A/N: Wow, people really enjoy these. Thanks to everyone who reviewed Hogwarts Chatroom/ Madam Puddifoot's Chatroom. It turned a oneshot into a threeshot but please don't expect another one soon- I enjoy writing these, and I promise if/when I come up with another one it will be published on here, so keep your eyes out, but don't hold your breath :)

Chatroom Chaos

WeasleyIsMyKing has logged on.

LadyRed has logged on.

LunaLovegood has logged on.

LunaLovegood: Hello, Ginny. Hello, Hermione.

WeasleyIsMyKing: Hey, Luna. How are you?

LunaLovegood: Not so good. People were making fun of my butterbeer-cork necklace. I tried to tell them that it was a family heirloom, and that the butterbeer corks were from the butterbeers that my parents drank at their wedding, but no one would listen.

LadyRed: Oh, how mean! Just ignore them, Luna. You're worth twelve of any of them.

LunaLovegood: I sometimes get the impression that people think I'm a bit strange.

WeasleyIsMyKing: No kidding.

LunaLovegood: I meant to tell you, Ginny, I really like what you've done to your school skirt.

LadyRed: Thanks.

LunaLovegood: I loved the Gryffindor lions you embroidered around the hem.

LadyRed: Thanks, Luna :) I've only done it to one so far, it took me ages to figure out, the spell's impossible, but I'd gladly do you some eagles if you wanted.

LunaLovegood: That would be lovely!

LadyRed: Don't mention it.

LunaLovegood: Well, I must dash; I want to see whether my dad sent me the latest issue of the Quibbler yet. I'll talk to you two later!

LunaLovegood has logged off.

WeasleyIsMyKing: OH. MY. GOD.

LadyRed: What?

WeasleyIsMyKing: I only just realised.

LadyRed: What?!

WeasleyIsMyKing: You were wearing a cute little skirt with Gryffindor Lions embroidered round the hem yesterday, weren't you?

LadyRed: Yeah... Oh.

WeasleyIsMyKing: And I know that Harry didn't leave his room, because Ron said he was talking in his sleep again.

LadyRed: Yeah. Um...

WeasleyIsMyKing: OH MY GOD!!

LadyRed: Hermione! Stop it! This is a public chat room!

WeasleyIsMyKing: I don't BELIEVE this, Ginny!! Harry's one thing, but MALFOY? You don't even love him!

LadyRed: Sex without love is an empty experience, but as far as empty experiences go, it's DEFINITELY one of the best.

SlytherinPrince has logged on.

SlytherinPrince: Hey, gorgeous.

WeasleyIsMyKing: Hey, sexy.

SlytherinPrince: I wasn't talking to you.

WeasleyIsMyKing: I know. What, don't they joke down in that precious dungeon of yours?

LadyRed: If you were talking to her, Draco, you'd be missing a vital organ by now.

SlytherinPrince: Get your mind out the gutter, Gin. You're blocking my view.

LadyRed: ;)

WeasleyIsMyKing: Err, excuse me, STILL HERE. Still Harry's best friend, too.

LadyRed: She's right, Draco. Jesus paid for our sins, now let's go get our money's worth.

LadyRed has logged off.

SlytherinPrince has logged off.

GryffindorCptn has logged on.

GryffindorCptn: WAIT, WAIT, DON'T LOG OFF!

WeasleyIsMyKing: I wasn't going to.

GryffindorCptn: Sorry, Hermione. I just feel lately like people are avoiding me.

WeasleyIsMyKing: Really? Erm, why would you feel like that?

GryffindorCptn: I don't know. I feel like Ginny is acting weird around me.

WeasleyIsMyKing: No kidding... what's wrong with you two?

GryffindorCptn: I don't know. I just feel so guilty. Ever since us- you know- I've felt so guilty. I mean, I'm expecting her to wait for me, but that's just assholeish.

WeasleyIsMyKing: What?

GryffindorCptn: Well, is it really reasonable of me to dump her, and then expect her not to go out with someone else?

WeasleyIsMyKing: Well-

GryffindorCptn: She's been so wonderful, and so faithful, and she deserves better than a non-existent boyfriend who won't commit because of something as trivial as-

WeasleyIsMyKing: Battling for the future of the wizarding world?

GryffindorCptn: A fear of getting her hurt.

WeasleyIsMyKing: You're right, Harry. I don't want to seem mean, but if you two are meant to be, she'll come back to you.

GryffindorCptn: So should I tell her that I don't mind if she sees someone else?

WeasleyIsMyKing: Yes. Yes, I think you should.

GryffindorCptn: Yeah, you're right. Ginny deserves to enjoy herself. I'll tell her now.

WeasleyIsMyKing: WAIT! NO! WAIT!

