
Rating: K+

Disclaimer:Trust me if I owned Avatar season three would have came out a long time ago.

A/N: This was written for metro.max's challenge to write a Tokka fanfic, I hope you like it, even if it is a bit sucky. Alrightly! About a year has past since the war ended so Toph is 13 while Sokka is 16. I love the idea of Sokka and Toph hanging out at the fire nation with poor Zuko and his chronically bored wife so – ta da! Fire nation they are in! Oh, and I had to use Artemis Rae's amazingly awesome idea of Toph's obsessionwith cake :) So yay I'm done now.

Summary: Sokka finds himself stressing about marriage, and Toph (who has started to become increasingly attractive) is not helping.

Life was becoming stressful for the now normally carefree Sokka, with his Gran Gran bothering him day in and out about marriage.

Oh Sokka, when are you finally going to get married?

Oh Sokka, when are you finally going to get me another granddaughter in-law?

Oh Sokka, that girl is very pretty, you should go and talk to her! Maybe she'll be 'the one'!

Oh Sokka, when are you finally going to get me some great grandchildren? I'm not going to live forever you know!

It was getting increasingly annoying to the point where he was toying with the idea of finally kicking her out of the Fire Lord's palace and sending her back home to the South Pole. It's not that he didn't enjoy Gran Gran company and didn't like the fact that she came all the way to visit Sokka and Toph – but he would go insane if he ever heard the word marriage again. It wasn't like he wasn't worrying about it himself enough!

He knew he was sixteen, which was the typical marrying age in the Water Tribe. He knew he has been sixteen for months now, and that in his home a boy of his age would have married long ago. Probably after the first month of turning sixteen.

It wasn't that he didn't want to get married. He just felt something holding him back from actually going out with a girl – or even talking to one for that matter. And honestly he didn't want to talk to those girls! Because they were nothing compared to the one holding him back – pretty forcefully too.

Toph, was her name. His little piece of earth that had been with him ever since the war ended and refused to leave his side – even when Katara and Aang left. She stayed. Like an unmovable rock, she would never leave his side. And he had to admit he liked that – a lot. And as much as he wanted to tell Toph that, he didn't, for the fear that she would laugh in his face and tell him flat out no.

He really couldn't handle that right now. Or ever for that matter.

So he continued to stay by her side hoping that she loved him back as much as he loved her, and continued daydreaming about her lips touching his or her confessing her undying love to him in a very unlike Toph-ish manner.

At least until he got the guts to tell her.

"Sokka." He could hear her voice from far away as her plump pink lips moved slowly in his dull mind as he rested his square chin on his fist.

"Sokka!" she called a bit more forcefully but Sokka only noticed how she placed her fists on her curvy hips in a Katara like manner leaning heavily on her left leg which was half covered by her normal earthbending attire with the small exception of the bright red fire nation sash resting at her waist.

"SOKKA!" Sokka felt a fist slam hard on his head causing his head to slip between his fist and land hard on the table.

"Ow..." He moaned rubbing his sore chin.

"Well maybe next time you'll pay attention when I'm talking to you, Snoozles." Toph chided curtly her dull green blind eyes slit like.

Sokka gave her a sheepish grin, "Sorry." He apologized but Toph only let out a soft, low growl from the back of her throat, wordlessly telling him he was not yet forgiven.

"Anyway," Toph continued coldly, "I was saying that your Grandmother needs to go. Now."

"What are you talking about?" Sokka puzzled, "She the one who's bugging me!"

"I know," Toph snarled sourly, "But she was talking to me about setting you up with some girl."

"And that bothers you... why?" Sokka wondered gesturing with his hands, for an answer.

"I just don't want you going out with some random girl, ok!" She retorted loudly, before slumping back in her chair, her expression considerably darker.

Sokka stared at her for a moment, "You know that bit of shouting was completely unnecessary there." He nagged, as he folded his arms.

Toph mumbled something he couldn't quite hear but he didn't question her about it.

"Well don't worry," Sokka assured her, "I'm not going out with some stupid girl just because Gran Gran wants me too."

"Good." Toph replied, but her near furious expression had not changed.

A silence fell between them for the first time in a while. It was painfully awkward.

"So…" Toph began casually, "When do you plan to get married?"

Sokka whined "Oh, please don't bring this up now!"

"Oh come on!" Toph snapped at him, "It's just a question! Get over it. Now seriously, when do you plan to – you know – get married." she said the edge of her voice strangely anxious, though Sokka did not notice.

Sokka shrugged, "I don't know," he sighed creating tiny circles on the wood of the table with his long, thin index finger, "Do you want to go down to the kitchen? I'm kind of hungry." He asked changing the subject abruptly, standing up and walking towards the door but Toph's tight grip caught his wrist and he was nearly knocked off his feet.

"You didn't answer the question." She growled.

Sokka tried to tug his wrist out of her hand with no avail, "I told you – I – don't – know!" He said slowly and loudly like she was a small child.

