Okay, so truthfully I wasn't going to finish this fic. Only a few people reviewed and I take that as a sign that no one's really interested anymore. But then I remember one fan who really liked my story and wanted me to continue. So in the spirit of Christmas, I give you the final chapter of Coincidences.

P.S. Ya, I stole a line from the Miami episode "Shootout" because it was such a nice Horatio and Ryan scene (and I mean that in a completely non-slash way.)

Eric and Calleigh entered the laundry room of the hotel and clicked on their flashlights. The room was barely lit. Its walls were dingy and the whole room smelled of detergent.

Eric started slowly around the edge of the room, shining his light on the shelves that lined the walls. Calleigh went straight towards the washing machines, opening her kit as she did so.

"I've got a hair." She lifted it and put it into a vile which she plugged. She then examined it. "Long, probably female, dark brown."

"Wasn't our vic's hair light brown?" Eric asked.

"Ya, I'm thinking this is someone else."

"Lots of people come into the mat, though." Eric argued.

Calleigh shrugged. "True, but who knows, maybe we'll get lucky."

The two continued the search of the room. Calleigh sifted through bins of dirty towels and Eric pushed things around on the shelves, looking for anything suspicious.

"Calleigh!" He called after a while. She turned to see him holding a long white rope. The middle of it had a tiny bit of blood on it. "I think we've got our murder weapon." Eric said.

"Let's get back to the lab then."


Valera calmy waited for the DNA results while Natalia drummed her fingers on the table. "You know I can't make the machine go any faster," Valera said good-naturedly.

"Sorry," Natalia said, shoving her hands into her pockets.

As if on cue, a sheet of paper buzzed out of the DNA analysis machine. Valera picked it up. "It's XX—female. But not in the system." She handed Natalia the sheet.

"Great," Natalia pouted. "This doesn't take us anywhere."

"It just might." Horatio Caine had materialized in the doorway. "What color was the hair?"

"Dark brown."

"Mhmmm." Horatio muttered, as if he had known all along. "I think," He looked up, "I know who this hair belongs to. Thank you, mam."


The great Horatio Caine stood staring out the window of the interrogation room, letting the woman at the table get comfortable.

"Mrs. O'Mally." Horatio said.
"What is it now, Lieutenant? You know I have things to do—I'm a busy woman. And I'm still filing a complaint against your department," She through in for added effect.

"You murdered Madison Beller." It was not a question in the least. It was a rock solid statement.

She looked incredulous. "I haven't murdered anyone. I don't even know the person you're talking about!" She angrily spouted.

"Well then, how about you tell me how your hair ended up at the place of Ms. Beller's murder? Or perhaps you just like washing your designer clothes at cheap hotel laundry matts?" He raised his eyebrows at her—daring her to do anything but confess.

She opened and shut her mouth a few times, unsure of how to continue. She finally took a deep breath and answered him. "All right, I was there. I heard her argue with my husband. I saw him hit her. She threatened to go to the police. I couldn't let that happen! Not only would we lose the business, but my husband would have to pay a load of legal fees. We would be ruined."

Horatio had not sympathy. "So you killed her?"

She paused a moment, debating her answer. "No. We just argued. I followed her to the hotel, and waited until she was in a spot alone—the laundry matt. I confronted her and told her that she couldn't print the piece. But she wouldn't budge. I realized that I wasn't going to win her over and I left. I never even touched her."

Horatio looked at her with unbelieving eyes. "The evidence remains, Mrs. O'Mally. You DNA was the only we found at the crime scene, and the body was found at your husband's coffee shop."

"I didn't kill her."

Horatio smiled to himself. "Do you own a boat, mam?"

She seemed completely taken aback by the random question. "My husband does. Why?"

The lieutenant just nodded. "I thought so. Officers, take her."


As Horatio stepped out of the interrogation room, he saw Alexx coming to meet him. "Is that her?" Alexx asked. "The one that murdered that poor girl?"

Horatio looked at Charlene O'Mally who was now being led away down the hall by two officers. He then looked at the ground and frowned. "As far as we know, Alexx. But there's one more thing to clear up."

Alexx nodded and said nothing, realizing that her colleague did not want to talk about it. "Will they let Ryan out soon, then? The poor baby must be losing his mind in there."

"He's a strong kid, Alexx. He'll be okay."

She smiled. "I hope so. Let me know when this is all cleared up, okay?"

"Of course."


Ryan twiddled his thumbs. It was an old habit that he had left behind in high school. His obsessive-compulsive had left him with some strange quirks, but luckily the disorder had grown quieter as he got older. But now, sitting in a lonely cell, his anxiety was back and he found himself tapping, fidgeting, and twiddling all over again.

Still sitting on the floor, he rested his head on his knees. He suddenly realized that all the while that he had been sitting there he had been recalling the days he and Madison had shared. He knew that the only way to accept her death was to finish off those last memories he had of her.


