I Loved Her First

As a whole, Luke Danes hated society parties. The people were rich, uptight and completely fake. Wearing a tie just wasn't his style and talking numbers with a bunch of accountants just made the evening drag on longer. But, he had known that by marrying Lorelai, it was a package deal. Lorelai came with not only her daughter, but her overbearing parents and the Gilmore's brought on these drab parties.

The only bright side to these parties was Rory. Since coming back from Barrack Obama's campaign, the youngest Gilmore had settled in Providence writing political pieces for the Journal. The job kept her busy and it was hard to come to Connecticut and the Hollow as frequently as she would have liked, but she always showed up at these parties. If she would miss one, Emily would probably have her head.

Ignoring the droning voice of one of Richard's co-workers, Luke looked around for a glimpse of his step-daughter, who might as well have been his real daughter. He caught a flash of her chocolate colored curls and realized she was on the dance floor, wrapped securely in the arms of her boyfriend, the first which Luke openly approved of.

He'd been subjected to the horror stories of 'Bible Boy' back in Rory's Chilton days and remember Rory's relief when said tormentor was sent off to military school. So he had been surprised when she had brought the now adult 'Bible Boy' home when the campaign had ended. Instead of annoyance in her eyes, Luke recognized the love in them. It was the same in his when he looked at Lorelai.

Look at the two of you dancing that way

Lost in the moment and each other's face

So much in love you're alone in this place

Like there's nobody else in the world

Tristan Dugrey seemed grown up enough now. He know not only tolerated the ways of the Gilmore Girls, but accepted and joined in, all in a way that Dean, Jess and Logan had never been capable of. If he was ever jealous, he never showed it. He encouraged Rory to pursue anything she wanted, not standing in her way. There were no ultimatums issued and he never ran from her when things got tough. And when Rory got scared, he didn't let her run from him. It was enough for Luke, who had been the only constant male figure in her life.

I was enough for her not long ago

I was her number one she told me so

And she still means the world to me just so you know

So be careful when you hold my girl

Luke could remember every tear Rory had shed over that beanstalk Dean, who had been unworthy of her from day one. Luke had felt guilty when Jess had broken her heart multiple times. Yes, Jess was his nephew and he loved him, but Rory was practically his daughter. And Logan, well it had been rough at first, but he'd been better for Rory than his predecessors. Yet, Logan still wasn't good enough, and he had been relieved when the blonde socialite had walked away. He hated that he hurt Rory, but he wasn't enough for her.

Tristan was a socialite too, but by name only. Military school made Tristan different from Logan in almost every way. Tristan didn't allow his father to have any control over his life. Instead of Princeton and Law School, Tristan had chosen Brown and architecture. Tristan didn't spend his time drinking and going off on reckless adventures with dimwitted friends. He read literature, went to concerts, traveled with Rory. Even Jess liked him and that was saying something.

Time changes everything

Life must go on

And I'm not gonna stand in your way

Tristan brought a light in Rory that Luke had never seen. He took the time to not only spoil her, but still give her room to spread her wings and fly. He understood that her family was the most important thing to her. He was the first to get along with the Gilmores, Lorelai, Christopher and himself. The Gilmores hadn't approved of Dean or Jess. Lorelai hadn't liked Jess or Logan very much. They all liked Tristan.

It warmed Luke's heart that Rory was with someone who made her so happy. It made him even happier that Lorelai was completely at ease with Rory and Tristan together. Their daughter was safe with him.

I loved her first, I held her first

And a place in my heart will always be hers

From the first breath she breathed

When she first smiled at me

I knew the love of a father runs deep

And I prayed that she'd find you someday

But it's still hard to give her away

I loved her first

"Luke?" Lorelai seemed to appear by his side. Noticing his distracted state, she followed his gaze to where her daughter was dancing with Tristan.

They certainly made an attractive couple. Rory looked elegant and sexy in her little black cocktail dress, but more so, she looked blissfully happy being held close by her handsome and charming boyfriend. Tristan looked just as in love as Rory was as he kissed her forehead.

"Pretty picture." Lorelai slipped her hand into her husband's.

"He's the one." Luke said matter-of-factly.

"What?" Lorelai's eyes widened as she looked up at Luke questioningly.

How could that beautiful woman with you

Be the same freckle face kid that I knew

The one that I read all those fairytales too

And tucked into bed all those nights

And I knew the first time I saw you with her

It was only a matter of time

"He's the one." Luke repeated, finally tearing his eyes away from the couple to smile wistfully down at his wife. "He's going to propose at some point and they're going to get married, have kids and have a happily ever after."

"How do you know?" Lorelai couldn't help but agree internally, but that's because she was so in touch with her daughter. "Logan proposed."

"But she said no. Logan tried to hold her back; Tristan propels her forward and helps her stay on the path when she really needs it. He loves her, more than anything in the world." Luke squeezed her hand. "He looks at her the way I look at you. I wouldn't want anything less for her."

I loved her first, I held her first

And a place in my heart will always be hers

From the first breath she breathed

When she first smiled at me

I knew the love of a father runs deep

And I prayed that she find you someday

But it's still hard to give her away

I loved her first

At that moment, Tristan dipped her dramatically, causing Rory to laugh, her cheeks flushed with pleasure. There were sentimental smiles and looks of envy from those around them, but they only had eyes for each other. The love between the two was vibrant and never fading.

"No, me either." Lorelai rested her head against his shoulder. "When he asks, I'll give him my full blessing."

"He'll have mine too." Luke nodded his agreement. "She's going to change the world, and he's going to be right behind her, encouraging and loving her every step of the way. He knows he's holding something amazing."

From the first breath she breathed

When she first smiled at me

I knew the love of a father runs deep

Someday you might know what I'm going through

When a miracle smiles up at you

I loved her first

Tristan cradled Rory against him, taking the moment to close his eyes and breathe her in. He knew exactly what he had and he knew he wasn't ever going to lose it. He was never jealous because there was no reason to be. It was obvious Rory loved him. He never tried to hold her back, he pushed her forward, even when she didn't want to, so he never let her run away either. He made that mistake once and she had ended up back with Dean. Now he was holding on tight enough to keep her, but not enough to smother her.

His eyes connected with Luke's when they opened and a look of understanding passed between the two men. Luke's smile turned into a grin as he held Lorelai closer.

"Oh yeah, he knows."

I loved her first.