GryffindorCptn has logged off.

WeasleyIsMyKing: Oh, BUGGER!!!

WeasleyIsMyKing has logged off.


LadyRed has logged on.

WeasleyIsMyKinghas logged on.

SlytherinPrince has logged on.

LadyRed: Well, at least everything's out in the open now, eh?

WeasleyIsMyKing: Do you think Harry'll be okay?

LadyRed: He'll be fine once he's got over the shock. I have to say, the look on his face was priceless- must be the second funniest thing I've ever seen.

SlytherinPrince: Second funniest?

LadyRed: Well, there was this time, in my third year, when a Death Eater masquerading as a teacher turned this guy into a ferret-

SlytherinPrince: Shut up.

LadyRed: -and bounced him all over the place-

SlytherinPrince: Shut up!

LadyRed: -oh, hang on, THAT WAS YOU!

SlytherinPrince: You aggravating little bitch.

LadyRed: Happy to please ;)

PurebloodPrincess has logged on.

WeasleyIsMyKing: Seriously, has anyone seen Harry?

PurebloodPrincess: Potter? I saw him wandering towards the Room of Requirement looking like the Dark Lord had just proposed.

SlytherinPrince: What?

PurebloodPrincess: SHOCKED, you klutz.

WeasleyIsMyKing: How shocked? Suicidal shock?

PurebloodPrincess: No, more along the lines of four-crates-of-Firewhiskey shock.

SlytherinPrince: Hang on, Pans, what were you doing in the Room of Requirement?

LadyRed: What Draco means is who were you doing in the Room of Requirement?

PurebloodPrincess: You know, I could grow to like this girl.

SlytherinPrince: Seriously?

PurebloodPrincess: What? She's got attitude! She should totally be in Slytherin.

LadyRed: EW.

PurebloodPrincess: Hey, have YOU got mini bars in your dormitories?

WeasleyIsMyKing: You've got mini bars in your dormitories?

SlytherinPrince: Salazar Slytherin was a confirmed alcoholic. It's a house tradition.

WeasleyIsMyKing: Blonds really do have more fun, don't they?

LadyRed: Seriously, Parkinson, who were you with?

PurebloodPrincess: You won't tell?

LadyRed: On my honour.

PurebloodPrincess: You're a Gryf; I'll take your word for it. Erm, your ex.

LadyRed: Michael?

PurebloodPrincess: No, Dean.

SlytherinPrince: The whacko who chucked coffee over me just because I was on a date with Gin?

PurebloodPrincess: That's the one. He's hot.

LadyRed: I knew there was a reason he didn't try and sit next to me at breakfast! I so owe you one.

PurebloodPrincess: Don't mention it. In fact, Ginny, in light of today's events, I feel I, as Draco's ex-girlfriend, must congratulate you.

WeasleyIsMyKing: For being the first Gryffindor to sleep with him?

PurebloodPrincess: No, for being the first person to seduce him so successfully that he doesn't mind sharing her with someone else.

LadyRed: Thanks, I think.

WeasleyIsMyKing: S-L-U-T.

LadyRed: Call me all you want, Hermione; you're just jealous I have someone to hang out with when Harry and Ron are off talking about Quidditch.

WeasleyIsMyKing: It burns. It burns.

PurebloodPrincess: Lol. See you later, Draco. I expect a blow-by-blow of today's events.

SlytherinPrince: You know it.

PurebloodPrincess has logged off.

PrankstaGeorge has logged on.

CrazyFred has logged on.

PrankstaGeorge: Ginny, oh, Ginny, oh what have you done?

CrazyFred: You've killed our poor mother, you think it's good fun!

LadyRed: Huh?!

PrankstaGeorge: Mum received an owl from Ron this morning.

CrazyFred: She's in shock.

PrankstaGeorge: She's bedridden!

CrazyFred: Congratulations, Ginny!

LadyRed: You don't mind?

CrazyFred: I think Ron is over-protective enough for one family.

PrankstaGeorge: Ginny, seriously, if mum reacts this way every time you sneak off to Madam Puddifoot's with a Slytherin, you can sleep with You-Know-Who and have my sincere blessing.

CrazyFred: See ya, sis.

CrazyFred has logged off.

PrankstaGeorge has logged off.

LadyRed: Whoa.

WeasleyIsMyKing: I doubt they'd be so accommodating if they knew about your most recent exploits...

GryffindorCptn has logged on.

GryffindorCptn: Ginny... how could you?

LadyRed: HOW COULD I? Hermione told me that you said I could see other people. You know what that sounds like? The end of a relationship, even one that was on a break. I was heartbroken!

WeasleyIsMyKing has sent a private message to LadyRed: You little liar!