Ryan could hear the band playing cheerfully outside. He thought of his parents who were sitting on the chairs of the school lawn, waiting for their son to take the stage and receive his scroll. He almost wanted to laugh. Thirteen years of gruesome work, spoiled friendships, and broken hearts and all he got was a rolled up sheet of paper and a clap on the back.

He didn't mean it really. He had looked forward to graduation. But he wasn't going out there without the one person who had been by his side the whole time—Madison. What use would it be? He thought. There'sno way I would have made it this far without her. Why go the final distance alone? But after searching nearly the entire campus, he realized that he would not go at all. The music had already started playing, and he could vaguely hear "Buscard, Walter" being called. Madison had already missed her call to honor.

He walked down the hallway of his high school one last time, giving up. She wasn't here. Thirteen years—she had survived her father's abuse, and death, her mother's depression, her short spurt with alcohol, and had even managed to repair the friendship that their night together had broken—but she wasn't here.

He was about to leave, when he heard it. Sobbing. It was coming from a nearby classroom, and Ryan both hoped and dreaded that it was her.

He turned the corner and saw his closest friend, sitting on a desk, sobbing into her hands. He walked over slowly, not wanting to startle her. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Maddy?"

She looked up and his heart broke to see her eyes puffy and her makeup ruined by tears. "Ryan." She said simply.

All was silent for a moment. She made no attempt to wipe her face of tears. She finally broke the quiet. "You'll miss your name if you don't get back there."

He looked at her and in a rare act of affection, tucked her hair behind her ear. "I don't care. I'll get my diploma later."

She shrugged. He sat on the desk across from her. He didn't say anything. He knew her too well. She would either tell him what was going on, or she wouldn't.

Another silence followed. Ryan was patient. When she spoke, her words were clearer than before. "It shouldn't be like this."

"What shouldn't be like what?" Ryan asked.

"This day—this life. It wasn't meant to be like this." He just let her talk.

"I….I did something bad, Ryan." Ryan's heart immediately started beating hard. Madison never admitted to mistakes, not ever. She was too prideful to do so. Admitting she had done something wrong meant that she had reallyscrewed up.

"Well you can tell me," was all he said.

She swallowed and tucked the rest of her hair behind her other ear. "I should have told you long ago. Before…but it's too late now." She paused and looked him straight in the eyes. "Ryan, promise me that even if we never speak again, you won't hate me. When two people share as much happiness together as we have, they should think of each other well in the end, don't you think? They should get through it all, right?"

Terror had now stricken his heart. Madison didn't like to be serious. She never talked like this. He didn't want hear another word, but he knew he couldn't live another day without knowing what could possibly make his friend say such things.

"There is nothing on this earth that could make me hate you, Madison."

She believed him. "You remember that night? Last year?"

He blushed. They had never once spoken of that night. Not trusting his voice, he nodded. "I was embarrassed at first, Ryan. We'd known each other so long….I didn't know how to even look at you at school. But then, things changed fast. I felt….I felt different." She stopped. He looked at, somehow not making the connection. She continued, "I…I was late, Ryan."

"For what?" The moment the words came out of his mouth he realized the answer. His brain suddenly seemed to slow to the point where he could only process one sentence at a time. "You….were pregnant? With a child? With our child?" The words came out as a whisper. His mind tilted and he felt the urge to vomit. But coming to a realization, he snapped his eyes directly on her. "You're not pregnant now." It was such an obvious statement, but he didn't even realize what the words were there until they tumbled out of his mouth.

She suddenly started talking and sobbing at top speed. "I was so scared, Ryan. My father was still alive then. What if he hurt me? Or the baby? Then I thought of running away but it seemed so impossible and what about you? I wanted to tell you—but you're such a good person, Ryan. You would do the right thing. I didn't want to lay that on you. What would your mother say? She's treated me like a daughter and she just adores you. She would be so disappointed. I couldn't do it….I just couldn't….." She broke down sobbing. She slid off the desk onto the floor, her emotions bordering hysterical.

Ryan stood, and put his hands on his face. He walked a couple paces away from her. He couldn't even process the information. She was pregnant…..his child….dead…..she kil—

Ryan had to grab a desk to stop himself from fainting. This was way too much. He had dealt with a good many things in his life, but this was way beyond him. He sat down and stared at the floor. How do you even begin to respond to news like this? He wondered. He was so lost in thought he barely noticed that Madison had stood and was walking towards the door. At the last minute he jumped up and grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going?!" He asked. His voice was just one of confusion.


"No." He wouldn't let her leave.

"I can't stay here, Ryan. I just….how could I stay here knowing what I've done?" She asked quietly. Her eyes were round as saucers, her mascara running down her cheeks.

"But what about me? What about us?" He asked.

She looked at him as if he was ripping her heart right out of her chest. Her words were slow. "We can't…" She paused and swallowed. "We've come so far together, but life parts here. Ryan, I love you. You know that. But every time I look at you…." She couldn't say another word. She didn't need to. He let go of her arm, and she walked away. She didn't look back.

