Oh princess…
A world without end, what was he thinking! Where was his mind when he decided he had to save the world, from total destruction. Where were you!—eternal darkness, you say, well maybe that's a good excuse, but—where was I? I was waiting to be rescued; of course because I am princess, my knight in shinning armor has to come in rescue me. There's my answer, what do you mean—oh, shut up Riku! Who asked you anyways!
Why must the good die young? He was e v e r y t h i n g to us, my best friend your best friend. So why did he have to fall, where was the magic, where was the comeback. Where is my hero, in the casket, what was he doing there they screamed he has a world to save! Wait, what about the boy in this casket not the hero! Don't any of you give a damn!
Dream—this is only a dream, it can't be real. He'll be waking me up soon, laughing his laugh and grinning his grin, those ones I love so much.
Don't cry…
Riku he isn't waking up, why isn't he waking up! Make this bad dream end, please wake up, staring at him in the casket I know he isn't going to wake up. The news hits me like a ton of rocks and I cried. Once I started I couldn't stop, the memories spurring through my mind. I couldn't breathe, my head was spinning and the world was falling a part.
The world was falling down without it's hero to aid it, his princess sobbing uncontrollable at his casket. His best friend holding her, no words escaping his cold mouth, and the hero fading into nothing.
When he comes up behind us, I turn starring at him, tears running down my face. Riku—he's right there, I shout in disbelief, wait, then who is this?
He wasn't suppose to exist anyways.
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