LadyRed has sent a private message to WeasleyIsMyKing: Jeez, lighten up; it's only a teeny white lie.

GryffindorCptn: You were that hurt when I split up with you?

LadyRed: OF COURSE! I was MISERABLE! So when Draco, who beneath the bad-boy exterior is-

SlytherinPrince: Great in bed?

LadyRed: - A caring guy, said he sincerely liked me-

GryffindorCptn: You want him instead of me?

LadyRed: Now, when did I say that?

GryffindorCptn: MALFOY!

SlytherinPrince: How may I be of service?

GryffindorCptn: You git! You stole my girlfriend!

LadyRed: OI! YOU were the one that dumped ME! So you can damn well get over it!

SlytherinPrince: Having seen her in action, I have to ask, Potter, what were you thinking?!

GryffindorCptn: SHUT THE HELL UP, MALFOY! I did it for her own good!

SlytherinPrince: I'm smirking right now, just so you know.

GryffindorCptn: You won't be smirking so hard when I get your fancy-ass Nimbus 2001 and shove it up-

WeasleyIsMyKing: HARRY! This is a public chatroom!

GryffindorCptn: I don't give a-

WeasleyIsMyKing: HARRY!

PurebloodPrincess has logged on.

PurebloodPrincess: What's happenin'?

SlytherinPrince: Potter's gone mental.

WeasleyIsMyKing: It seems that Ginny is rather good at inspiring insanity in her exes.

GryffindorCptn: She's not my ex!

LadyRed: You hypocrite!

GryffindorCptn: What? Ginny, I'm crazy about you! I always have been!

LadyRed: "Ginny, we can't keep doing this. We can't be together"

LadyRed: You know what that sounds like to me? A BREAK UP!

GryffindorCptn: You don't want to be with me anymore?

LadyRed: I didn't say that.

GryffindorCptn: You'll split up with... him?

LadyRed: I didn't say that either. You know, mortal enemies have the hottest-


LadyRed: I'll persuade you eventually ;)

PurebloodPrincess: You go for it! And tell me all about it!

LadyRed: Girls just wanna have fun!

WeasleyIsMyKing: With the two hottest boys in school?

LadyRed: Damn straight.

GryffindorCptn: I can't believe we're having this conversation.

WeasleyIsMyKing: It's your own stupid fault, Harry; I told you you're too noble for your own good.

PurebloodPrincess: I've said it for years about you lot.

GryffindorCptn: I'd rather be noble than evil.

SlytherinPrince: We're not evil.

PurebloodPrincess: We're morally challenged.

SlytherinPrince: And oh so hot.

PurebloodPrincess: You know it!

LadyRed: You know there was always something I meant to ask you two. There's a rumour I've heard about a certain "Rite of Initiation" when a Slytherin starts officially dating someone-

PurebloodPrincess: Oh, it's true.

SlytherinPrince: Very true.

LadyRed: You seriously chain them up in the dungeons and then-?

SlytherinPrince: Yup.

GryffindorCptn: I just don't understand any of this.

WeasleyIsMyKing: It's quite simple, really, Harry, the girl gets the boy, chains him to the-

GryffindorCptn: I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT THAT! But thanks, Hermione, now I have that in my head as well.

SlytherinPrince: Just wait until I tell you what we do when it's a Gryffindor.

GryffindorCptn: AAAAAAAAAARGH!

SlytherinPrince: I'm still smirking. In fact, my face is beginning to hurt.

GryffindorCptn: Right. Let's take this outside, Malfoy.

SlytherinPrince: Oh, bless him. The little boy wants to fight for his maiden's honour.

GryffindorCptn: It's obvious you're just too wimpy to fight me.

SlytherinPrince: I broke your nose once, Potter, I can do it again. And this time there's no Death-Eater-In-Disguise to defend you.

LadyRed: Look, I really don't want you dismembering each other.

PurebloodPrincess: Yeah, especially as I'd be the one who'd have to council Draco over the loss of his-

WeasleyIsMyKing: How are we going to sort this out?

LadyRed: I think it's obvious.

SlytherinPrince: We're listening.

LadyRed: You're just going to have to learn how to share, aren't you?

LadyRed has logged off.

SlytherinPrince: I'm going to have to give Ginny her initiation.

SlytherinPrince has logged off.

GryffindorCptn: I almost wish people were still ignoring me.

GryffindorCptn has logged off.

WeasleyIsMyKing: This is going to be an interesting year.

PurebloodPrincess: I'll say!

WeasleyIsMyKing has logged off.

PurebloodPrincess has logged off.


A/N: This is OOC, but I wanted Ginny to have the best of both worlds ;) Lucky girl, eh?! Does everyone like the sound of that Slytherin initiation? ;) - Riddle x