"I'm blind, Sokka, not deaf." Toph said coolly, "And for your information, I'm looking for an answer other then 'I don't know'."

Sokka gave up trying to claw his way out of her grasp and instead sighed letting his imprison arm hang limp, "I guess… I guess when I find the right girl." He said, sounding defeated, and averting his blue eyes from her blind ones, "Happy now?" he added his tone suddenly fierce.

"When you find the right girl." Toph replied blankly.

"Yes!" Sokka barked, "Now can we please go?!"

Toph ignored him though her hand slipped from his wrist before she crossed her arms across her chest, "Oh so I guess she's going to be some pretty, stupid, skinny... perfect girl! Right?!" she assumed clearly irritated.

"What?" Sokka asked confused, "No! Why would you-? I wouldn't-!" he stammered before shaking his head violently before taking a deep breath and lowering himself till his face was directly across from hers, which proved much more difficult then he had originally thought seeing how tall he had grown over the past years, "No," he assured her firmly, "I wouldn't marry a girl like that."

"Well that what kind of girl would you marry?" Toph inquired bitterly turning her face away from his.

"I don't know!" Sokka screeched jumping up, "Why are you asking me this!?"

"Because I want to know." Toph replied her voice was low and dangerous.

"What because you think I'm going to - leave you or something like that?!" Sokka shouted, "Cause you know I'm getting pretty close to leaving you right now!" Sokka added threateningly.

"Yes!" Toph shouted jumping to her feet tilting her head upwards but only managing to focus her eyes on the chin of the water tribe boy, "Happy now?! Now you know I don't want you to leave me for some stupid girl!" She huffed crossing her arms yet again.

Sokka let her words sink in slowly his face softening as they did, "Toph," he began slowly, gently, "I wouldn't let some girl come between us."

"How do you know that!" Toph yelled at him fidgeting her arms, "You could just fall in love get married and move away and then what would happen to me! I'd be left all alone while Sugar Queen and Twinkle Toes are off playing hero! I'll be stuck here with no one!" she screamed her voice going up at least three octaves as she spoke.

"Toph I wouldn't do that-!" Sokka began his voice growing louder.

"Yeah right." Toph said sarcasm dripping from her words.

"I'm serious!"

"Stop kidding yourself." Toph scoffed as she began to walk away.

Sokka clenched his fist, "Toph!" he said and abruptly grabbed her shoulder swinging the surprised and wide-eyed earthbender around suddenly, "I wouldn't do that because I-I love you!" He confessed.

Toph stood there stock still as her once beating heart stopped suddenly in astonishment, "You…" She began in utter amazement as her heart started up again, beating twice as fast as normally and breath began to quicken sharply, "Love…? W-why didn't you tell me!" She screamed her voice getting higher as she spoke.

Sokka swallowed, "Because," he began turning his face away from her misty eyes, "I-I was afraid… that you wouldn't feel the same way."

He could feel her blind eyes boring into his cheek and he hesitantly turned back to find her unseeing eyes trying (and failing) to look incredulously at him and before Sokka could even react Toph raised her hand and slapped him across the face.

Sokka clutched his cheek, "What the hell was that-?!"

"You idiot!" She screeched grabbing the front of his shirt roughly, nearly knocking the poor warrior off his feet, "I do love you! I've loved you since the minuet you opened your stupid big fat mouth of yours!"

Sokka blinked, "Really?" he squeaked in disbelief.

"Yes!" Toph choked her voice exasperated, "Now are you going to kiss me or what, you stupid, clueless idiot!"

Sokka let out a relived smiled, grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her.

"I love you." He said with a grin.

"Yeah, you better." Toph smirked with narrow eyes causing Sokka to let out a laugh.

He found her lips again as she pulled him closer to him.

"Toph?" Sokka asked her pulling away.

"Mmhmm?" She hummed in response kissing him again.

"Will you marry me?" he said against her lips.

Toph's eyes opened wide, "What?" She asked suddenly alarmed.

"Wwwiilll - yyyooouu-"

"I heard you, you big prat!" Toph said hitting her fist against his chest and causing Sokka winced slightly, "Sokka, I'm only thirteen." Toph reminded him.

"I know," Sokka said his voice a bit anxious, "But when you do turn sixteen – will you marry me?"

"I don't know…" She worried falsely as she tapped her chin with her forefinger, a small pout forming at her lips.

"There'll be cake at the wedding." He reminded her in a sing song voice.

"Done!" Toph said immediately and Sokka kissed her again, much longer this time though, "But it better be chocolate."

A/N: Oh my god! SO MUCH CHEESE! Haha, but this was so much fun to write it was so incredibly worth it in the end :D Oh and I've been reading way to much Harry Potter but come on, prat is like - the most awesomest word next to Snog hee hee SNOG! As I'm editing this now I'm realizing how I could continue this so, if there is anyone who wants be to continue just tell me in the review! Hope you liked this and I hope this helped with that annoying AWS metro.max:D Byebye for now peeps!