortals preferred to, most conveniently- forget. She was Illyria, the Demon God-King of the Universe- and She was awake.

Illyria heard, then, what had awoken Her.

Please, Hogwarts, let me live through this.

It was the plea of a boy – one fighting for a student, against a basilisk, and a mere-memory of a 'student', and now….Illyria stirred, moving to 'assist', seeing an advantage for herself.

His event was over now- but now he came again into the Chamber of Secrets.


Ten Years Later- Chamber of Secrets


Harry Potter walked unafraid into the Chamber of Secrets, Fawkes, a loyal friend – sat calmly upon his broad shoulders. Harry felt Fawkes shift her position, digging her claws into Harry – a warning. Harry smiled slightly- and saw in the corner of his eye that Fawkes was preening.

She had every right to – she had aided him in the killing of the basilisk Professor Snape had sent him to gather ingredients from.

When Harry had asked why – Snape had given him a scathing glare, reminiscing from his student days – and told him that on no uncertain terms that "as a magical creature the basilisk would be preserved".

Even from the rot and slime of the Chamber- all the ingredients would still be useable.

Harry was the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and while the students whispered that Snape was attempting to rid him of the position – Harry knew otherwise. When Harry had shown up, he had attempted to get the Potions position.

Snape had taken him aside and told him that Harry "would not be allowed to blunder up Potions" and had taken the Potions position- a fact which Harry still found amusing. He was sure it was what Headmistress McGonagall had intended.

She had certainly seemed pleased by the development.

While Hogwarts would never be the Hogwarts of his childhood, it still called to him – was still his sanctuary.

Harry knew this was true because he had traveled the world,and collected the relics of the Founders,which called to his blood – as Gryffindor's sword had. As Slytherin's staff, Hufflepuff's locket, and Ravenclaw's amulet had also done.

For the first time in five centuries an Heir of all the Founders had been born.

And only Harry, as the 'true' Heir of Slytherin –unlike Tom Riddle- could safely enter the Chamber and explore. It helped, he supposed, that he also carried the oh-so-helpful trait of being a parselmouth.

Or as safely as one could hope, forbehind him, Harry heard something large move. He turned, his wand out and ready, prepared for battle, even if Voldemort was long dead. Icy blue eyes peered down at him from a great height – and as the thing moved foreword, Harry found himself moving back.

"W-what are you? What do you want?" Harry found he was speaking parselmouth- and the giant demon laughed at him, still able to understand.

"I am Keeper, Old One, and Demon God-King –forced to protect this… Hogwarts - and you, boy, are the Heir. My Awakener…" The demoness told him, purring out the words from the shadows…