Ryan let his arm drop to his side. He had no idea where life was going to take him—but in his heart of hearts he knew it would never lead him back to her.


Horatio was once again back in the interrogation room. He had to admit he had not expected this little twist in the plot. He opened the folder he was holding and pulled out a sheet, which he laid on the table in front of his suspect.

"Do you know what that is?" Horatio asked.

Shawn Belby leaned his greasy head over the sheet, and then leaned back. "Rope." He said shrugging.

"That's right." Horatio said. "Not just any rope, either. This particular rope was missing from the janitor's closet of the MarbleGate Hotel. The janitor's closet just happens to be in the room where Madison was murdered."

Shawn's knee instantly started bouncing out of nervousness. "So what?"

"So, my friend," Horatio answered, "You are very, very, guilty." Shawn opened his mouth for a moment, but then closed it without saying anything. Horatio continued. "You murdered Madison Beller."

"No…no I didn't."

"This would be a good time for the truth, Shawn."

"I only….I only touched her."

"No. You strangled her. The evidence does not lie." He placed a second sheet in front of Shawn. It was a DNA analysis sheet. The name Shawn Belby flashed up at the guilty boy's face. Horatio let it sink in a moment before explaining. "We found your DNA on both ends of the rope." He said, nodding at the evidence picture. "And we found Ms. Beller's blood in the middle. So. You killed her."

It was with these words that Shawn Belby realized he could not defend himself any longer. After pausing a moment he spoke in a low slow voice. "I thought she had come to Miami to see me. I had called her and asked her to come and see me. I told her I was working at Crosby's. She said she wouldn't. But then, there she was. After all these years—she finally realized that I was the right man for her. I watched her at the hotel. I could hear her talking to people sometimes. I heard the word "Crosby's." I thought…..I thought she was talking about me."

Horatio just looked down at him. There was a trace of pity there. The man in front of him was clearly ill. But it did not justify what he had done.

Shawn continued. "Then that night, I was going to make my move. I saw her gathering her clothes and I knew she was headed for the laundry matt. I went ahead so she would meet me there. But then I heard her talking to someone as she came in. I hid in the closet. I couldn't see—but I could hear. I recognized Charlene's voice. They were talking about Crosby's and how Madison had come to Miami to write the piece about it. I was….angry. She hadn't come for me after all. I just got so upset. I had waited so long for her, and then my dreams were shattered. When the woman left, I grabbed the rope…and…" He looked up at Horatio.

"So then you brought her to the coffee shop." Horatio nudged.

"She had been fighting with Charlene, so I figured if I left her at the coffee shop it would look like she had done it." His ugly eyes began to fill with water. "I didn't….didn't…..mean…It just happened!"

"Wrong is wrong, Mr. Belby. There are no reasons to justify it." Shawn hung his head in defeat. "Guards, take him." Two officers came and escorted him away. Horatio watched them until they were out of sight. Even though he put bad guys away, the injustice of someone losing their life in such a violent way never lessened any. It was one more burden added to Horatio Caine's already bleeding heart.


Ryan wasn't expecting it when the patrol officer came and unlocked the door to his cell. "You're free to go." The office said.

Ryan nodded his thanks and left the solitary prison. Tripp was waiting for him down the hall. "Hey there, soldier." Tripp greeted.

"Hi, Frank. Thanks for letting me out."

"Don't thank me," Frank drawled. "Thank that team of yours for finding the right culprit." Ryan nodded and turned to go.

"Hey," Frank called. "If you don't mind me asking, what were those other obligations you had, that you couldn't meet your friend?"

Ryan smiled sadly. "Truthfully, there were none. I just…didn't want to see her." Frank looked taken back by the words, but did not ask for elaboration.

"Well then I'll see you around, Wolfe."

"Of course."

Ryan walked on and was nearly to the door when he saw Alexx. She smiled that knowing smile of hers and put her hand on his shoulder as he approached. "You okay, baby?"

"Ya, I'm fine. I just need to go home and relax."

"You do that," She said caringly. "Take care of yourself, Ryan."

Ryan once again walked on, now dying just to curl up in his bed at home. But there was one more visitor. Outside the police station, Lieutenant Caine stood waiting, his hands on his hips. "Mr. Wolfe."

Ryan walked up to him slowly. "H."

"Are you okay?" Horatio asked.

There was silence a moment. "It's not that I don't miss her, Horatio. But things with her—it's like reading through a long book. You don't want it to end, but you're really glad to get to that final chapter and shut the book. You know?"

Horatio looked down through dark glasses at the young CSI. "But we always keep that book on our shelves, right Mr. Wolfe?"

Ryan didn't need to say anymore. Knowing that just one person understood was enough. "Bright and early, 'H'?"

"Bright and early, Mr. Wolfe."


A/N: So it's been a long journey, but like Ryan's book, it must come to an end. Thanks to those who chose to read my story! I really appreciate it.