
One must always remember that there is bound to be something wrong when you wake up in silence. That was how it was one night for a brown tabby, as she woke from her nest, a terrible aching sensation in the pit of her swollen belly.

"Daisy?" she grunted, looking around in the dark for the gentle kittypet. "Ferncloud? Millie?" silence. Where am I? The queen wondered. I thought I was in the nursery.

"Brook." A whisper echoed across the walls made of stone and-

Stone? Brook suddenly realized where she was and gasped. This must be the moonpool! There was a pool that shone below her paws, shining like diamond.

"Brook." The call came again, but this time louder and clearer. Brook spun around, hackles rising dangerously to confront an enemy. But what she saw made her stop dead in amazement.

"Feathertail?" she asked in a guttural accent. Feathertail's blue eyes glowed in response. "Why have you come to me in my dreams?"

"You must know that this isn't a punishment, Brook, my dearest friend." Feathertail soothed. The silver cat turned to leave but Brook cried out bluntly to explain. "When the time comes," Feathertail said softly, not turning around. "Look for Stormfur's blood, his love will answer the fate. Now wake, Brook. You're kits are coming tonight."

"My kits?" Brook suddenly felt the pain in her stomach heighten considerably. She awoke with a gasp, and felt soft moss beneath her belly. "My kits! They're coming!" she yowled.

Firestar woke from pleasant dreams at Brook's wail. He padded calmly out of his den and onto Highledge, where he saw Leafpool and his grandson, Jaypaw scurry to the nursery, herb in jaws. Millie, his best friend Graystripe's mate, had recently delivered three healthy kits: a gray tom with short, delicate fur, a tabby she-kit with a loud yowl, and a tabby tom with his mother's coat, but his father's eyes.

The Thunderclan leader prayed to his ancestors that Brook's kits would be just as fine. They had to be, with both Leafpool and Jaypaw to help them. As he was watching the heavens intently for any significant sign, a hobby he had obtained from his old friend Cinderpelt, when he thought he heard whispering.

He strained his ears, green eyes sparkling with curiosity, listening to the whispers of many cats.

Who does he think he is? Leader of the whole forest?

We should have kicked him out the first gathering.

His clan is pathetic!

Kittypet blood is turning this forest into mush.

Firestar ground his teeth, furious. The whispers were about him!

He closed his eyes, trying to sense where the traitors to him were. His mind flashed up to the heavens, an experience he had not yet had. He could scent a sweet smell, and knew that he had instinctively sought out Spottedleaf. No matter how many moons he had to repeat to himself that she was gone, he would never stop loving his precious tortoiseshell.

"I then curse her!" came a harsh voice. "Never to speak of the forest's fate!" Firestar jerked out of the connection. He knew that voice to be of Tigerstar, Firestar's all time enemy.

Firestar blinked, not daring to try and reach Spottedleaf again. He had a feeling that he was not to hear what he had, and to make sense of what he had heard would take much pondering and consideration.